Text tests
- In what term from the beginning of illness does the typical rentgenological| picture of miliary tuberculosis appear ?
- On the first days
- * On 7th days
- Through 3-4 weeks
- Through 2-3 months
- Through 5-6 months.
- What kind of rentgenological| picture is most typical for miliary tuberculosis?
- Flakes of snow".
- Snow-storm".
- Bat’s wings|
- Weeping willow".
- * Looks like millet dissemination
- By what method does selection of bacteriae| usually appear at miliary tuberculosis?
- Bakterioskopy.
- Bakterioskopy after the using method of flotation.
- Bacteriological.
- Biological.
- * Usually doesn’t appear by any method.
- конецформыначалоформыWhat sputum in patients with miliary tuberculosis?
- Mucous.
- Mucous and purulent.
- Purulent.
- Mucous| with bloodstreaks.
- * Sputum is absent.
- How does usually miliary tuberculosis finish without treatment?
- Spontaneous curing.
- * By death in 4-5 weeks.
- By death in 5-7 months.
- Passing to infiltration tuberculosis.
- Passing to chronic tuberculosis.
- What character usually has temperature reaction for a patient on miliary tuberculosis?
- Subfebrility| during the first 3-5 days of illness.
- Protracted inconstant subfebrility|.
- Fever during the first 3-5 days of illness.
- * The Wrong fever
- Normal temperature.
- What is the most characteristic investigation, if miliary tuberculosis does not end with death of patient?
- * Convalescence with development of diffuse pneumofibrosis.
- Convalescence with forming the hearths of Gon.
- Passing into subsharp disseminated tuberculosis.
- Passing into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
- Development the cirrhosis of lungs.
- What complication is not typical |for miliary tuberculosis?
- * Sharp insufficiency of kidney.
- Cerebral comma.
- Sharp hepatic insufficiency.
- Amyloidosis.
- Endotoxicosis.
- What is correct continuation of suggestion? Miliary tuberculosis....
- Is the most frequent form of tuberculosis.
- Takes the second place (after the infiltration tuberculosis) in the structure of morbidity on secondary tuberculosis.
- * Nowadays meets rarely.
- Takes the second place (after the tuberculosis of intrathoracic nodes) in the structure of morbidity on primary tuberculosis.
- Nowadays meets in casuistic cases.
- What thesis is faithful?
- * Miliary tuberculosis is one of the most unfavourable| form of tuberculosis.
- Miliary tuberculosis is a favourable form of tuberculosis.
- Miliary tuberculosis is a torpid| form of tuberculosis.
- Miliary tuberculosis is a subclinical form of tuberculosis.
- Miliary tuberculosis is a | form of tuberculosis without symptome.
- What thesis is faithful?
- Miliary tuberculosis is a local form of tuberculosis.
- * Miliary tuberculosis is a general |form of tuberculosis.
- Miliary tuberculosis is characterized by migrant defeats of different organs.
- Only the lungs are struck at miliary tuberculosis .
- The defeat takes place in 1-2 parenchymal |organs at miliary tuberculosis.
- What is the method of provocation of wheezes for patients with tuberculosis?
- deep breathing
- breathing through the mouth.
- * deep inhalation after the easy coughing.
- breathing through the nose.
- quiet breathing
- Patient of 35 at a reception to tuberculosis dispensary complains about a weakness, promoted sweating, cough with sputum of mucus character. Roentgenological: in S1,2 of left lung darkening of weak intensity with unclear contours was found. What kind of research should be done to confirm diagnosis tuberculosis?
- General blood test.
- Biochemical blood test.
- * Sputum’s test on MBT.
- Immunological research of blood.
- Sputum’s test on the second flora.
- Patient of 43 undergo a coursus-cav of anmycobacterial medication treatment concerning FDT (12.12.1998) of left lung’s upper part (fibrocavernous, phase of infiltration and dissemination), Destr-+ Mbt+ M+ K+ resist 0, ISTO, Cat4 Cog4(2004).What research above all should be done to a patient to set an optimum combination of chemo medication?
- Determine a type of MBT.
- Determine presence of the second flora.
- * Determine sensitiveness of MBT to antimycobacterial medication.
- To define massiveness of bacterioexcretion
- To define virulence of MBT.
- Indicate the incorrect formulation of clinical diagnosis of lung tuberculosis
- FDTB (16.06.2003) of the lungs upper sections (disseminated), Destr +, (infiltration ), MBT +M+C+, Resist -, Hist 0, Cat1 Coh2(2003).
- CTB (12.01.2000) the upper section of the right lung (fibrous-cavernous), Destr +, (infiltration), MBT +M-C+ Resist I (S, H) Hist0. Lung haemoptysis. RI II, Cat 4 Coh1(2000).
- FDTB (20.03.2001) of the lower part of the right lung (tuberculoma), Destr +, MBT- M-C-, Hist 0, Cat1 Coh1(2001).
- * FDTB (20.09.2003), (nidus tuberculosis), (infiltration), MBT-M-C-, Hist 0, Cat3 Coh3(2003).
- RTB (20.06.2003) of the upper part of the right lung (infiltrative), Destr -, MBT- M-C-, Hist 0, Cat2 Coh2(2003).
- How is tuberculous etiology of pleurisy confirmed?
- By the presence of tuberculous changes in lungs or other organs.
- Finding of MBT| in a pleural exudate or in sputum|.
- Mantouex test reaction is positive or recent tuberculin intensifier|.
- Puncture biopsy of pleura.
- * All indicated are correct.
- What is the mechanism of development of pleural inflammation by MBT| ?
- Sputogenic.
- Only lymphogenic|.
- * Lympho-hematogenic.
- Bronchogenic|.
- Only hematogenic |.
- What is the reason of appearance of exsudate in a pleural cavity at different clinical forms of tuberculosis?
- The anatomic and functional connection between the sheets of pleura, lymphatic nodes and lymphatic system of lungs.
- The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT|, that penetrate into pleura by lymphogenic way from the hearths or infiltrations| in lungs.
- Pleura hypersensibilization by MBT decay products |.
- The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT|, that penetrate into pleura because of bacteriemia||.
- * All indicated assertions are faithful.
- At what type of exsudate is a small amount of free liquid in a pleural cavity , an exsudate is organized quickly|?
- Purulent.
- Serous.
- * Fibrinous and serous-fibrinous
- Haemorrhagic and serous-haemorrhagic.
- Serous-purulent|.
- What of tubercular pleurisy is the most widespread ?
- * Exudative (serous or serous-haemorrhagic liquid).
- Armourclad.
- Chillous.
- Haemorrhagic.
- Purulent.
- What is the character of exsudate at the tuberculous empyema ?
- Serous-fibrinous| and fibrinous |.
- Haemorrhagic
- * Serous-purulent| and purulent.
- Serous-haemorrhagic.
- Chillous.
- For what disease or state transudate into pleural cavity is not typical |?
- Myxedema|.
- * Cirrhosis of liver.
- Tuberculosis.
- Stagnant cardiac insufficiency.
- Nefrotic syndrome.
- What composition of pleural liquid is typical for an exsudate?
- All indicated is an exsudate.
- * Relative density - 1025, protein content- 45 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of blood)-0,8, activity of LDG| -2,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -2,1?109/l.
- Relative density - 1010, protein content - 20 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of blood)-0,2, activity of LDG| - 1,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells- 0,8?109/l.
- Relative density - 1005, protein content- 15 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of blood)-0,3, activity of LDG| -0,9 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,5?109/l.
- Relative density - 1000, protein content- 10 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of blood)-0,4, activity of LDG| -1,3 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,6?109/l.
- What method of research is decisive in diagnostics of pleurisy of any etiology?
- * Pleural puncture
- Roentgenologic examination|.
- Ultrasound examination.
- Clinic and information of physical| methods.
- Tuberculin tests.
- Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be an allergic pleurisy?
- Lung infiltrative tuberculosis|.
- Nidus lung tuberculosis.
- Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis|.
- Lung tuberculoma.
- * Tuberculosis of intrathoracic |lymphatic nodes.
- What method help to find MBT in pleural liquid at an allergic tubercular pleurisy||?
- * It is impossible to find .
- By an ordinary bacterioscopy|.
- By flotation method.
- By cultural method.
- By luminescent microscopy.
- Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be development of perifocal pleurisy?
- Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis.
- Lung infiltrative tuberculosis|.
- Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis|.
- Chronic disseminated lung tuberculosis|.
- E. * All noted forms.
- What measures are the most important in treatment at the purulent (exudative) tuberculous pleurisy?
- To increase the amount of antimycobacterial drugs.
- * Repeated aspirations of exsudate with creation of negative pressure in a pleural cavity.
- Setting of corticosteroids|.
- Desintoxication| therapy.
- All marked.
- What complications can accompany a tuberculous empyema?.
- Broncho-pleural fistula||.
- Toracic fistula|.
- Amyloidosis of internal organs.
- Pneumopleurisy|.
- * All marked.
- What is the exsudate at tuberculous pleurisy?
- * Mainly lymphocytic
- Mainly neutrophilic.
- Chillous.
- Monocytic|.
- Macrophagic.
- What tuberculin and at dose is used at mass tuberculinization?
- 100 % Koch alt tuberculin
- * PPD-L in standard dilution in 2TU dose
- PPD-L in standard dilution in 5TU dose
- PPD-L in standard dilution in 10TU dose
- 25 % dilution of purified dry tuberculin
- The sensitivity of organism to tuberculin may be intensified with:
- Senile age
- Lymphogranulomatosis
- Lymphosarcoma
- Treatment with immunodepressants
- * Bronchial asthma
- Koch’s testing is used for:
- Prophylaxis of tuberculosis
- Early tuberculosis revealing
- Determination of infection index of population with tuberculosis
- * Differential diagnostics of infectious and postvaccinal allergy
- Revealing the persons with the increased risk of tuberculosis illness
- A 2-years old child reaction to Mantoux test with 2 TU – 7 mm infiltration, at the age of 4 – 3 mm. Postvaccinal seam of 4 mm. Define the character of tuberculin reaction.
- Infectious allergy
- A “range” of tuberculin testing
- The child is ill with tuberculosis
- * Postvaccinal allergy
- Doubtful Mantoux reaction
- From what age and in what terms is mass tuberculinization performed:
- * From 12-months age, annually
- At 7 and 14 years of age only
- From 12-months age, once in 2-3 years
- From 7 up to 14 years annually
- From 7 and each 5 years up to 30-years old age
- What is the “range” of tuberculin reactions?
- Transition of negative reaction to tuberculin to a positive one after BCG vaccination
- Transition of negative reaction to tuberculin to a positive one after BCG revaccination
- * Sensitivity change to tuberculin due to the primary infection with tuberculosis mycobacteria
- Appearance of hyperergy reaction to tuberculin in patients infected with tuberculosis
- Negative reaction to tuberculin in seriously ill tuberculosis patients
- What is the aim of mass tuberculinization:
- For prophylaxis of MBT infection
- For prophylaxis of tuberculosis illness
- * For early tuberculosis revealing among children
- For early tuberculosis revealing among adults
- For revealing the persons with the increased risk of tuberculosis illness
- A 6 years old boy K., had a “range” of tuberculin reaction. What examinations should be done?
- * General clinical examination, inspection roentgenogram of the thoracic cage organs, general blood and urine test
- Koch’s testing, general blood and urine test
- Fluorography, general blood and urine test
- Tomography, smear examination from pharynx for MBT
- Fibrobronchoscopy, examination of contents from bronchi for MBT
- While carrying out the differential diagnostics between infectious postvaccinal reactions on the tuberculin is not taken into account:
- The contact with the tuberculosis patients
- The intensiveness of the reaction on the Mantoux test of previous years
- A presence of postvaccinal scar
- The time of the carrying out of the vaccibation BCG
- * The poisoning by the carbon oxide some yars ago
- If there is the positive reaction on the tuberculin with 2 TU on the skin of antebrachium there can be visible:
- * Infiltrate by the size of 5 –16 mm
- Infiltrate with a vesicle in the centre
- Hyperemia more than 5 mm
- Infiltrate by the size more than 16 mm
- Infiltrate by the size of 2-4 mm
- Which one from the mentioned diseases can decrease the sensibility of an organism to tuberculin?
- Cataral otitis
- Allergic rhinitis
- Bronchial asthma
- Hypertonic disease
- * Measles
- Primary forms of tuberculosis comprise:
- Nidus
- Disseminated
- * Tuberculosis intoxication
- Caseous pneumonia
- Infiltrative
- Specific complications comprise:
- Haemophthisis
- Chronic lung heart
- Lung atelectasis
- * Larynx tuberculosis
- Amyloidosis disease
- The characteristic phase of tuberculous process progression is:
- Suction
- Condensation
- * Sowing
- Scarring
- Calcination
- Formulating the clinical diagnosis of lung tuberculosis, first of all should be defined:
- The process phase
- The clinical form
- Bacterial secretion
- Localisation process
- * Type of tuberculuos process
- Single nidal shades of small intensity with vague contours were revealed on the apex of both lungs of a 19-years old woman patient during the prophylactic fluorographyc examination. What is the clinical form of tuberculosis?
- Infiltrative
- Lung tuberculoma
- * Nidus
- Caseous pneumonia
- Disseminated
- A 25-year-old patient fell ill acutely. Complaints for headache, dry cough, dyspnea, temperature rise up to 39,0? C. Objectively: general condition is grave, lips cyanosis, rales are not heard. Blood analysis: leuk. – 12x109/l, ESR – 16 mm/hour. Plain roengenogram: the whole length of both lungs is full with multiple, small focal shadows of low intensity. Mantoux test – 5mm infiltrate. What clinical form of lungs tuberculosis does this patient have?
- Nidus
- Infiltrative
- Disseminated
- * Miliary tuberculosis
- Caseous pneumonia
- Patient N., 26. Roentgenologic examination showed multiple focal shadows in upper and medial lungs segments of low and medium intensity. Sputum contains MBT. Blood analysis: ESR – 38 mm/hour. What diagnosis is the most probable one?
- Infiltrative lung tuberculosis
- Nidus lung tuberculosis
- * Disseminated lung tuberculosis
- Caseous pneumonia
- Lung fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis
- To the primary forms of tuberculosis belong:
- Disseminated
- Nidus
- Infiltrative
- Tuberculoma
- * Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes
- The most informative method of roentgenologic examination at the diagnostics of a small form of tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes:
- A. A target roentgenogram
- B. A fluorogram
- * C. A tomogram on the level of trachea bifurcation
- D Observation roentgenogram of the thoracic cage
- E Bronchogram
- The patient of 52 years old, during 9 months was treated because of the infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper part of the right lung, decay phase, MBT (+). At X-ray examination: the upper part of the right lung became smaller in volume, under the clavicle there’s a decay cavity 3 cm in diameter, the trachea is moved to the right, MBT (-). Define the form of tuberculosis.
- Cyrrhotic
- Caseuos pneumonia
- * Fibrous-cavernous
- Infiltrative
- Nidus
- What is meant by the diagnosis “tuberculous intoxication in children”?
- An intoxication syndrome at a small form of tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes.
- * A symptom complex of functional and objective signs of intoxication as a result of primary infestation with tuberculosis mycobacteria with unestablished localization.
- An intoxication syndrome at a primary tuberculous complex.
- An intoxication syndrome at a primary tuberculous complex of ileocecal section of intestine.
- Subfebrile body temperature, perspiration appeared, cough, voice hoarseness.
- Paraspecific manifestations of primary tuberculosis:
- * Micropolyadenitis, nodual erythema, phlyctenuar keratoconjunctivitis
- Tuberculosis of skin and tonsils
- Amiloidosis of internal organs, pleural empyema
- Tuberculosis pleurisy and pericarditis
- Tuberculous peritonitis and tuberculosis of intestine
- What is the primary tuberculosis?
- First diagnosed tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis that develops in firstly infected persons.
- Tuberculosis what has developed after the primary tuberculous complex.
- Tuberculosis revealed during the prophylactic examination.
- * Tuberculosis caused by mycobacteria of beef type.
- Phtisiologist tactics to a 7-year-old child with a diagnosis of tuberculous intoxication.
- To observe in a tuberculous dispensary for 2 years.
- To undergo treatment with 3 antimycobacterial preparations within 4-6 months assuming the follow of sanatoric-hygiene regime.
- To improve the health in a recreation camp.
- * To observe in a children’s out-patient department up to the age of 14.
- To make chemioprophylaxis with isoniazide within 3 months.
- The most common complication for the primary tuberculous complex.
- Chronic lung tuberculosis
- Lung haemophtisis
- Spontaneous pneumothorax
- * Pleurisy
- Amiloidosis of intestinal organs
- To detect the “small” form of tuberculous bronchoadenitis, it’s necessary to perform:
- Inspection roentgenography
- Target roentgenography
- Fibrobronchoscopy
- * Tomography on bifurcation trachea
- The most frequent segmental localization of the primary lung affect:
- I, II, III, IV segments
- I, II, IV, VII segments
- I, II, IV, VI segments
- * II, III, VIII, IX segments
- I, II, VI, VII segments
- Patients with firstly diagnosed tuberculosis of lungs may receive sick leaves with the term up to:
- 1 month
- 4 months
- 6 months
- * 10 months
- 14 months
- Particularly risk for the human comes from ill with tuberculosis:
- * Cows
- Horses
- Hens
- Goats
- Dogs
- What is BCG and BCG-M vaccine?
- Killed mycobacteria culture
- Mycobacteria vital activity products
- * Mycobacteria live weakened culture
- Compound of purified tuberculin and killed mycobacteria
- Insufficient by purified dry tuberculin
- What is the value of BCG vaccine?
- Tuberculosis lighter course
- Prevents infestation
- Guarantee from an illness
- * Less chance of catching tuberculosis
- Prevents tuberculosis relapse
- In what time after BCG-vaccination does the immunity develop?
- In 6-8 days
- * In 6-8 weeks
- In 6-8 months
- In 9-12 months
- In 5-7 years
- In what cases is revaccination with BCG vaccine done?
- To infestated persons
- * To noninfected persons
- To contractual persons with doubtful reaction on Mantoux test with 2 TU
- To tuberculosis patients
- To persons who had previously been ill with tuberculosis
- The terms of BCG revaccination performance in Ukraine.
- On 3-5th day after birth
- On 3-5th week after birth
- At 3, 5 years of age
- * At 7,14 years of age
- At 17, 30 years of age
- A healthy child was born weighing 3200 g. On what day after the birth is the BCG vaccination done?
- 1-2
- * 2-5
- 7-11
- 13-15
- 25-30
- Vaccination and revaccination with BCG vaccine is done:
- Cutaneously
- * Intracutaneously
- Subcutaneously
- Intramuscularly
- Perorally
- What does a 5 mm seam formed in 4 months after BCG vaccination testify?
- To high reaction of vaccine
- To complication - keloid seam
- To violation of vaccine injection techniques
- To the lack of antituberculous immunity
- * To the presence of postvaccinal immunity
- What antimycobacterial preparation is prevalently used to make the chemoprophylaxis?
- Streptomycinum
- Rifampicinum
- Pyrazinamidum
- * Isoniazidum
- Ethambutolum
- The chemoprophylaxis is performed during:
- 3 days
- 3 weeks
- * 6 months
- 1 months
- 9 months
- After realized BCG vaccine inoculation some not used vaccine remained. What is to be done with it?
- * In 2-3 hours after dilution the not used vaccine has to be destroyed by boiling
- In 24 hours the not used vaccine has to be destroyed
- To preserve 2-3 days. Then to destroy
- To preserve during one week in a refrigerator
- To preserve during one year in a refrigerator
- Principal method of revealing tuberculosis among children.
- Bacterioscopy of sputum
- Fluorography
- * Tuberculinodiagnostics (Mantoux test with 2 TU)
- Bronhoscopy
- Tomography on bifurcation level
- What organs are more frequent struck at miliary tuberculosis?
- * Lungs.
- B. Kidneys.
- Brain-tunics.
- Overhead respiratory tracts.
- Lymphatic nodes.
- What kind are the hearths at miliary tuberculosis?
- * They are small, exsudative, without a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
- They are large exsudative with a tendency to confluence and disintegration.
- They are small, productive, compact and calcinated.
- They are polymorphic.
- They are large calcinates |.
- What form have cavities of disintegration at miliary tuberculosis?
- Bilateral symmetric thin-walled cavities.
- Bilateral asymmetric thick-walled cavities.
- One-sided plural cavities of different form.
- One thick-walled cavity and plural thin-walled "daughters's" cavities .
- * There aren’t cavities
- What result of Mantoux text is typical for clinical picture of miliary tuberculosis?
- * Negative
- Doubtful
- Positive
- Giperergichniy
- Results are different
- What reason for evolving of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
- Resistance to antimicrobial medication.
- Not timely process definition.
- Medical mistakes.
- Injurious clinical course.
- * Any with above possible to be a reason for evolution of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis.
- What is the main characteristic of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
- Disposition to forming acinar, acinar-nodes and lobular centers.
- Disposition for creation infiltrations and caverns.
- * Old fibrous cavity and fibrosis in abutting pulmonary tissue.
- Polychemoresistance.
- Periodical or permanent bacterioexcretion.
- What is clinic category for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient with long term?
- * Fourth.
- First.
- Second.
- Third.
- Fifth
- What are typical complications for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
- Tuberculosis bronchus.
- Bronchogenic dissemination.
- Tuberculosis larynx.
- Tuberculosis colitis.
- * All with above.
- What need take into account for prescription of medicine for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient?
- Symptoms of intoxication.
- Attendant pathology.
- * Sensitivity to anti-tuberculosis medications.
- Bronchial-lung syndrome.
- Quantity and size of caverns.
- What clinical course is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
- * Wavy, with remission and exacerbation.
- Acute, progressive.
- Near acute.
- Without symptoms or with few symptoms.
- Quick feedback.
- What clinical presentation is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis?
- No complaints or cough with minor spew.