How should mental health services be commissioned?
Identifying the principles, relationships, and pathways for effective and efficient care
11:00am – 5:00pm
14th September
Royal College of Psychiatrists
17 Belgrave Square
London, SW1X 8PG
A collaboration between the Royal College of General Practitioners1,
Royal College of Psychiatrists2, and the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network3
Professor Steve Field and Dr Clare Gerada1, Professor Dinesh Bhugra2,
and Steve Shrubb3 welcome your attendance at this closed seminar convened by
Carolyn Chew-Graham and Roger Banks of the Forum for Mental Health in Primary Care.
The new White Paper document, Liberating the NHS: Commissioning for Patients, signals a radical shift in the way in which many mental health services will be commissioned and held to account.
Commissioning for Patients details the Government's intentions to introduce both GP-led commissioning and a new NHS Commissioning Board.
To consider this situation, the Mental Health Primary Care Forum are convening a meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Royal College of General Practitioners, and NHS Confederation. This invite-only seminar will take place on the 14th of September, 2010 and will address:
- implications: the implications of new forms of commissioning for mental health services over the short, medium, and long-term;
- principles: the key principles and values that need to be embedded in the new system of GP commissioning for mental health;
- relationships: how relationships between GPs, psychiatrists and other health and social care professionals should operate;
- pathways: the central issues that need to be addressed in developing new and revised pathways and systems;
- outcome: it will aim to inform critical thinking and responses to the new White Paper document, Commissioning for Patients.
The seminar will be discussion-driven and will debate on strategies and models for meeting the challenges of Commissioning for Patients.
More information
For more information on the Forum for Mental Health in Primary care visit:
10:30 / Registration/coffee11:00
12:10 / Chair’s introduction [Council Room, 1st Flr]
Carolyn Chew-Graham (Clinical Champion for Mental Health, RCGP; and co-chair of the MHPCF)
and Roger Banks (co-chair of the MHPCF, RCPsych)
- Commissioning: opportunities Andrew Spooner, Clinical Lead for
- Commissioning: a viewpoint fromNick Kosky, RCPsych Working Group
- Commissioning: the NHS Confederation’sSteve Shrubb, Director, MH
- Commissioning: an opportunity to David Shiers, MHPCF
integrate physical and mental health care?
- Discussion[Facilitator: Neil Deuchar]
- Explanation of working group task: [Chairs: CCG/RB]
what, how, and why?
Part 1: what are the key principles for mental health commissioning?
12:40 / (Coffee served in working group rooms)
Working groups: what are the key principles for MH commissioning?
- GP group (Council room, 1st Flr)[CG and SA]
- Psychiatrist group (Dining room, Grd Flr)[RB and CF]
- Service users, carers, & representative organisations (Members, Grd Flr)[DS and CC]
- Allied health, social care, commissioning #1 (Warren Suite, B’ment)[KM and MK]
- Allied health, social care, commissioning#2 (Council room, 1st Flr)[SS& TBC]
13:40 / Sandwich lunch[Dining Room, Grd Flr]
14:55 / Plenary: shared principles for MH commissioning[Council Room, 1st Flr]
Chairs’ introduction: CCG and RB
- Five groups present set of principles in turn
- Panel/plenary discussion [Facilitator: Kieron Murphy]
Part 2: what support and resources will GP-consortia
and the Commissioning Board need?
How can we provide this to them?
15:20 / All groups will now be mixed.
(Coffee served in working group rooms)
What support and resources will GP-consortia and the NHS Commissioning Board need?
Each of the 5 groups will consider relevant questions including:
- How can multi-professional involvement in commissioning most effectively be promoted and sustained?
- How can GP Consortia most effectively take responsibility for improving the quality of primary (mental and physical) healthcare provided by their constituent practices?
- What are the key elements that you would expect to see reflected in a commissioning outcomes framework?
- How can GP consortia and the NHS Commissioning Board best involve patients in making commissioning decision that are built on patient insight?
- Group 1 (mixed group)Dining Room (Grd Flr)[CG and SA]
- Group 2 (mixed group)CouncilRoom (1st Flr)[RB and CF]
- Group 3 (mixed group)Council Room (1st Flr)[DS and RM]
- Group 4 (mixed group)WarrenSuite (Basement)[KM and MK]
- Group 5 (mixed group)Members Room, Grd Flr[SS and TBC]
16:20 / Plenary: support and resources [Council Room, 1st Flr]
Chairs’ introduction: CCG and RB
- Five groups present in turn
- Discussion[Facilitator: Kieron Murphy]
16:50 / Concluding words: how do we all work together to take this forward?
17:00 / Close