Dive into a CoralReef!
Coral reefsare home to many ocean animals. They are busy underwater places. Coral reefs are found near the surface of some oceans[PEA1].
A coral reef is home sweet home to many creatures. It is a safe place to live and a great place to findfood[PEA2].
Green SeaTurtles
Green sea turtles can weigh more than 300pounds and grow to about 3 feet long. They can live for a long time—up to 100years!
Most green sea turtles eatplants[PEA3].
Clown fish have trouble hiding becausethey are so bright. To stay safe, clown fishlive
near poisonous1 sea animals. Those animals look likeplants[PEA4]i.
Dugongs are plant-eating sea animals. They live near some coral reefs. Dugongs have whiskers and round faces. They are sometimes called seacows[PEA5].
Moray eels are ocean fish that have long, slim, snakelike bodies. They hide in tiny holes throughout coral reefs. Moray eels eat small fish and octopuses.[PEA6]
Hammerhead sharks have wide, flat heads. They grow to more than 10 feet long. Hammerheads have triangle-shaped teeth with sharp bumps for chewingfood[PEA7].
1 poisonous: containing poison--a substance that by its chemical action can kill or injure a livingthing
Regal angelfish live near safe caves of coral reefs. They are brightly striped fish. Angelfish usually swim in pairs. They eat sea sponges or tiny coral reefanimals[PEA8].
Coral reefs are formed by tiny ocean animals called polyps (PAH-lips). When polyps die, their shells are left behind. More polyps grow on top of the shells. In time, the reef gets bigger. Corals come in many shapes, colors, andsizes[PEA9].
- BrainCoral
- Fan-ShapedCoral
- Lettuce-ShapedCoral
Think AboutIt!
Why might it be important to protect coralreefs?
[PEA1]Keep it nice and clean
[PEA2]The coral reef is home sweet home to them.
[PEA3]Green sea turtles weigh is 300 pounds.
[PEA4]It is hard for clown fish to hide because they are so bright.
[PEA5]Dugong are plant eat sea animals.
[PEA6]Moray eel are long slim snakelike bodies.
[PEA7]Hammerhead shark have very sharp teeth and chew food.
[PEA8]Angelfish usually swim in pairs.
[PEA9]Coral reefs are formed by tiny ocean animals called polyps.