June 3rd 2013
Tamaki Makaurau Māori Artists’ Forum
June 29th – 30th10.00am-5.00pm
Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Unitec Institute of Technology
Tēna Koe,
Auckland Council would like to invite you to Te Whakaminenga Toi, Tamaki Makaurau Māori Artists’ Forum.
Kaupapa: Vision
This Forum is both a celebration of Māori arts in Tamaki Makaurau and an opportunity to share skills and build capacity for the Maori creative arts economy.
This gathering will bring together Maori artists, local government, experts in economic and business development for Maori, innovators, entrepreneurs and iwi leaders. The outcome of this Forum will lay the foundations for the Maori creative arts economy into the future.
Rautaki: Objectives
This forum will specifically address and develop strategies to achieve the following aspirations, and articulate potential pathways forward:
- Realising the economic potential of Toi Maori within the Tamaki Makaurau region
- Building the ‘big picture’, collaboration, cooperation and capacity
- Tino Rangatiratanga: Putting the ‘self’ into self-determination for Maori creative arts
- Whakawhanaungatanga: Networking
Athough the forum is over 2 days this is not a noho marae and spaces are limited so please RSVP asap. Auckland Council is sponsoring this event and so there will be no costs to participants.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries.
Nga mihi
Organiser:Kelly King
Maori Arts Community Advisor
Ph: 021 805 693
Email: / Presenter:
Dr. Ella Henry
Te Ara Poutama, AUT
Ph: 021 455 120
June 29-30 10.00am – 5.00pm
Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae, Unitec Institute of Technology
Saturday / Name(s) / Topics10:00 / Robert Newson, Auckland Council / Pōwhiri\Whakatau
10:30 / Kapu Tii
11:00 / Lyonel Grant: / Korero on Whakairo within Marae
11:30 / Naida Glavish, Ngāti Whātua
David Taipari, Ngāti Marutuahu(tbc) / Iwi & Māori Arts
12:00 / Garry Nicolas
Toi Maori / Maori Artist organisations and relevance for Auckland based artists.
12:30 / Q & A
1:00 / Lunch
1:45 / Henare Johnson, Product Development Manager (Maori) - ATEED (AucklandTourism, Events and Economic Development Ltd),
Carole Ann Meehan, Public Art Manager, / Auckland Council & Māori Arts
2:30 / Jacob Scott
3:15 / Kapu Tii
3:30 / Charles Royal / Nga Pae o Te Maramatanga and “Makaurau Sessions”
4:15 / Strategy Session
5:00 / Close for the Day
Sunday / Name(s) / Topics
10am / Ceilhe Sperath and Heta Hudson / Business Development
10:30 / Blain Te Rito
Leisha Conrad / Artists Talks
11:15 / Kapu Tii
11:45 / Leah Poto
Vicky Thomas – Manager Kura Gallery / Arts Support
12:30 / Q & A
1:00 / Lunch
1:45 / Laurent & Shirley
Lisa Reihana / Artists and Innovators
3:00 / Kapu Tii
3:15 / Linda Robinson, Ochre Business / IP & Branding
4:00 / Closing Plenary: Strategies for the Future
4:45 / Close/ Poroporoaki