It is the belief of the Monroe City R-1 Professional Development Committee (PDC) to have an active mentoring program. This mentoring program will aid the mentor teacher in providing assistance and guidance to the mentee teacher. The mentor will facilitate the professional growth and development of the mentee. The mentor will assist the mentee in becoming familiar to the school climate, policy and procedures. This program will supply the mentee with the support and encouragement necessary to survive the new teacher experience with a positive end result.


Give moral support

Keep quality teachers in the classroom

Guide the curriculum instruction

Help develop teaching skills

Help new teachers understand the history, customs and culture of the school in which they work

Help chart a course for long-term professional development

Meet state mandates within the mentoring program


Offers support to and monitors effectiveness of the mentor/mentee relationship

Provides time for mentor/mentee observations

Available to the new teacher

Supportive of the mentoring program

In cooperation with the PDC, makes appointment of mentors to all first and second year teachers

Appointment of “buddy” teachers for experienced teachers who are new to the system or are transferring to a new position within the district

Meets with coordinator quarterly to discuss progress of all mentor/mentee partnerships


Five years teaching experience with permanent status within the district(when possible)

Well versed in district policy

Exemplary teaching ability-effective in subject matter, communication skills and uses a wide range of teaching strategies

Committed to the concept of lifelong learning and professional development

Interested in guiding a new teacher

Participate in district and/or other mentor training workshop


Attend New Teacher Orientation during lunch and 30 minutes after to discuss Mentor responsibilities and expectations.

First contact to be made with new teacher before school begins. At this time establish regular meeting times with the mentee.

Mentor will allow mentee to observe within the teaching situation once in the first quarter. Mentor will observe mentee within the teaching situation in the second quarter.

Availability to the mentee to provide support and encouragement

Professional relationship with the mentee

Maintain confidentiality when dealing with the mentee

Inform mentee of district policies, procedures and building rules as necessary

Meet with mentee regularly and document time spent with mentee

Document activities accomplished with the mentee

Provide information about special service programs within the district

Attend all book studies with Mentee for support and discussion(unless approved by Principal)


Initiates meetings with mentor

Engage in two-way professional dialogue

Recognizes the need to seek support and assistance when necessary

Seeks ideas from colleagues and accepts advice

Attends and documents in-service as required

Engages in reflective activities with the mentor

Completes the necessary paperwork in a timely fashion and distributes copies to the appropriate school personnel

Attend all book studies with Mentor(unless approved by Principal)

These thing are required by the State in order to update your certification from Initial Certification to Career Certification:

  • Complete 4 years of teaching experience
  • Participate in a 2 year Mentoring Program
  • Complete 30 Contact Hours of Professional Development
  • Participate in Beginning Teacher Assistance Program
  • Successfully participate in District PBTE


Each mentor/mentee pair is required to do one scheduled observation for each of the first three quarters. These observations need to be set up through your building principal. Discussion of the observation will need to be done on the pairs own time.


If you are an assigned mentor you will receive a stipend of $500 for the 1st year and a $250 stipend for the 2nd year. We believe that as a mentor you have a very important job to help the mentees first few years of teaching be a successful and enjoyable one. All forms must be turned in by April 15th to the Mentor/Mentee chairperson in order to receive your payment. If you have any questions, please be sure to ask!


The PDC committee wishes to make this program a success! One way to assure this success is close monitoring. The PDC Mentor/Mentee Coordinator will meet periodically throughout the school year. At the end of 1st Quarter the Mentor/Mentee needs to set up a time to meet with the Mentor/Mentee Coordinator to turn in 1st Quarter Log Sheets and to discuss how things are going thus far. 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter logs can be turned into the Mentor/Mentee Coordinators mailbox prior to the end of each quarter. Items that will be discussed at this meeting are when to meet next, how the mentoring process is going , concerns, questions, etc. If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact the coordinator before meeting time.

Also, a book study/discussion will be held for 1st year teachers and their mentors. This is a requirement for both the mentor and mentee to attend.


Revised 6/2012