Mentor Teacher Responsibilities: Fall 2016

Mentor Teacher Responsibilities: Five Year M.Ed. Secondary and PreK-12

Part-Time Placement: Fall Semester 2016

Formal Responsibilities

  1. Complete Mid-Placement Formal Evaluation: Due by 10/16/16.
  2. Review three Self-Assessments with the Intern (e.g., Mid-Placement, Video and Final Evaluation).
  3. Complete Final Formal Evaluation: Due by 11/4/16.
  4. Complete the Professional Competencies Evaluation by 11/4/16.

You will be submitting evaluations through the COE website under Clinical/University Supervisor.


If your intern is in the secondary program, they will be with you and your students both semesters.

If your intern is in the preK-12 program, they will be switching teachers and school levels in the spring. They will be spending time during the Teacher Work Days, the first week of school, during the semester and at the end with this spring MT getting an understanding of the students, pacing and research opportunities in the full-time internship in the spring.


While you will not be submitting observation notes like the University Supervisor, we do ask that you observe the intern and provide constructive feedback throughout the placement. Please find time to sit down with the intern and make time for this.

You will use these observations and interactions with the intern to create Mid-Placement and Final Evaluations. Note: We don’t expect interns to start with Proficient Ratings. Proficient ratings indicate the level of competency of an effective, experienced teacher. We expect most interns will begin the fall experience at the Developing stage on most indicators, and then demonstrate growth toward Developing/Proficient on most indicators by the end of the part time internship. We do not expect interns to be Proficient until the end of their spring full time internship.

Weekly Tasks

  • Help the intern with their weekly goals. Be constructive and supportive. Make sure they are achievable.
  • Check that all submitted lesson plans are complete and received by you no later than Thursday evening. You and the supervisor may change the due date, if appropriate.
  • Provide feedback on plans as needed/ requested by US and/ or intern. (Always provide feedback before scheduled observation) and CC all communication to US.
  • Make sure your intern is logging their hours.
  • Follow the schedule provided.

Intern Requirements

  1. Arrive a few minutes early at your assigned school and maintain the same contract hours as required of your Mentor Teacher (MT).
  2. If you are ill and cannot attend school, you must call your MT first and then call your University Supervisor (US). You must make arrangements to get your lesson plans to school if you cannot be there. Do not expect your MT to plan when you are not there if it is your responsibility.
  3. Attend all staff meetings and in-service sessions on the days that you are in school. Attend "back to school" nights and parent conferences. (Please be sure that your MT has given his/her permission to attend these meetings). If your school has a teacher workday on one of those days, check with your teacher to see if s/he would like you to be there.
  4. Interns are required to report on Friday, November 4th to a Mandatory Professional Development Day to learn about AEDs/First Aid and CPR, listening to a panel comprised of Human Resource Directors discussion the hiring process and participating in mock interviews.
  5. When you begin co-teaching full time with your MT, you should start writing out full lesson plans (please check with both your MT and US as to the appropriate format) and have them approved by the MT well in advance of the lessons. All plans for the next school week should be emailed to your MT and US no later than the previous Thursday for review. (Your MT and US may change this day).
  6. Maintain a weekly electronic time sheet of your hours and activities in the school. This time sheet will be submitted to the CoE at the end of the fall semester. You will also submit a time sheet for your full time internship for your licensure file at the end of the spring semester.
  7. Submit goals each week to your US and MT. Consult with your MT and US on your goals. Write tasks to help achieve goals and record the progress you have made. Make your goals and evidence specific; connect goals to the standards in your Internship Evaluations.
  8. Maintain a physical or electronic binder for the MT and US. This binder should contain (a) the tentative schedule for the your increased involvement in the classroom, (b) the daily class schedule, (c) lesson plans both for the lesson to be taught as well as ones that have been taught, (d) a chart of requirements and dates completed, (e) your time sheet, (f) your goal sheets, and (g) any questions you may want to ask of the MT or US. It is useful to maintain all files in an electronic format as well, this will enable you to easily view, edit, and send documents between all parties. If your US prefers to have a hard copy of your lesson plans available for scheduled observations, please make sure to provide them. Your MT and US may add more requirements to your binder.
  9. Meet with MT often to maintain open communication so that this can be a successful learning experience for all involved.
  10. If you miss due to inclement weather you will need to make up that time. Check with your MT to arrange this.
  11. Interns are not permitted to have “personal days.” They are expected to be in their placement during all scheduled times.


Please attempt to follow the schedule provided below. We understand that there are differences in pacing across classrooms and schools. There is flexibility in the dates during the month in schools but all tasks/evaluations must be completed by the end of the placement.

Week 1 (Work Week) August 29– September 2

Meet with Intern and University Supervisor, set up first observation. Still spend at least five hours with you during this week.

Let your intern know how he/she can help you arrange the classrooms, put up bulletin boards, organize materials for the first week, etc.

Provide the intern dates of faculty meetings, conference nights, and other required events outside of the contract day.

Show your intern materials in the classrooms as well as other resources in the school including technology equipment such as interactive white boards, Elmos, iPads, etc…

Introduce your intern to other teachers and school personnel

Discuss how your intern can be involved in class activities.

If you think it is appropriate, allow your intern to write a brief letter to the parents/guardians of the students. Approve the letter before it is sent home. Make sure US has approved as well.

Advise your intern on what unit(s) he/she may want to plan and when to teach in October.

Help your intern learn the class schedule and class routines and class rules

Help the intern locate curriculum guides (district, school, grade level)

Set up methods for regular communication with your intern

Show the intern the sketch plans in your plan book and other more extensive plans you may have.

Decide on how will you give your Intern feedback

Help the intern set goals for the week.

Discuss potential topics that your intern can teach for their mini unit in Weeks 6-7.

Intern, US and MT: Meet to discuss expectations and procedures for the fall part-time internship.

Week 2 (First Week of School) September 6-9(No UMW classes this week)

Your intern may wish to spend more than the required 15 hours during this week to see how you begin the school year. This is up to you. Interns do not report to UMW classes this week.

Provide access to class schedules, class routines, and class rules

All intern to conduct duties with you

Aid the intern in assuming some of the procedural activities/daily routines

Provide access to classroom materials -- guides, books, other resources

Discuss potential topics that your intern can teach for their mini unit in Weeks 6-7.

Weeks 3 – 5 September 3 – October 2(Only UMW Classes)

Interns will not be in school for these three weeks. They will only report to UMW courses.

Interns will be working on a mini unit to teach in the first two weeks of their October placement. Please be available electronically to review pacing, content, pedagogy, etc.

Please provide any classroom materials -- guides, books, other resources needed for the October placement

Week 6 (1st Full Week in Schools) October 3 – October 7

Intern will try to teach the mini unit for the Impact Study between Week 6 and 7.

Support Intern teaching mini unit for Impact Study this Week or in Week 7.

Review the Intern’s lesson plans each week. Make suggestions when necessary.

Review the Intern’s goals each week. Make suggestions for goals to work on.

Allow your Intern to assume responsibility for planning and teaching one block.

Allow the Intern to assist you with most daily routines.

Let the Intern "spot teach" from your plans and/or plans you have developed with the intern, work with small groups of students, and assist individual students.

Give the Intern oral and written feedback (CC’ed to the US) on their plans and teaching.

Introduce your intern to school personnel they may not have already met.

Help your Intern gather instructional materials and suggest ideas for lessons.

Permit the Intern to assist you in all of the responsibilities of a classroom teacher

Help your Intern become involved in grade-level team planning, if applicable.

Encourage your Intern to save items for his/her e-portfolio.

Week 7 (2nd Full Week in Schools) October 10 – October 14

Intern will try to teach the mini unit for the Impact Study between Week 6 and 7.

Support Intern teaching mini unit for Impact Study this Week.

Review the Intern’s lesson plans each week. Make suggestions when necessary.

Review the Intern’s goals each week. Make suggestions for goals to work on.

Allow your Intern to assume responsibility for planning and teaching as much as possible.

Allow the Intern to assist you with the daily routines.

Give the Intern oral and written feedback (CC’ed to the US) on their plans and teaching.

Help your Intern gather instructional materials and suggest ideas for lessons and units.

Permit the Intern to assist you in all of the responsibilities of a classroom teacher

Help your Intern become involved in grade-level team planning, if applicable.

Encourage your Intern to save items for his/her portfolio.

Intern: Complete the first Self-Assessment.

MT: Complete the Mid-Placement Evaluation.

US: Complete one Informal Observation and the Mid-Placement Evaluation

All:MT and Interns should discuss Mid-placement Evaluation by 10/14. The Intern will set Goals based on MT & US Mid-Placement Evaluations. Interns should share Self-Assessment and Goals with their US & MT.

Week 8 (3rdFull Week in Schools) October 17 - October 21

Try to co-plan and teach as much as possible. Complete a video-recorded lesson this week.

Assist the Intern in video recording a lesson.

Permit the Intern to continue to maintain daily routines.

Permit the Intern to assist you in all of the responsibilities of a classroom teacher.

Help your Intern gather instructional materials and suggest ideas for lessons and units. Balance the amount of materials you provide and those he/she finds.

Review the Intern’s lesson plans each week. Make suggestions when necessary.

Review the Intern’s goals each week. Make suggestions for goals to work on.

Encourage your Intern to save items for his/her portfolio.

Intern: Video record one lesson and reflect on the review of the video recording and complete the second Self-Assessment (for video recording online). US will also observe this lesson either in person or via video recording. If you need to share the video, using a thumb drive is a good option. DO NOT put the video online where the public can view it.

US:Complete second Informal Observation Form for the video lesson.

All: Discuss video Self-Assessment.

Week 9 (4th and Last Full Week in Schools) October 22 - October 28

Try to co-plan and teach as much as possible. Help intern reflect on what you need to work on for the full-time internship in the spring semester.

Permit the Intern to continue to maintain daily routines.

Permit the Intern to assist you in all of the responsibilities of a classroom teacher.

Help your Intern gather instructional materials and suggest ideas for lessons and units. Balance the amount of materials you provide and those he/she finds.

Review the Intern’s lesson plans each week. Make suggestions when necessary.

Review the Intern’s goals each week. Make suggestions for goals to work on.

Prepare students for their temporary departure

Help Intern reflect on their experiences & make note of specific steps they will take to prepare for January.

Discuss intern’sspring semester research project. Set up dates for implementation.

Encourage your Intern to save items for his/her portfolio.

Arrange for your intern to observe other teachers, especially those at different grade levels, those with different styles of teaching, and those whom you recommend for their expertise.

Intern: Complete the third Self-Assessment.

MT: Complete the Final-Placement Evaluation

US: Complete the thirdInformal Observation and the Final-Placement Evaluation by November 4th, 2016.

All:MT, US and Intern should plan a time for a final conference to discuss progress and identify areas that need improvement as recorded on the Final Evaluation by November 4th, 2016..The Intern will share his/her third and final Self-Assessment at that time. Interns should work with MT and US to formulate goals for next semester.Complete the Professional Competencies Evaluation by 11/4/16

Weeks 10 - 15 (UMW Classes Fulltime)October 31 – End of Semester

Interns will spend the rest of the semester completing UMW courses and will be corresponding with you about the spring (if they are in the secondary program), their research projects, etc.

Thank you for all that you do.


Dr. Venitta McCall at

Professor and Director of Clinical Experiences and Partnerships