MEMO | Acceptance ofa 2014 Linkage Project

Acceptance of 2015 Linkage Projects

Important Conditions of this Award


Projects MUST commence by 30 June 2016. The ARC will not allow extensions beyond this date and you will be required to relinquish the Project.

Changes to your Project

  1. A revised budget must be prepared if the funding that you were awarded was less than what you requested.
  1. If the Project has been significantly altered, formal approval must be sought from the ARC. Pleasediscuss potential changes with your College Research Office (CRO) as soon as possible.

Examples of changes include:

  1. Changes to the budget (particularly if you want to move expenditure between budget lines, introduce new budget lines, or change equipment requested)
  2. Changes to the scope of the Project (particularly if unforeseen external circumstances prevent you from achieving any of the objectives of your Project)
  3. Substantial reduction of outcomes of objectives
  4. Changes in your personal circumstances that affect your eligibility or require a suspension of Project
  5. Changes to Personnel and/or Organisations involved in the Project (for example, when participants move organisations, have changed employment or are no longer able to contribute to the Project)
  6. Changes to the Partner Organisations cash and/or in-kind contributions to the Project

ARC Assessments

By accepting this grantyou agree to assess up to 20 new proposals for ARC funding per annum for each year of funding. Failure to do so may result in the Linkage Project being terminated.

Reporting project activities to the ARC

  1. Variations to project activity need to be communicated promptly to the College Research Office: they may require a Variation to the Funding Agreement.

Common variations include:

  • Change with Partner Organisation, such as addition or removal of Partner Investigators; reduced Partner involvement or changes to Partner cash or in-kind contributions.
  1. Progress Reports:You are required to report on your Linkage Project activities through a Progress Report by Exception which will only be required if you have experience significant delays or changes to the project. You will receive a reminder towards the end of each year so that you can consider whether a Progress Report is required.
  1. Financial Reports: You are required to confirm the financial expenditure of the project each year, which will be submitted to the ARC on your behalf. You will be contacted by either the College Research Office or the College Finance Office when this report is required (usually in Dec-Feb each year)
  1. Final Report: The Final Report is due within1 year of the project end date communicated to the ARC in the annual End of Year financial report. Partner Funds allocated to the project should be expended before the last of the ARC funds.