Name: ______Date: ______
Grading Criteria / Points allowed / Points earnedClass time on Thursday, 9/15 was used appropriately to work on this project
For Styrofoam Head:
Name of disorder is easily viewed from 6ft away
Head is fully decorated
Creativity used in creating head (at least 3 different mediums used)
Time and thought were put into head; creation is not sloppy and thrown together
Creation represents disorder very well; shows a true understanding of the disease from the student (at least 5 different pictures, symbols, or things related to or representing symptoms of the disease)
For Verbal Presentation:
What is the disorder?
How is it classified?
How is it diagnosed?
What are the symptoms?
What are the treatment options?
What did you use to describe your disease on your head and why?
Student presents the project well to the class with little help from notes showing a true understanding.
For Realistic Fiction Story:
What is the disorder and how is it classified?
What symptoms did this person experience & how were they diagnosed?
What types of treatment have they received?
How does this disease affect their daily life?
Spelling, grammar, typed, in your own words / 5
Total points
Name: ______Date: ______
Mental Health Services Project
What’s In Your Head?
In order to gain a deeper understanding of mental health diseases, you will choose a specific mental health disease to research. You must have your chosen disease approved by your instructor (each person does a different disease). Using your research you will write a realistic fiction story about a person suffering from that disease create a depiction of that person using the supplied Styrofoam head. You will present your Styrofoam head, give a verbal presentation, and turn in your storyon Monday, September 19th. You will have all of class Thursday, September 15th to work on this project. You should use the grading rubric on the back to help guide your project.
Styrofoam head: You can use any art supplies we have here, or bring your own. Be creative!
Verbal presentation: You won’t read your story, instead your presentation should include the information listed on the rubric. This should show your understanding of the disease. After your presentation, your classmates should be able to clearly explain this disease.
Realistic fiction story: A story that uses imagined characters in real situations. The Styrofoam head you are creating is your imagined character. The real situation is the mental health disease you are researching. Using the knowledge you gain from your research, write a story from the perspective of your “person” about the disease and how their life has been affected by this disease.This story should be at least 3 paragraphs, double-spaced, typed.
My approved mental health disease: ______
Due Date: ______
This form must be returned with the project, with your name, or 5 points will be taken off.