(To be completed by protégé with mentor support during initial mentor/protégé contact.)
The following survey questions are intended to establish a baseline for discussion and the development of actions plans in an effective mentoring program. These are not intended to be all encompassing, nor are they intended to limit the discussion between mentor and protégé. The information will also be used for NAESP data collection on the principalship and the future services we provide. Thank you.
1.Prior to becoming a principal, what position(s) did you hold? Please check all that apply.
___Classroom or Subject Teacher___Specialist
___Assistant Principal
___Other, Please Specify ______
2.How many years of teaching experience did you have prior to becoming an administrator?
___1-2___6-8___15 or more
3. Who had the GREATEST influence on you in your decision to become a principal?
___Fellow Teacher___Former Administrator
___Active Administrator___Spouse/Relative
___College Professor
___Other, Please Specify______
4. What is your gender (for research purposes)?
5. What is your age (opt. /for research purposes)?
___25-30___36-40___Over 50
Please check all of the following topics that you would like to explore.
6.Standard One: Lead schools in a way that places student and adult learning at the center.
Stay informed of the continually changing context for teaching and learning.
Embody learner-centered leadership.
Capitalize on the leadership skills of others.
Align operations to support student, adult and school learning needs.
Advocate for efforts to ensure that policies are aligned to effective teaching and learning.
Other, Please Specify ______
7.Standard Two: Set high expectations and standards for the academic, social, emotional and physical development of all students.
Build a consensus on a vision that reflects the core of the school community.
Value and use diversity to enhance the learning of the entire school community.
Broaden the framework for child development beyond academics.
Develop a learning culture that is adaptive, collaborative, innovative and supportive.
Other, Please Specify ______
8. Standard Three: Demand content and instruction that ensure student achievement of agreed-upon standards.
Ensure alignment of curriculum with district and school goals, standards, assessments and resources.
Invest in a technology-rich culture that connects learning to the global society.
Hire, retain and support high-quality teachers.
Ensure rigorous, relevant and appropriate instruction for all students.
Other, Please Specify______
9. Standard Four: Create a culture of continuous learning for adults tied to student learning and other school goals.
Invest in comprehensive professional development for all adults to support student learning.
Align the school wide professional development plan with school and learning goals.
Encourage adults to broaden networks to bring new knowledge and resources to learning environments.
Provide time, structures and opportunities for adults to plan, work, reflect and celebrate together to improve practice.
Other, Please Specify ______
10. Standard Five: Manage data and knowledge to inform decisions and measure progress of student, adult and school performance.
Make performance data a primary driver for school improvement.
Measure student, adult and school performance using a variety of data.
Build the capacity of adults and students to use knowledge effectively to make decisions.
Benchmark high-achieving schools with comparable demographics.
Make results transparent to the entire school community.
Other, Please Specify ______
11. Standard Six: Actively engage the community to create shared responsibility for student performance and development.
Engage parents, families and the community to build relationships that support improved performance.
Serve as civic leaders who regularly engage with numerous stakeholders to support students, families and schools in more effective ways.
Shape partnerships to ensure multiple learning opportunities for students, in and out of school.
Market the school’s distinctive learning environment and results to inform parents’ choices of options that best fit their children’s needs.
Advocate for high-quality education for every student.
Other, Please Specify ______
- What challenges do you anticipate during your first year in this new position? Explain.
Protégé’s name:
Are you a member of NAESP? Yes No
NAESP 8.1.10