Send before January 27 to

PLEASE CONSIDER: the information you will provide, together with your linkedin and company profile, will help your mentor to evaluate and choose his/her mentee.

2-min. video presentation is not compulsory,but will help your mentor to get to know you.

Show your motivation in the program!

1. General information of the mentee (directly involved in the mentoring)

Name ______

Family Name ______




2. Your CV

Please, attach your CV, only if NO Linkedin profile is available

3. General information of the company


Founded in year ______

Number of Employees ______

Turnover 2015 ______

Website ______

4. Company Presentation

Please, attach a company presentation in English, highlighting the organization structure, product or service, industry in which you operate, market - national and/or foreign, main clients.

5. Your motivations to participate to the Mentoring and your expectations







6. In which foreign markets would you prefer to be supported by your Mentor?



7. Is there any specific company future plan to go international, which you would like your Mentor to focus on (e.g.: understand how to enter the Brazilian market or set up a production plant; open a subsidiary in the US, improve your approach to prime contractor in the aviation business; better understand where the big digital players are looking at in the near future in technology development; understand how to set up a distribution/dealers network in China; how to make a business plan or investors pitch)










It would be a pleasure for us if you present yourself and your company with a home-made video presentation (in English or Italian), to your future mentor a better insight into your personal background as well as your company.

We suggest a max 2 min.home-made video presentation to be effective. Send us the file of the video.

Suggested storyboard:

Tell yourName and Surname

What is your current position and company

What does your company do?

Are you already working internationally and what are your near-future plans for your company?

What do you expect to receive from a Mentor and her/his advice

Thanks for your application to become a Mentee!

We will get in touch with you for any further information and for the next steps of the program.

Informativa e consenso ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/2003 (Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali)

Il /La sottoscritto/a ______nel trasmettere i propri dati alla Camera di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura di Torino - Via Carlo Alberto, 16 - 10123 Torino (titolare del trattamento dei dati), acconsente al loro trattamento da parte delle stesse e all’utilizzo degli stessi per l’organizzazione dell’iniziativa denominata “Mentoring for International Growth” Program.

Le informazioni fornite potranno essere condivise con i Partner di progetto (Regione Piemonte, Gruppi Giovani Imprenditori Unione Industriale e API Torino, CNA, I3P, 2I3T, Ceipiemonte, TOWL) e i Mentor di Meet@Torino.

In particolare, in caso di accettazione da parte degli Organizzatori della candidatura, si acconsente al successivo utilizzo e pubblicazione della foto (linkedin), e delle key experience professionali (qualifica e azienda dove si lavora) sul sito camerale e alla diffusione tramite i canali social legati a Meet@Torino (Linkedin e slideshare).

La presente scheda ed eventuale video annesso saranno unicamente resi disponibili su una pagina nascosta del sito camerale e via mail ai partner e candidati mentor.

Il/La sottoscritto/a dichiara, inoltre, che all’atto del conferimento dei dati è stato debitamente informato per quanto previsto all’art. 13 del D.Lgs. 196/2003, ivi compresi i diritti che, in relazione al trattamento cui acconsente, gli derivano ai sensi dell’art. 7 del suddetto decreto.

Data ______Firma ______