Mendocino County Lodging Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Gualala Art Center, Gualala, CA 1:00 PM


The meeting was called to order by President Jan Rodriguez at 1:06pm

Present were: Jan Rodriguez, Cally Dym, Josie Perla, Pam Amante, Mike Bradbook, Pauline Zamboni, Renata Dorn, Christina Affinito, Jo Bradley, Kevin Gallagher

Phone: Jaime Buckner, Stuart Marcus, Alydia Atkins

Visit Mendocino County Inc. Staff: Scott Schneider, Aimee Hanson

Visitor: Jonie James, Wendy Roberts

Privilege of the Floor

·  Introductions were held

President’s Report

·  Jan reported on the county general government committee tasked with raising the TOT. This committee is still looking into raising the TOT. Jo, Scott and Jan met with Steve Dunnacliff regarding MCLA’s position. Jo motions that we send a memo of information and possibly quotes and numbers to this committee and have it delivered to Steve on Monday. Pauline seconds. Motion passes

Approval and Posting of Last Meeting’s Minutes -

Pam motions to approve minutes from the October meeting. Cally seconds. Motion Passes.

Treasurer’s Report

Jo reported:

·  $153,000.00 for July and August BID have been received

Cally moves to accept treasures report. Josie seconds. Motion passes

Administration Report VMC President’s Report –

·  Quarterly Report presented: review of accomplished goals and upcoming goals. Quarterly financials will be sent to MCLA Board within a couple of days. These financials are privy to MCLA Board Members.

·  Visitors Guide question: houses the visitors guide. The visitors guide is not posted on at this time because staff wants to add a reader that will collect information from consumers who click on it. It will be up on soon.

·  Advertising question: most of the leads we get are from VIA Mag, Sunset Mag, and CA visitors guide. Most consumers do not use a unique url. It is hard to measure reader response. We are sticking to target areas, we are on message and we are getting our Mendocino County brand out there

·  Kevin asked that a written report from VMC to MCLA be included and he noted that every quarter a written report needs to be provided

·  Go Mendo Redesign: Venture Web visited last month. They are completing a review of specs to make sure everything is included in the new website that should be included. Everyone who wants their listing on the new website must upload their listing onto the new site. There will be a lot more room for text and listings. A video tutorial will be provided by Venture Web help you upload your listing

·  Jan recognized our forward movement. She noted that we need to make sure that we are hitting the things that work. She let Scott know that we have done a good job.

Old Business -

·  By Law revision update from Jo: Attorney gave the final green light after seeing our incorporation documents to make sure our bylaws are in sync with the BID Ordinance. We will get them out to the constituency for comment.

New Business

·  Booking Engine recommendation for gomendo redesign: We need to decide on which booking engine to use. There are four options:

o  Webervations: not everyone can use it, does not offer packages, price has gone up

o  Do nothing/No Option: we create our own database. If the consumer wants to book at a property they may click the property link and a new browser window will open displaying that properties website. will continue to be open in the other browser page.

o  Jack Rabbit: acts as a middle man vs a booking engine. Each property signs up with Jack Rabbit; a page will come up with the properties availability and rates and the consumer then has to click “book it” which takes the consumer to the inns website. If you don’t have a reservation system they will work with you.

o  Inntopia is like webervations but you can add in functionality; ie, adding tickets to Skunk Train.

o  AREZ: they charge approximately 30% commission

Josie motions that no booking engine be included in our website at this time. Pam seconds. Motion passes.

Jo motions that we do not use trip advisor in the new website. Kevin seconds. Motion passes.

·  Funding request for enhanced gomendo redesign: VMC is spending its entire budget on the redesign and some features may come up that we want and will need money for. There is no funding request at this point.

o  Spell checker is a possible feature

o  Mobile website is also a possible feature, offering simple integration with listings by region

o  Cally noted that we need to have the quality of site that has

o  A formal proposal will be presented, if necessary, at the December meeting.

·  PowerPoint Projector: Josie presented her powerpoint research. Lowest end: $700.00. High end unit: $1K. Consenus was to not purchase a ppt projector at this point.

·  Partnership application revision suggestions from committee: TABLED because staff needs to provide a list of previous awarded partnership funds

Next Meeting -

Scheduled for Dec 2nd in Ukiah

Adjournment - Cally motioned to adjourn at 3:30pm