Margaret W. Matlin, Cognition, 8eOutlineChapter 7Page 1 of 12


Mental Imagery and Cognitive Maps

Chapter Introduction

mental imagery

visual imagery

auditory imagery

perception vs. imagery

visual imagery vs. auditory, olfactory, touch, and taste imagery

STEM disciplines

mental imagery in the history of psychology

The Characteristics of Visual Imagery

  • not directly observable
  • fades quickly

imagery debate

  • perception vs. language
  • analog code (depictive representation/pictorial representation)
  • propositional code (descriptive representation)

How to study mental imagery?

If a mental image resembles a physical object, then people should make judgments about a mental image in the same way that they make judgments about the corresponding physical object.

In Depth: Visual Imagery and Rotation

Shepard and Metzler's Research

  • Demonstration 7.2
  • same/different task using pairs of line drawings
  • two- vs. three-dimensions
  • reaction time to decide same/different
  • Decision time is influenced by the amount of rotation required to match the figures.
  • Large rotations take more time.

Subsequent Research on Mental Rotation

Research with other stimuli (e.g., letters of the alphabet) also finds clear relationship between amount of rotation and reaction time.
Takeda and coauthors (2010)
  • handedness
  • upright vs. upside-down pictures

Other research

  • age
  • American Sign Language (ASL)

Overall strong support for the analog-coding approach

Cognitive Neuroscience Research on Mental Rotation Tasks

Kosslyn, Thompson and coauthors (2001)
  • rotate geometric figures with hands vs. watch an electric motor rotate the figures
  • perform Shepard and Metzler same/different task rotating the figures mentally
  • PET scan—participants who had rotated the original geometric figure with their hands, now showed activity in the primary motor cortex; participants who only watched did not
Role of Instructions
  • standard instructions activated the right frontal lobes and parietal lobes
  • "rotate self" instructions activated the left temporal lobe and a different part of the motor cortex
Implications for people recovering from a stroke

Visual Imagery and Distance

Stephen Kosslyn

time to scan the distance between two points in a mental image

experimenter expectancy

Visual Imagery and Shape

Paivio (1978)

  • hands on imaginary clock
  • high-imagery vs. low-imagery participants

Shepard and Chipman (1970)

  • more complex shapes
  • U.S. states

Conclusions About The Characteristics of Mental Images (so far)

  1. When people rotate a visual image, a large rotation takes them longer, just as they take longer when making a large rotation with a physical stimulus.
  2. People make distance judgments in a similar fashion for mental images and physical stimuli.
  3. People make decisions about shape in a similar fashion for mental images and physical stimuli; this conclusion holds true for both simple shapes (angles formed by hands on a clock) and complex shapes (geographic regions, like Colorado or West Virginia).

Visual Imagery and Interference

Mental imagery can interfere with visual perception.

Segal and Fusella (1970)

  • create visual image
  • detect physical stimulus
  • People had more problems detecting the physical stimulus when the image and the physical stimulus were in the same sensory mode.

Mast and colleagues (1999)

Imagined lines and real lines produced similar distortions in participants' judgments about the orientation of the line segment.

Visual Imagery and Ambiguous Figures

Demonstration 7.3

When creating a mental image of an ambiguous figure, people sometimes use analog codes and sometimes use propositional codes.

Reed (1974)

  • decide whether a pattern is a portion of a design seen earlier
  • Chance performance indicated that people could not have stored mental pictures.
  • People must store these pictures as descriptions, in propositional codes.

Chambers and Reisberg (1985)

  • form mental image of ambiguous figure (e.g., the rabbit-duck figure)
  • ask participants to provide reinterpretation of ambiguous figure
  • draw figure from memory
  • try to reinterpret physical stimulus
  • strong verbal propositional code can dominate over an analog code
  • It's easy to reverse an image while you are looking at an ambiguous physical picture, but reversing a mental image is difficult.

Analog vs. Propositional codes

simple vs. complex figures

Finke and colleagues (1989)

  • Demonstration 7.4
  • combine mental images
  • identify new interpretations
  • locate similar, unanticipated shapes in mental images

People create mental images using both propositional and analog codes.

Visual Imagery and Other Vision-Like Processes

Ishai and Sagi (1995)

  • masking effect
  • demand characteristics
  • acuity

Explanations for Visual Imagery

The Imagery Debate

Analog Perspective
  • create a mental image of an object that closely resembles the actual, perceptual image on your retina
  • responses to mental images are frequently similar to responses to physical objects
  • majority of research supports this position
  • no one argues that vision and mental imagery are identical
Propositional Perspective

mental images stored in an abstract, language-like form that does not physically resemble the original stimulus


  • mental images not a necessary component of imagery
  • differences between perceptual experiences and mental images
Most researchers favor an analog code.
For some stimuli and several specific tasks, people may use a propositional code.

Neuroscience Research Comparing Visual Imagery and Visual Perception

Mental rotation tasks activate parts of the brain's temporal lobe, as well as the motor cortex.

Mental imagery relies exclusively on top-down processing.

Visual perception activates the rods and cones in the retina.

It takes about 1/10 of a second longer to create a visual image than to register a visual perception.

Kosslyn (2004)

  • Visual imagery activates 70-90% of the same brain regions that are activated during visual perception.
  • Brain damage in the most basic region of the visual cortex leads to parallel problems in both visual perception and visual imagery.
  • Some individuals with brain damage cannot distinguish between characteristics in visual perception and visual imagery.
  • People with prosopagnosia cannot use mental imagery to distinguish between faces.

Similarity between visual imagery and visual perception cannot be explained by demand characteristics.

Individual Differences: Gender Comparisons in Spatial Ability

Most gender differences in cognitive abilities are small.


  • a statistical method for combining numerous studies on a single topic
  • effect size (d)
  • meta-analyses of gender differences in verbal ability find effect sizes "close to zero" or "small"; gender similarities
  • meta-analyses of gender differences in mathematical ability find effect sizes "close to zero"; gender similarities
  • meta-analyses of gender differences in spatial ability find effect sizes ranging from "small" to "large"

Spatial ability represents several different skills.

  • spatial visualization: "small" gender differences
  • spatial perception: "moderate" gender differences
  • mental rotation: "moderate" to "large" gender differences

What do these differences mean?

  • some studies report no gender differences
  • effects of task instructions
  • effects of training
  • experiences with toys and sports that emphasize spatial skills

This one area of cognitive gender differences can be modified by providing girls with experience in spatial activities.

The Characteristics of Auditory Imagery

auditory imagery

  • the mental representation of sounds when the sounds are not physically present
  • examples: laughter, song, car sounds, animals
  • importance of auditory processes
  • vividness

Auditory Imagery and Pitch

pitch—a characteristic of a sound stimulus that can be arranged on a scale from low to high

Intons-Peterson and coauthors (1992)

  • "traveling" the distance between two auditory stimuli
  • cat purring, door slamming, police siren
  • The distance between two actual tones is correlated with the distance between the two imagined tones.

Auditory Imagery and Timbre

timbre—a characteristic of sound describing the quality of a tone (e.g., flute vs. trumpet)

Halpern and coauthors (2004)

  • auditory imagery for the timbre of musical instruments
  • young adults with musical training
  • similarity ratings
  • perception condition vs. imagined condition
  • ratings for timbre perception and timbre imagery are highly correlated
  • Cognitive representations for the timbre of actual musical instruments were quite similar to the cognitive representation for the timbre of the imagined musical instruments.

Cognitive Maps

cognitive map

  • mental representation of geographic information, including the environment that surrounds us
  • relationships among objects

Background Information About Cognitive Maps


  • homes, neighborhoods, cities, countries
  • used for areas too large to be seen in a single glance
  • real-world settings
  • ecological validity

spatial cognition

  • our thoughts about cognitive maps
  • remembering the world we navigate
  • keeping track of objects in a spatial array
  • interdisciplinary
  • applied topics
  • individual differences

Roskos-Ewaldsen and colleagues (1998)

  • Demonstration 7.5: Learning from a Map
  • survey knowledge—the relationship among locations that we acquire by directly learning a map or by repeatedly exploring an environment
  • orientation of map
  • Judgments are easier when your mental map and the physical map have matching orientations.

Cognitive maps are generally accurate.

Errors can be traced to rational strategiesthat are based onsystematic distortions of reality.

heuristic—general problem-solving strategy that usually produces a correct solution . . . but not always

Cognitive Maps and Distance

Estimating the distance between two known points.

Often distorted by:

  • number of intervening cities
  • category membership
  • landmarks

Distance Estimates and Number of Intervening Cities

Thorndyke (1981)
  • study map of hypothetical region until you can reproduce it
  • 0, 1, 2, or 3 other cities along the route between two cities
  • estimate the distance between specified pairs of cities
  • The number of intervening cities had a clear-cut influence on distance estimates.

Distance Estimates and Category Membership

The categories we create can have a large influence on our distance estimates.

Hirtle and Mascolo (1986)

  • learn hypothetical map of a town
  • estimate distance between pairs of locations
  • People tended to shift each location closer to other sites that belonged to the same category (e.g., government buildings).

Friedman and colleagues

  • North American cities
  • students from Canada, United States, Mexico
  • international borders

Mishra & Mishra (2010)—border bias

  • vacation home in Oregon or Washington
  • earthquake
  • When people hear about an earthquake, they prefer to select a home in a different state, rather than a home that is equally close, but in the same state as the earthquake.

Cognitive Maps and Distance (continued)

Distance Estimates and Landmarks

landmark effect—general tendency to provide shorter distance estimates when traveling to a landmark, rather than a nonlandmark

McNamara and Diwadker (1997)

  • memorize map containing pictures of objects
  • landmarks and non-landmarks
  • estimate distance between various pairs of objects
  • asymmetry in distance estimates, consistent with the landmark effect
  • Prominent destinations seem closer than less important destinations.

Cognitive Maps and Shape

We tend to construct cognitive maps in which the shapes are more regular than they are in reality.


Moar and Bower (1983)

  • cognitive maps of Cambridge, England
  • estimates for the angles formed by the intersection of two streets
  • tendency to "regularize" the angles so that they were more like 90-degree angles

90-degree-angle heuristic—represent angles on a map as being closer to 90 degrees than they really are


symmetry heuristic—We remember figures as being more symmetrical and regular than they truly are.

Cognitive Maps and Relative Position

Stevens and Coupe (1978)—east/west and north/south judgments of cities

Tversky—We use heuristics when we represent relative positions in our mental maps.

1.We remember a slightly tilted geographic structure as being either more vertical or more horizontal than it really is (the rotation heuristic).

2.We remember a series of geographic structures as being arranged in a straighter line than they really are (the alignment heuristic).

Cognitive Maps and Relative Position (continued)

The Rotation Heuristic

A figure that is slightly tilted will be remembered as being either more vertical or more horizontal than it really is.

Example: San Diego or Reno?; California coastline mentally rotated to seem more vertical than it is in reality

Tversky (1981)

  • mental maps for San Francisco Bay area
  • 69% of students showed evidence of the rotation heuristic

cross-cultural evidence

The rotation heuristic involves rotating a single coastline, country, building, or other figure.

The Alignment Heuristic

A series of separate geographic structures will be remembered as being more lined up than they really are.

Example: Rome or Philadelphia?; The United States and Europe get mentally mis-aligned to be at the same latitude.

Tversky (1981)

  • pairs of cities
  • which city is north (or east) of the other?
  • Many students showed a consistent tendency to use the alignment heuristic.

Cognitive maps are especially likely to be biased when northern cities in North America are compared to southern cities in Europe.

The alignment heuristic involves lining up several separate countries, buildings, or other figures in a straight row.

Both heuristics encourage the construction of cognitive maps that are more orderly and schematic than geographic reality.

Heuristics make sense, but can cause us to miss important details and fail to pay attention to bottom-up information.

Creating a Cognitive Map

  • creating a cognitive map from descriptions or directions
  • integrate information from separate statements

Franklin and Tversky's Research

  • verbal descriptions of ten different scenes
  • five objects in each scene
  • imagine facing one of the objects; specify which object is located in each of several directions
  • short response times to answer which objects were above and below
  • People required longer to decide which objects were ahead or behind.
  • Response times were even longer to decide which objects were to the right or to the left.

The Spatial Framework Model

spatial framework model—emphasizes that the above-below spatial dimension is especially important in our thinking, the front-back dimension is moderately important, and the right-left dimension is least important

1.The vertical dimension is correlated with gravity.

2.The vertical dimension on an upright human’s body is physically asymmetric.

When processing directions on a physical map, people make north-south (above-below) decisions significantly faster than east-west (right-left) decisions.

Our cognitive maps reveal certain biases based on our long-term interactions with our bodies and with the physical properties of the external world.

The Situated Cognition Approach

  • People make use of helpful information in the immediate environment or situation.
  • Knowledge depends on the surrounding context.
  • What we know depends on the situation that we are in.

Central Importance of Spatial Thinking

  • language
  • use spatial diagrams to represent relationships

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