JULY 2017 TAI BRIEF - Issue 34


Together, we are all taking the lead...

As you know, NACDD has been busy working to protect the funding and the structure of the Councils on Developmental Disabilities. Working together as a national network of programs, along with strong support from our sister programs, we have made great progress so far. The House Committee on Appropriations has included us in their spending bill for FY 2018 with funding at the same level as last year ($73 million) and included strong language opposing the creation of a new program that would partner the DD Councils with the State Independent Living Councils (SILCs) and the State Traumatic Brain Injury grant programs rather than with our partners of 47 years, the UCEDDs and the P&As. his is great news and we hope for similar news in the Senate when they mark-up their appropriation bill in September.

Meanwhile, NACDD is weighing in with the Administration for Community Living (ACL) as they consider what a new program could look like. Many have asked why we must speak to the possibility of a new program when we really only want to remain as we currently are. The answer is rather simple - we must. Congress and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have asked ACL to put a proposal together just to see what it "could" look like in the future. This gives NACDD and the 56 Councils on DD a great opportunity to educate about how our DD Councils work, and to share what we would absolutely need to have in place if any changes occur in the future.

The NACDD Board of Directors and NACDD staff are working hard to submit just the right language to make the difference. Together we are all taking the lead to protect our DD Councils!

ACL has asked for public input via email and listening sessions are currently being scheduled (email went out to DD Councils on 7/27/17). ACL has asked that all comments be sent in by August 11. You may choose to answer one or more of the questions they posed in their email to DD Councils or you may simply share your thoughts. Talk it over at your Council - Council Executive Directors have received suggested language to share with ACL. But first and foremost, tell ACL that if a new program is to be created, it will take time and must be done right! Share your stories about how the DD Council has helped you, helped others, and created change and improved systems in your state or territory. Most of all, keep leading the way with the good work you are doing. To provide input to ACL please send it to .

Thanks for all you do!



On behalf of the NACDD/ITACC staff, a special thank you to all of the guest speakers, ACL/AOD and AIDD staff, DD Council leaders, facilitators and participants of this year's Technical Assistance Institute. The Utah Council were gracious hosts and a lot of useful information was shared throughout the week.

Most content from the TAI has been placed on the itacchelp.org [

website for your convenience. See the ITACC webstie Updates block below for the direct links. Follow-up content from the NACDD Annual conference will be posted to the nacdd website in the near future. Stay tuned.

We have limited extra copies! If you would like a hard copy/ies of the TAI Program Book ~ Reporting, Advocacy and Diversity (RAD) with general session content and other resources, please contact Jessica Misilo at r call the NACDD office at 202.506.5813.




Understanding Advocacy through the DD Council Lens Informational Webinar: August 9th at 3:00PM ET, Register Here [

NACDD/ITACC/CPR ~ Home & Community Based Services Settings Rule Implementation Update document, July 2017 [


2017 TAI PROGRAM BOOK (Reporting, Advocacy and Diversity(Large file) [

>Frameworks for Achieving CLC in Developmental Disabilities Councils





Tools for the Trade: Resources for Engaging Diverse Members and Communities [



Understanding Advocacy through the DD Council Lens [



& [


DD [

Network [

Updates & [

New [

Advocacy [

Resource Center (Plenary) [

What's working in SA? Council Staff present [

their most Successful Strategies [

Partners in Advocacy: State SA Leadership and Councils [

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Results: [

Grassroots Advocacy & Youth SA Leadership [



2017-2021 PPR Template [

2017-2021 Summary of Changes [

Self-evaluation Tool for APPR Narrative (2017) [

>Self-evaluation Rubric Review Tool for APPR Narrative (2017)




AIDD DD Council Performance Measures Guidance Document (201 [


TAI Reporting concurrent session presentations are available upon request: Annual Work Plan, PPR and Reporting Data Collection. Please contact or .



Tier 2 State Plan Updates are due August 15th.

If your Council has major changes to a State plan goal that alters the intent of the original goal, they are also due August 15th.

If you need more information, please contact ITACC staff.

or .

To reach NACDD/ITACC staff, please feel free to contact:

Sheryl Matney

Director of Technical Assistance

202-506-5813 ext. 148

Angela Castillo-Epps Technical Assistance Specialist

202-506-5813 ext. 100