Office of Student Life



1800 Cannon Drive

Columbus, OH 43210

Student Employment Application

Full name: / OSU ID#:
OSU email address: / Home street address:
Primary Contact #:
Is this a cell phone (Y/N)?: / Secondary Contact #:
Is this a cell phone (Y/N)?:
Current undergradate student at OSU (Y/N)?:
Current graduate student at OSU (Y/N)?:
If not current student, where do you attend?: / Current major(s)/minor(s):
Expected graduation semester/year:
Have you worked for OSU in the last 12 months (Y/N)?:
If so, which department? / Valid driver’s license#:
Preferred hrs/wk (16-18 is avg/28 max for active students):
Maximum: / Referrer Name (If Applicable):

Please list jobs you have held in the past five (5) years, starting with the most recent.

Company name: / Title or position: / Dates employed:
Reason for leaving: / Supervisor: / Contact information:

May we contact this employer with any questions we may have? □ Y □ N

Job duties/description:
Company name: / Title or position: / Dates employed:
Reason for leaving: / Supervisor: / Contact information:

May we contact this employer with any questions we may have? □ Y □ N

Job duties/description:
Company name: / Title or position: / Dates employed:
Reason for leaving: / Supervisor: / Contact information:

May we contact this employer with any questions we may have? □ Y □ N

Job duties/description:

Are you currently employed (with university or otherwise)? If yes, do you plan on maintaining that job while working at Service2Facilities?

Service2Facilities operates 24-hrs a day, 365 days a year. Please check the boxes that you are available to work:

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
7am – 11am
11am – 3pm
3pm – 7pm
7pm – 11pm
11pm – 3am
3am – 7am

Available to Work Summer? Y / N

Available to Work Winter Break? Y / N

Available to Work Spring Break? Y / N

Please respond to the following prompts:

What skills and experience do you have that would make you valuable to our team and our organization?

Define what customer service means to you. Using your definition, how have you exemplified good customer service in your past experiences?

Please provide three (3) references we may contact, including at least two (2) professional references.

Name: / Title: / Company: / Relationship: / Contact number:
Name: / Relationship: / Contact#:
Name: / Relationship: / Contact#:

Upon review of application and after completion of any subsequent job interviews, all applicants will undergo criminal background check and a review of any traffic violations before an employment offer is made.

By signing below, I verify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Applicant’s Signature:Date:

Please email completed application to:


Return to Service2Facilities


130 Lincoln Tower

1800 Cannon Drive

Columbus OH, 43212