KATM/SWPRSC Math Conference Break Out Session Descriptions

Dr. Kathy Dale: Mental Models and Strategies for Teaching Math

Mental models of a discipline are contained within the structure of the math curriculum. To illustrate, math is about assigning order and value to the universe. We tend to assign order and value in one of three ways: numbers, space, or time. The difference between a good and excellent teacher is the depth of understanding the latter has of the math discipline.

Melisa Hancock & David Allen: Sheltering Math Lessons: Using SIOP Strategies to Make Math Accessible to English Language Learners

We will introduce and use the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol to enhance math instruction. Participants will be engaged in developing standards-based number sense lessons that include specific strategies to support the English Language Learner.

David Allen & Melisa Hancock: Understanding and Developing Number Sense

Current reforms in math education emphasize number sense as it typifies the theme of learning mathematics as a sense-making activity. Participants will come away with activities that promote an understanding of numbers and developing number sense.

Tracy Newell: Everything You Need to Know About the New Math Assessment

Presentation of the format for the new standards document and assessment framework that outlines specifics for classroom teachers and other school personnel to know about addressing indicators for assessment and meeting AYP.

Dr. Ron Sandstrom: What Kids Need for College Math

This session will provide discussions about graphing calculators in terms of use/misuse, how much paper and pencil should be included, what are the basic skills and concepts for success in calculus or college algebra, offering AP calculus, and how students are placed into courses at college.

Ethel Edwards: Bloom’s Taxonomy for the Math Classroom

There are six levels of intellectual understanding. Teachers tend to ask questions in the knowledge category 80% - 90% of the time. This session will give you some ideas on how to ask questions in the other five categories: comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Tom Barnes: Technology in the Math Classroom

This session offers information for the teacher who wishes to integrate technology, computers, and/or the Internet in the classroom. Specific links to free software, templates, and Internet resources are provided. Kansas math objectives are stressed and followed. Sample lesson plans will be included.

Tom Barnes: Technology in the Math Classroom

This session will provide an overview of two different electronic InterWrite Boards that are in use in many classrooms. This session will show how these great tools can be specifically used in the math classroom and for encouraging whole-class inquiry. Participants will have an opportunity to practice using the InterWrite Board during this session.

Tom Barnes: Technology in the Math Classroom

Graphing calculators in the math classroom will show teachers how to use the TI-83/84 calculators in their classrooms. This session will include basic calculations, graphing, analyzing data, and how to draw statistical graphs. This session will also include simulations used to teach statistical concepts such as mean, median, and mode. This session is intended for all teachers whether they have little or some experience using a graphing calculator.

Carol Panzer & Matt Stein: Using Technology to Implement the Kansas Math Standards

The Classroom Performance System is a fun way to incorporate math standards into your classroom. All students will be actively engaged in the lesson as they each record answers on the computer by using a remote control. Immediate feedback allows students to monitor their learning instantly, and teachers can use the reports to documents student success on specific indicators or to identify areas that need reteaching. The Assessment Conditioning Exercises that are prepared for the CPS assure problems that align to math standards that will be tested beginning in the spring of 2006. Each session will focus on a specific grade span so select the session that best fits your teaching assignment.

Sandy Tauer: Everyone Wins When Everyone Plays

Learn alternative ideas to worksheets for practicing mathematical skills and concepts. Discover how integrating games into the mathematics classroom provides students practice with important skills and concepts in the mathematical strands.

Sandy Tauer: Making Cents of Money

Learn activities that provide enjoyable ways for students to practice and master money skills without the use of routine drills and daily worksheets. These activities will engage students’ interest as they develop their ability to think critically and solve problems.

Sandy Tauer: Reasoning with Geometry

This session will provide participants with activities that investigate shapes, symmetry, congruence, angles, rotations, reflections and more. Geometry is no longer the forgotten strand when you include some of these activities into your lesson plans.

Lana LaSalle: Problem Driven Mathematics

Learn how to apply mathematics beyond solutions while addressing the five NCTM standards: number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement and data analysis, and probability.

Lana LaSalle: Creating a Mental Picture

Help students become powerful mathematicians through creating models of number and number operations. You will leave this session with ideas and organizers to help children make sense of numbers and the use of algorithms. A mental picture truly is worth a thousand words!

Lana LaSalle: Develop Thinking Skills Through Problem Solving

This session will give you ideas to help you increase your students’ ability to reason. Handouts will include engaging problems that will contribute to a better understanding of the entire problem solving process.

Angela Howie & Mikel Miller: Integrating Economics and Personal Finance

Come get a look at an exciting new set of 28 kid-friendly interactive computer-based lessons that make integrating economics and personal finance into K-8 math curriculum a fun experience for everybody – teachers included! Cool animated characters walk students through stories and interactive exercises (include 80 standards-based math exercises). All participants will receive a copy of the new courseware.

Angela Howie: Using the “Stock Market Game” in the Math Classroom

The Stock Market Game affords teachers in grades 4-12 an interesting and real-life application to broaden and develop mathematical skills and understanding – especially ratios, decimals, estimating skills, fractions, amounts of money, basic computation, percentages, graphs, and charts. Curriculum is provided – no investing experience necessary.

Julie Doyen: Brain-Researched Problem Solving

Guiding students to solve problems can seem overwhelming, but do not fear. The Problem Solver is here! This superhero will model brain-researched strategies integrated with the Problem Solver program. You will return to your classroom with the devices needed to teach your students the four steps of problem solving along with ten of the best little problem solving strategies ever revealed to human mortals. Beginning this year, all teachers from grades 3-8 will be administering state assessments. This presentation will assist you in preparing your students to meet the challenge.

Julie Doyen: Strategies for Challenging Problems

Problem Solving…No Problemo! This entertaining presentation will give teachers the tools they need to help their students choose, apply, and reexamine appropriate strategies to solve those challenging problems found on the state assessments. Brain-research will be integrated with the classroom-tested Problem Solver program. Research-based strategies will be modeled so that you too can leap standards and benchmarks in a single bound and reach AYP with ease.

Julie Doyen: Real World Mathematics & Calculators

Multiple indicators on the state assessment require calculators. This presentation includes information, strategies, and many ideas to prepare students for the challenge. After students understand math concepts, it is time for technology. Real world integration and application of mathematics and calculator skills are requirements in the workplace today. State standards and indicators requiring calculators will be identified giving your students a leg up on reaching the standard of excellence!

Sandra Critchfield: Thinking Maps for Math

Give students learning tools they can use throughout their lives, tools that can be applied in increasingly sophisticated ways as they mature. The eight Thinking Maps are tools that can be used consistently across disciplines to promote integrated thinking and interdisciplinary learning. The thought processes represented by the maps are correlated directly to the Kansas standards. Teachers can easily gauge student knowledge prior to teaching a lesson, the effectiveness of the lessons as they happen, and what the students have ultimately learned from a given lesson. These tools also reveal how students are attaching prior knowledge to new concepts.

Dr. Paul Adams: 3-D Bar Graphs for Science

During this session, we will look at information we collect from making measurements or looking at tables of information to produce 3-D bar graphs to represent the information. This session integrates science, math, and art.

Dr. Paul Adams: Ready Set Run!

During this session, we will be measuring the speed of different objects and representing them on a graph to help decide who will win the race! This session integrates science and mathematics.

Dr. Paul Adams: Powers of Ten

Students enjoy talking about which is bigger and smaller, but do they have a sense of scale? During this session, we will develop an understanding of the powers of ten (scientific notation) and how to help students visualize these terms.

Lynn Stanley: Integrating & Implementing Math in the Social Studies Classroom

This session will provide teaching strategies that can be used to integrate math with the four disciplines in social studies: geography, economics, history and government. The session focus will be on the teaching of social studies indicators as well as math indicators.

Denise Boller: Hands-On Geometry - Using Pentominoes & Color Tiles

Activities will be presented using pentominoes and color tiles to teach children the concepts of Area and Perimeter. Ideas to teach the concept that Areas stays constant even when changing shape will be included.

Leslie Rader: Making Your Math Minutes Count

This presentation includes six early childhood math activities that accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. All four standards of math are addressed. This presentation requires two time tracts to complete.

Rosabel Flax: “Action” for Data Standard Assessment

Examples and teaching strategies for preparing high school students for the 2005-06 math assessment on standard 4 – data will be presented.

Patrick Flynn & Brock Wenciker: Assessment Made Easy - Making the Computer Work for You

Participants will learn how to use free computer software to design their own computerized assessments. The software will be provided as part of the session.

Michael Round: Visual Logic & Math Excellence

A simple yet powerful logic process will be demonstrated across many math topics, allowing rapid and massive improvement by all students in a diverse classroom. Attendees are invited to bring specific and difficult problems from the classroom.

Dr. Germaine Taggart: Algebra: Hands-On Equations

Participants will engage in the use of hands-on equations developed by Borenson. The model uses pawns and number cubes to teach children as young as grade 3 the rudiments of linear algebra.

Keith Dreiling: Exploring Taxicab Geometry

Explore a geometry that differs from Euclidean geometry in the way that distance is measured, discover the shapes of familiar Euclidean geometric figures when drawn using Taxicab Geometry, and apply Taxicab Geometry to model a realistic situation.

Katie Ann Wilson: A “How-To” Guide for Creating Interactive Math Lessons

You will learn how to use Virtual Manipulatives including Tangrams, Interactive Geoboards, Interactive Base 10 Blocks, and Graphing. You will also learn how to create interactive math lessons using PowerPoint. This presentation requires two time tracts to complete.

Cathy Stewart & Marsha Tischhauser: 21st Century Technology for Math Teachers

A set of handhelds equals a mini-computer lab. Thinking maps, mini-PowerPoint presentations, immediate feedback on tests, math facts practice, problem solving questions, and access to web sites will be presented in this hands-on session.

Rod Willis: Solve It Together

This session will cover mathematical investigations, puzzles and problems to help students develop a positive attitude toward math, and practice problem solving skills.

Rod Willis: Positively Puzzling

A sample of mathematical puzzles and problems to assist students in problem solving will be shared and demonstrated. Puzzles provide an avenue for divergent and creative thinking.

Willis Pracht: Math Leadership for Administrators

What’s wrong with elementary school mathematics and what to do about it? – one man’s opinion. I will touch on my observations of what we could be doing better and what additional things we might do to enhance our mathematics programs.

Bill Losey: Mathematics Help for Paraprofessionals

Assisting students in mathematics is a daunting task for many paraprofessionals who find themselves at a loss about what to do or how much assistance to provide. This session will provide paraprofessionals with a brief overview of the Kansas State Curriculum Standards for Mathematics, strategies for working effectively with students, and suggestions for maximizing the teacher/paraprofessional relationship.

Sherri Martinie: Grant Money for Your Classroom

This session will provide guidance for finding money through grants to support innovative programs and projects in your school. In addition, it will offer tips for writing grant proposals that will increase your chances of being accepted. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to bring financial support to your classroom!

Dev Bernbeck: Integrating Math into the P.E. Curriculum

This session will be an open forum discussion exploring numerous ways of integrating and implementing mathematics into the physical education curriculum. We will discuss activities in the Physical Essentials, Physical Focus, and Physical Dimensions curricula, as well as, data collection (utilizing assessment software), body fat analyzers, heart rate monitors, and pedometers. Handouts will include activities and resource information.

Arlene Holderness: Making Math Meaningful with Manipulatives

Manipulatives are concrete objects used to transfer understanding to the abstract level. Young students need more time and activities with these concrete objects. Manipulatives need to be an integral part of every math class, not merely as a remediation technique. When manipulatives are used correctly and frequently, students will have a strong conceptual math foundation. Examples of manipulatives, hands-on activities, and literature tie-ins will be included in this session.

Tiffany Buxom: Cooperative Learning in the Math Environment

This session will be lead by an elementary school administrator of five years and a classroom teacher of 7 years who will model student centered math lessons and activities that are aligned to the Kansas Math Standards. These lessons and activities are designed to engage the learner in problem solving in a self-motivating fashion. Participants will walk away with an understanding of providing motivating lessons that they can implement in their own classrooms.

Angie Kisner: What’s in Your Pocket?

Come and find out a fun way to incorporate pockets into your math program. Literature will be used as a spring board to interactive math activities for your classroom. How many math concepts can you teach with pockets? Come find out!

Mary Warrington: Math Games

Math games are a great way to heighten motivation as well as provide practice and exploration of math concepts. In this middle grade presentation, we will play several sample games from a comprehensive handout on number sense, place value, attributes, fractions, decimals, probability and more.

Mary Warrington: Computational Fluency in Basic Facts

Being able to retrieve math facts quickly enhances problem solving. This session will demonstrate techniques in presenting and memorizing addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts to primary school aged children. We will chant, clap and play our way out of those “fearful facts.”

Blake West: KLFA Math Resource

A new resource for math teachers has just been unveiled by the Kansas Learning First Alliance – KLFA. Math teachers from around Kansas contributed to the resource guide – a document that includes specific helps for mathematics education AND best practice for school improvement in general. This session will provide an introduction to the guide and suggestions for its use to support teachers in their work across the state. KLFA includes representatives from 23 educational organizations including the Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics.