Internship II
Mentor Teacher Seminar
Fall 2013
August 28, 2013
Mashburn 103
Crystal Voegele, Coordinator of Middle/Secondary Field Experience
Department of Teaching and Learning
501-450-5540 (office) or 501-454-0995 (cell)
Welcome to a semester of collaboration and mentoring! The teacher education program at UCA has undergone tremendous change in a short period of time, but thanks to dedicated supervisors and mentors like you, we have made great strides in implementing our new programs. The contributions you provide are enormously valuable for helping our teacher candidates bridge theory and practice in this incredible significant capstone experience. It takes all of us working together to achieve the goal of true collaboration among the university, the public schools, the teacher candidates, and the larger community.
As you prepare for the upcoming semester, you should read the syllabus and the assignment overviews included in this handbook so you will know the expectations of the interns assigned to you. Please also consult the internship calendar provided at the beginning of the term for important dates. You should also read the Teacher Performance Outcomes Assessment (TPOA), which is the basis for all evaluations of the candidate. You will play an important role in helping interns complete their work and move forward in the profession.
The UCA teacher education program is based on the Pathwise Observation System adopted by the state and currently being used in its teacher mentoring program. In the past, those supervising and mentoring UCA’s teacher candidates should have had Pathwise training before or during the semester they worked with our interns. Pathwise is being phased out by the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) and is being replaced with the Arkansas Induction Mentoring Model (AAIM) which will begin in the fall of 2014. This new mentoring model will remain firmly rooted in Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching on which Pathwise is based. If a mentor has ever been Pathwise trained, there is no need to attend any training to be a mentor. If a mentor has never been Pathwise trained, we need those mentors to attend a UCA New Mentor Teacher Training. Information about this training and other workshops pertinent to the Internship II experience will be sent to supervisors and mentor teachers before the start of the semester. While these workshops will provide more thorough information about the Internship II process, a brief list of specific responsibilities might be helpful.
The university supervisor should:
· be Pathwise trained and knowledgeable of the Pathwise Observation Model.
· become familiar with our programs and disseminate this information to public school colleagues, university departments, and the community.
· attend the opening session for university supervisors.
· as schedules permit, attend meetings required of interns.
· be a presence in cooperating schools (provide information, professional assistance in keeping with particular experience and expertise, support for school and university initiatives).
· play an active role in informing the COE of opportunities for effective collaboration with public schools.
· document any and all special circumstances that bear upon candidates’ performance (unexplained absences, repeated tardiness, unprofessional conduct of any sort).
· begin the placement with a courtesy visit to the school and mentor teacher.
· complete at least four formal observations of the intern.
· collaborate with the mentor teacher in completing the required mid-term and final evaluations of interns and collecting these evaluations to submit to Candidate Services
· complete formative and summative assessments of interns in Chalk and Wire and check with Candidate Services about deficiencies
The mentor teacher should:
· introduce the intern to and include him or her in the school culture.
· provide support for the intern in completing assignments and requirements.
· allow the intern opportunities to plan, teach, and reflect on teaching.
· conduct both informal and formal observations of the intern and provide appropriate feedback
· work with the university supervisor to determine appropriate goals/plans for intern’s continued development.
· complete all paperwork, including mid-term and final evaluations, in consultation with the university supervisor.
· communicate frequently and candidly with the university supervisor about the intern’s performance.
The forms to be completed by the mentor teacher are listed below. Some of these forms will be mailed to you for completion; some will be given to you by the intern or university supervisor; others may be downloaded and returned to Candidate Services, either by mail or by the intern when s/he returns to campus at the end of the placement.
Invoice for Honorarium, W-9 Form, Mentor Information Form: These forms will be mailed to you from the Office of Candidate Services and Field Experience. Please return them promptly so our records can be updated.
Teacher Candidate Evaluation (Mid-Term and Final Evaluations): You will complete the Mid-Term and Final Evaluations in consultation with the university supervisor. The Mid-Term will be done in hard copy only (university supervisor will supply the form), while the final is recorded electronically in Chalk and Wire. The Mid-Term and Final Evaluations should be shared with the intern.
Mentor Teacher’s Evaluation of the University Supervisor: Complete this form (included in the appendix) and return to Candidate Services, either by mail or by the intern when s/he returns to campus at the end of the placement.
Mentor Teacher’s Letter of Reference of the Teacher Candidate: At the end of the semester, mentor teachers have the option of completing the form included in the Appendix on page 21 to send to The Office of Candidate Services and Field Experience OR completing this electronically. An email will be sent from UCA to each mentor teacher with the online version during the semester. Mentors should save it on their computer or print it for future reference, if needed. If you do not wish to recommend the candidate, omit this form. However, be aware that not returning it will be viewed as a negative recommendation.
The only paper forms to be completed by the university supervisor are the Formative Observation Form (Domains B and C only) for each observed lesson (unless forms uploaded in C&W) and the Teacher Candidate Mid-Term Evaluation (TPOA). Everything else is completed through assessment in Chalk and Wire or through online surveys. At the appropriate time, you will be sent an e-mail with a link to surveys completed online.
Exact dates for the returning of forms will be provided on the calendar you will receive early in the placement. The calendar is also accessible through the Internship II link on the College of Education website. In addition to attending all scheduled days in the assigned school and all school and community events where their mentor teacher is expected to be, interns are responsible for a variety of assignments, which they upload and submit for online assessment to a program called Chalk and Wire.
If you would like to see the system the students are using, you may find it at We have created an open access student account so that university supervisors and mentors may access exactly what the interns see in their Chalk and Wire Internship II portfolios. To logon, supply the username coe and the password ucacoe. There are additional Chalk and Wire tips for assessors on the Internship II website.
If you have questions or concerns at any time about any of the requirements or about your work with the intern assigned to you, please contact Crystal Voegele, Middle/Secondary Field Placement, 501-450-5540, . Thank you again for your willingness to work with UCA’s Teacher Education Program to ensure the finest professionals for the future of our schools.
Internship II Handbook (revised July 2013), pg. 10
Internship II Assignments
Unless otherwise noted, all assignments completed for the Internship must be uploaded and submitted for assessment through Chalk and Wire. A sample of a completed Internship II portfolio is available via the Internship II website. The hyperlinks in this document lead to the full description and rubrics of the assignments on the College of Education Website. Short assignments with single criterion rubrics are included in this section of the handbook. All assignment instructions and rubrics are also linked in Chalk and Wire, along with additional resource documents. To access rubrics in Chalk and Wire, click the chain link icon on the appropriate assignment page in the portfolio. The final pages of this handbook include an assignment checklist and weekly schedule. Your supervisor may modify the weekly submission schedule; however, these documents may prove useful as you complete the semester. [NOTE: The links here are for assignments and forms used in the Internship. Some program areas have modified or additional instructions. Be certain to clarify with your university supervisor whether or not there are unique assignments for your program area].
Attendance Documentation—The professional nature of the internship demands professional behavior in all matters, including punctuality and responsible attendance. Candidates will be expected to attend all scheduled days in the public schools. If an absence cannot be avoided, candidates will be responsible for appropriate accommodations with university and public school professionals. All absences during Internship II must be documented by completing the absence form for each absence and submitting it to the Coordinator of Internship II in the Office of Candidate Services and Field Experience, as well as to the University Supervisor. Additionally, the mentor teacher and school must be notified. Failure to report absences may result in removal from Internship II. Attendance is assessed in the final Internship II portfolio rubric.
Philosophy of Education—Interns are required to write their educational philosophy as a reflective decision-maker. When you applied for Internship II, you included as part of your personal narrative a brief statement about your educational philosophy. Elaborate on this as you reflect on the experiences you encountered in the classroom. At a minimum, you should include what you believe about the roles of teachers and students, the purpose(s) of the curriculum, effective teaching methods, and the importance of your subject area. As appropriate, weave in examples from your Internship II experience to illustrate your statements. Write your educational philosophy directly in the text box which appears when you follow the text link. Submit your philosophy for assessment to your university supervisor. The date for submission of this assignment can be negotiated between the intern and the university supervisor. This assignment is scored on a single criterion using the following scale: Unsatisfactory (1): Candidate does not clearly articulate his/her beliefs about (1) the roles of teachers and students, (2) the purpose(s) of the curriculum, (3) the best methods of teaching, OR (4) the importance of his/her subject area. Basic (2): Candidate provides adequate description of his/her beliefs about (1) the roles of teachers and students, (2) the purpose(s) of the curriculum, (3) the best methods of teaching, AND (4) the importance of his/her subject area. Proficient (3): Candidate illustrates with specific examples his/her beliefs about (1) the roles of teachers and students, (2) the purpose(s) of the curriculum, (3) the best methods of teaching, AND (4) the importance of his/her subject area.
Teacher Candidate Information Form—By the end of the first week candidates should submit their completed Teacher Candidate Information Form for assessment to both their University Supervisor and Sue Farris. A copy should be printed and given to their mentor teacher and the principal or principal’s designee. This assignment is scored on a single criterion using the following scale: Unsatisfactory (1): Candidate did not submit completed Teacher Candidate Information Form by deadline. Basic (2): N/A Proficient (3): Candidate submitted completed Teacher Candidate Information Form by deadline.
Supervisor Observed Lessons—University supervisors will do a formal observation of the interns’ teaching four times throughout the experience. Two days prior to the scheduled visit, interns are required to submit for assessment to their University Supervisor the class profile and lesson plan. For these observed lessons, interns are required to use the UCA Lesson Plan template, which is modeled after the state evaluation system. Within 24 hours of the observed lesson, interns are required to submit for assessment to their University Supervisor their reflection of the lesson. There is a template for the lesson reflection as well. These formal observations will be augmented with informal evaluations and conferences, and assessed with the Lesson Scoring Rubric.
Videotaped Lesson and Reflection—This lesson serves a dual purpose as the 3rd lesson observed by the university supervisor and an opportunity for interns to gain experience using the Pathwise observation format in preparation for the state teacher evaluation. Candidates will videotape the lesson and view it, recording evidence in Domains B and C on the Formative Observation Form. If the internship occurs in a school that requires parental permission before videotaping of class sessions can occur, interns should use the Videotaped Consent Form to acquire such permission before the Videotaped Lesson. After the lesson, interns should complete the UCA Lesson Scoring Rubric to evaluate the lesson. Additionally, interns should print copies of the Lesson Scoring Rubric and the Formative Observation form for the mentor teacher and ask him/her to do a formal evaluation of the lesson. Interns should use the evidence recorded in their Formative Observation and the lesson evaluation from their mentor to complete the Lesson Reflection. The interns’ Self-Scored Lesson Plan Rubric and Formative Observation form should be submitted for assessment to their University Supervisors at the same time as the Lesson Reflection. This assignment is scored on a with two criterion using the following scale: Unsatisfactory (1): Candidate did not submit a Formative Observation Form from his/her videotaped lesson by the required deadline, or the evidence cited in form was insufficient. Basic (2): Candidate submitted on time a Formative Observation Form that was generally complete with sufficient evidence cited. Proficient (3): Candidate submitted on time a Formative Observation Form that contained thorough evidence. Unsatisfactory (1): Candidate did not submit his/her Self-Scored Lesson Rubric on time, or scores were not assigned for each criterion. Basic (2): Candidate submitted his/her Self-Scored Lesson Rubric on time with scores assigned for each criterion, though s/he did not seem to interpret the criterion correctly in selecting scores. Proficient (3): Candidate submitted his/her Self-Scored Lesson Rubric on time with assigned scores that reflect accurate interpretation of each criterion in relation to the videotaped lesson.