1. To verify student data follow the given navigation.

MenuStudent Admissions  Application MaintenanceMaintain Applications.

Enter Criteria (Program, Term, Plan etc).Verify students’ name, Roll No, registration no and students total count.

2. To Add new applications follow the given navigation.

MenuStudent Admissions  Application Entry  Add applications

Enter student ID (Registration No) and Academic career (UGRD, GRAD or PGRD) then add student Biological Details (Name, Date of Birth, phone no etc) and Application program Data (Program, Plan, Sub plan, Campus and Admit term) and save it. In this way you can add all students in system one by one.

3. To Matriculate student data follow the given navigation.

MenuStudent Admissions  Application Maintenance Maintain Applications.

Enter Criteria (Program, Term, Plan etc). Open existing student, goto Application program data field add a new row in program data and lookup matriculate in program action field and click on create program button then the entire page will become read only. By performing this step ,the applicant will become the student in the system.

A. To term activates the student’s, just followthe given navigation.

Menu Records and Enrollment  Term Processing  Term Activation  Term Activation Batch Process.

Click on add a new value and add a name of this process in Run Control ID Field. Give particular term in Action term field, give Admit term in admit term field and also add program and plan information. Then go to section 2(on 2nd page) and lookup matriculate in program action field. Save it and Run this process on PSUNX server.

B. To schedule new course follow the given navigation.

Menu  Curriculum management  Schedule of Classes  Schedule of New course.

Enter particular term and search all courses. Open each course one by one. On Basic data lookup Regular on session field and enter A, B or C according to class sections in class Section field. If your students count is more than 30 then go to Enrollment Control and Extend Requested room Capacity and Enrollment Capacity by adding values in these fields. System Default size is 30. After that save it system can assign a Class Number to this course you need to note it on paper.

4. To Enroll students follow the give setups.

A. Batch Students Block.

In this process we create a group of all that Students.

Menu  Records and Enrollment  Block Enrollment  Batch Student Block.

Click on add a new value; Enter a name for that process in Run Control Id Field. Enter all criteria, save this process and Run it on PSUNX server.

B. Create Class Block.

In this process we create a group of all that courses which schedule in particular term.

Menu  Records and Enrollment  Block Enrollment Create Class Block.

Click on Add a new value and enter a name for that process Class Enrollment Block Field. Enter particular term, Enter Class Number then add new row and add all courses one by one in this group.

5. To Block Merge follow the given navigation.

Menu  Records and Enrollment  Block Enrollment Block Enroll Merge

Click on Add a New Value. Enter name of students Group in Student block field and enter the name of Courses Group in Class Block field and click on merge. Then select pending on Detail status drop down menu and Click on Submit Button. After processing select Success and click on Retrieve button.

6. To Enter Grades follow the given navigation.

Menu  Curriculum Management  Grading  Grade Roster.

Enter Active term, Subject area and catalog No. and search course then select Final Grades on Grade Roster Type field and Click on create button grade roster will be created In Grade roster. Enter all grades, verify it again and save. Click on Grade Roster Type and Select approved from Approval Status field and click on Post Button.

7. To Verify transcripts follow the given navigating.

Menu  Reporting tool XML Publisher  Query Report Viewer

Enter “S” to search semester Transcript. Click on View report, Enter Criteria (program, plan, sub plan, term etc) and click on ok. This will display you semester transcript in PDF format. You can also display semester transcript in HTML, Excel and RTF format.

If year of admission (Admit term) is fall 2004.Following is the term setup for all the semesters with admit term fall 2004.

2004 Fall Admit term 0044

Note: If year of admission (admit term) is spring 2004 then active term for Semester Iwill be 0041.