This bulletin covers Pain, Analgesics and Anaesthetics concerning patients aged 0-18 years, and should be of interest to staff working in these areas. Topics covered include pain assessment, chronic pain, adverse reactions and patient monitoring. This CAB is produced quarterly.

Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at

If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network and you would like to request a print copy, please submit your request online at

This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.


Anaesthetic procedures ……………..………………. Pg 2

Analgesic procedures ………………………………… Pg 4

Psychological aspects ……………………………….. Pg 6

Paediatric pain ………………………………………… Pg 7

Compiled by:

Scott Adam

Assistant Librarian

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus

Glasgow G51 4TF

Tel: 0141 451 1225

Recent guidelines

APA pathway Difficult mask ventilation 2015

APA pathway Unanticipated difficult intubation 2015

APA pathway Cannot intubate and cannot ventilate 2015

DAS Paediatric Difficult Airway Guidelines Paediatric Airway Guidelines Group

Nottingham Children’s Hospital guideline for oral analgesia 2015

Westmead Children’s Hospital, NSW, Australia – Pain management practice guideline

RCOA Guidelines for paediatric anaesthesia services 2016

Anaesthetic procedures

A comparison of single dose dexmedetomidine with propofol for the prevention of emergence delirium after desflurane anaesthesia in children. Anaesthesia. 2016:01:71(1) 50-57 8p.

Major Adverse Events and Relationship to Nil per Os Status in Pediatric Sedation/Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room: A Report of the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. Anesthesiology. 2016:01:124(1) 80-88 9p.

Small is the new big: An overview of newer supraglottic airways for children. Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology. 2015:October-December 2015:31(4) 440-449.

Neonatal anesthesia: How we manage our most vulnerable patients. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology. 2015:October 2015:68(5) 434-441.

Small is the new big: An overview of newer supraglottic airways for children. Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology. 2015:October-December 2015:31(4) 440-449.

Histopathological observations in the brains of children exposed to inhalational anesthetic agents: A retrospective autopsy-based study. Minerva Anestesiol. 2015:December 2015:81(12) 1329-1337.

Critical elements for the pediatric perioperative anesthesia environment. Pediatrics. 2015:December 2015:136(6) 1200-1205.

A comparison of the i-gelTM and the PRO-Breathe laryngeal mask during pressure support ventilation in children. Anaesthesia. 2015:December 2015:70(12) 1412-1417.

Optimum sevoflurane concentration for I-gel insertion in unpremedicated children. J.Clin.Anesth. 2015:December 2015:27(8) 627-631.

Prolonged fasting of children before anaesthesia is common in private practice. Anaesth.Intensive Care. 2016:01:44(1) 107-110 4p.

Airway loss during inhalation induction of anesthesia with sevoflurane in a pediatric patient with laryngeal papillomatosis: A case report. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2015:December 2015:10(6) 2429-2431.

Experience with dexmedetomidine in pediatric tubeless anesthesia for endoscopic airway surgery: A report of three cases. Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care. 2015:September 2015:19(3) 390-393.

Effectiveness of lidocaine Denti patch® system versus lidocaine gel as topical anesthetic agent in children. J.Indian Soc.Pedod.Prev.Dent. 2015:Oct:33(4) 285-290 6p.

Sevoflurane-Based General Anesthesia Induction via Nasopharyngeal Endotracheal Tube Prior to Definitive Airway Control in Pediatric Oral Tumors. Anesth.Prog. 2015:Fall2015:62(3) 118-121 4p.

Usman Ali and Julie Watts. Is there a role for codeine in paediatric anaesthetic practice?. Br.J.Hosp.Med. 2015:Nov:76(11) 670.

Kristen M. Bailey, Sally J. Bird, Patrick J. McGrath, et al. Preparing Parents to Be Present for Their Child's Anesthesia Induction: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2015:Oct:121(4) 1001-1010.

R. M. Beringer, B. C. Guard, R. Hawkins, et al. Randomized controlled pilot study: does intraoperative clonidine reduce the incidence of post-hospitalization negative behaviour changes in children who are distressed during induction of general anaesthesia?. Br.J.Anaesth. 2015:Nov:115(5) 795-797.

Heather F. Burnett, Rosemary Lambley, Stephanie K. West, et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of clinic-based chloral hydrate sedation versus general anaesthesia for paediatric ophthalmological procedures. Br.J.Ophthalmol. 2015:Nov:99(11) 1565-1570.

George Thomas-Kattappurathu, Ananth Kasisomayajula and Judith Short. Best position and depth of anaesthesia for laryngeal mask airway removal in children: A randomised controlled trial. EUR J ANAESTHESIOL 2015:09:32(9) 624-630 7p.

Mihaela Visoiu. Paediatric regional anaesthesia: a current perspective. CURR OPIN ANESTHESIOL. 2015:2015:28(5) 577-582 6p.

B. J. Walker, J. B. Long, De Oliveira G.S., et al. Peripheral nerve catheters in children: an analysis of safety and practice patterns from the pediatric regional anesthesia network (PRAN). Br.J.Anaesth. 2015:09:115(3) 457-462 6p.

Kai Wei, Hui Xu, Wanmin Liao, et al. A newborn tolerated severe hypercapnia during general anesthesia: a case report. J MED CASE REP. 2015:09/14:9(1) 1-4 4p.

Analgesic procedures

Pain control after pediatric surgery: Learning from the past to perfect the future. Pain Management. 2016:January 2016:6(1) 9-12.

Acupuncture Reduces Pain and Autonomic Distress During Injection of Local Anesthetic in Children: A Pragmatic Crossover Investigation. Clin.J.Pain. 2016:01:32(1) 82-86 5p.

Analgesia by cooling vibration during venipuncture in children with cognitive impairment. Acta Paediatr. 2016:01:105(1) e12-e16 5p.

Interviewing and Urine Drug Toxicology Screening in a Pediatric Pain Management Center: An Analysis of Analgesic Nonadherence and Aberrant Behaviors in Adolescents and Young Adults. Clin.J.Pain. 2016:01:32(1) 1-6 6p.

Practice Patterns and Adverse Events of Nitrous Oxide Sedation and Analgesia: A Report from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. J.Pediatr. 2016:02:169260-265.e2 1p.

Pierre dʼHemecourt A. Epidural Steroid Injections for Radiculopathy and/or Back Pain in Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Cohort Study With a Prospective Follow-Up. REGIONAL ANESTH PAIN MED. 2016:Jan:41(1) 86-92 7p.

Acupuncture for the prevention and treatment of pediatric perioperative conditions. Medical Acupuncture. 2015:December 2015:27(6) 411-418.

Acupuncture for pediatric conditions: A narrative review. Medical Acupuncture. 2015:December 2015:27(6) 420-431.

Acupuncture as an anesthetic adjuvant for pediatric orthopedic patients: A pilot study and protocol description. Medical Acupuncture. 2015:December 2015:27(6) 475-480.

Acupuncture as part of a pediatric pain clinic in a safety-net hospital: Acupuncture Wednesday. Medical Acupuncture. 2015:December 2015:27(6) 437-441.

Acupuncture and acupuncture-related therapies are well-tolerated and can effectively provide pain relief in the pediatric population. Medical Acupuncture. 2015:December 2015:27(6) 481-486.

The use of acupuncture in a pediatric chronic care setting: Clinical applications. Medical Acupuncture. 2015:December 2015:27(6) 493-503.

Neurodevelopmental implications of neonatal pain and morphine exposure. Pediatr.Ann. 2015:November 2015:44(11) e260-e264.

Prescription opioids in adolescence and future opioid misuse. Pediatrics. 2015:November 2015:136(5) e1169-e1177.

Thoracic epidural analgesia in a child with multiple traumatic rib fractures. J.Clin.Anesth. 2015:December 2015:27(8) 685-691.

Comforting strategies and perceived barriers to pediatric pain management during IV line insertion procedure in Uganda's national referral hospital: A descriptive study. BMC Pediatrics. 2015:15(1) (pagination) Arte Number: 122. ate of Pubaton: Setember 16, 2015.

A Randomized Clinical Trial of Jet-Injected Lidocaine to Reduce Venipuncture Pain for Young Children. Ann.Emerg.Med. 2015:11:66(5) 466-474 9p.

Are Children the Better Placebo Analgesia Responders? An Experimental Approach. J PAIN. 2015:10:16(10) 1005-1011 7p.

Jia-Yu Chen, Na Li and Yong-Qing Xu. Single Shot Adductor Canal Block for Postoperative Analgesia of Pediatric Patellar Dislocation Surgery: A Case-Series Report. Medicine. 2015:12:94(48) 1-3 3p.

Juan Manuel Ferrero-Cafiero, Ignasi Gich, Montse Puntes, et al. Ibuprofen lysinate, quicker and less variable: relative bioavailability compared to ibuprofen base in a pediatric suspension dosage form. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2015:Nov:53(11) 972-979.

Christopher Liu and Seckin O. Ulualp. Outcomes of an Alternating Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen Regimen for Pain Relief After Tonsillectomy in Children. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. 2015:Oct:124(10) 777-781.

Maren M. Lunoe, Amy L. Drendel, Michael N. Levas, et al. A Randomized Clinical Trial of Jet-Injected Lidocaine to Reduce Venipuncture Pain for Young Children. Ann.Emerg.Med. 2015:Nov:66(5) 466-474.

I. E. Musani and N. V. Chandan. A comparison of the sedative effect of oral versus nasal midazolam combined with nitrous oxide in uncooperative children. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry: Official Journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. 2015:Oct:16(5) 417-424.

Satpal S. Sandhu and Jasleen Sandhu. Effect of physical activity level on orthodontic pain perception and analgesic consumption in adolescents. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2015:Oct:148(4) 618-627.

Vibhuti Shah, Anna Taddio, C. M. McMurtry, et al. Pharmacological and Combined Interventions to Reduce Vaccine Injection Pain in Children and Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clin.J.Pain. 2015:10/02:31(10) S38-63 1p.

Does clonidine premedication decrease postoperative pain in children? J.Paediatr.Child Health. 2016:01:52(1) 93-94 2p.

Psychological aspects

State of the art in biobehavioral approaches to the management of chronic pain in childhood. Pain Management. 2016:January 2016:6(1) 49-61.

Acute Pain and Posttraumatic Stress After Pediatric Injury. J.Pediatr.Psychol. 2016:Jan:41(1) 98-107 10p.

Maternal pain influences her evaluation of recurrent pain in 6- to 11-year-old healthy children. Acta Paediatr. 2016:02:105(2) 183-190 8p.

Pain, Fatigue, and Psychological Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life in Childhood-Onset Lupus. ARTHRITIS CARE RES (2151464X). 2016:01:68(1) 73-80 8p.

L. Hedén and L. von Essen. The relationship between fear and pain levels during needle procedures in children from the parents' perspective. Eur.J.Pain. 2016:02:20(2) 223-230 8p

Factors associated with sexual orientation and gender disparities in chronic pain among U.S. adolescents and young adults. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2015:September 25, 2015:2765-772.

The association of self-injurious behaviour and suicide attempts with recurrent idiopathic pain in adolescents: Evidence from a population-based study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2015:9(1) (pagination) Arte Number: 32. ate of Pubaton: Setember 28, 2015.

Children with recurrent psychosomatic abdominal pain display increased morning salivary cortisol and high serum cortisol concentrations. Acta Paediatr. 2015:12:104(12) e577-e580 4p.

Comorbidity of Mental Disorders and Chronic Pain: Chronology of Onset in Adolescents of a National Representative Cohort. J PAIN. 2015:10:16(10) 1054-1064 11p.

Risk and Resilience in Pediatric Chronic Pain: Exploring the Protective Role of Optimism. J.Pediatr.Psychol. 2015:10:40(9) 934-942 9p.

Kim Anderson Khan, Susan T. Tran, Kristen Jastrowski Mano E., et al. Predicting Multiple Facets of School Functioning in Pediatric Chronic Pain: Examining the Direct Impact of Anxiety. Clin.J.Pain. 2015:10:31(10) 867-875 9p.

de Looij van. Bullying, abuse and family conflict as risk factors for chronic pain among Dutch adolescents. Eur.J.Pain. 2015:11:19(10) 1544-1551 8p.

Alexander von Gontard. Abdominal pain symptoms are associated with anxiety and depression in young children. Acta Paediatr. 2015:11:104(11) 1156-1163 8p.

Xiaoke Zhao, Mengying Chen and Xiaonan Li. RE: Evaluation of Stress and Pain in Young Children with Cerebral Palsy During Early Developmental Intervention Programs. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2015:Nov:94(11) e113

Paediatric pain

Treating migraine in teenagers. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management. 2016:January 2016:23(1) 34-48.

Approach to Joint Pain in Children. Indian J.Pediatr. 2016:02:83(2) 135-139 5p.

Current concepts in management of pain in children in the emergency department. Lancet. 2016:01/02:387 North American Edition(10013) 83-92 10p.

Emergency Department Pain Management in Pediatric Patients With Fracture or Dislocation in a Bi-Ethnic Population. Ann.Emerg.Med. 2016:01:67(1) 9-14.e1 1p.

Evaluation and Diagnosis of Back Pain in Children and Adolescents. J.Am.Acad.Orthop.Surg. 2016:01:24(1) 37-45 9p.

The Validity and Clinical Utility of the COVERS Scale and Pain Assessment Tool for Assessing Pain in Neonates Admitted to an Intensive Care Unit. Clin.J.Pain. 2016:01:32(1) 51-57 7p.

To study the effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on pain response in preterm neonates and to determine the behavioral and physiological responses to painful stimuli in preterm neonates: a study from western Rajasthan. J MATERN FETAL NEONAT MED. 2016:03:29(5) 826-831 6p.

.Invasive management for pediatric complex regional pain syndrome: Literature review of evidence. Pain Physician. 2015:November 2015:18(6) 621-630.

Managing Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents: A Clinical Review. PM and R. 2015:7(11 Supplement) (pp S295-S315) ate of Pubaton: Noember 2015.

When flexibility is not necessarily a virtue: A review of hypermobility syndromes and chronic or recurrent musculoskeletal pain in children. Pediatric Rheumatology. 2015:13(1) (pagination) Arte Number: 40. ate of Pubaton: Otober 06, 2015.

Annual Costs of Care for Pediatric Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Functional Abdominal Pain, and Functional Abdominal Pain Syndrome. J.Pediatr. 2015:November 2015:167(5) 1103-1108.

Tooth eruption and teething in children. Pharmaceutical Journal. 2015:November 2015:295(7883) 399-401.

The effects of a strength and neuromuscular exercise programme for the lower extremity on knee load, pain and function in obese children and adolescents: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2015:16(1) (pagination) Arte Number: 586. ate of Pubaton: eember 23, 2015.

Pain and symptom management in pediatric palliative care. Pediatrics in Review. 2015:December 2015:36(12) 527-533.

Non-pharmacological treatment for neuropathic pain in children with cancer. Med.Hypotheses. 2015:December 2015:85(6) 791-797.

Diphyllobothrium latum infection in a child with recurrent abdominal pain. Korean Journal of Pediatrics. 2015:November 2015:58(11) 451-453.

Analysis of clinical characteristics and causes of chest pain in children and adolescents. Korean Journal of Pediatrics. 2015:November 2015:58(11) 440-445.

Physicians' use of pain scale and treatment procedures among children and youth in emergency primary care - a cross sectional study. BMC Emergency Medicine. 2015:15(1) (pagination) Arte Number: 33. ate of Pubaton: Noember 06, 2015.

Racial disparities in pain management of children with appendicitis in emergency departments. JAMA Pediatrics. 2015:November 2015:169(11) 996-1002.

An unusual cause of chronic abdominal pain in a child: thoracic spinal dermoid cyst. SPINE J. 2015:11:15(11) e23-e24 1p.

Are parents and adolescents in agreement on reporting of recurrent non-specific low back pain in adolescents? A cross-sectional descriptive study. BMC Pediatr. 2015:12/08:151-7 7p.

Chest Pain in Pediatrics. Pediatr.Ann. 2015:12:44(12) e274-e278 5p.

Clinically meaningful reduction in pain severity in children treated by paramedics: a retrospective cohort study. Am.J.Emerg.Med. 2015:11:33(11) 1587-1590 4p.

Effects of a Guided Internet-Delivered Self-Help Intervention for Adolescents With Chronic Pain. J PAIN. 2015:11:16(11) 1115-1126 12p.