Timothy Salzman • Professor ()
Erin Bodnar • Graduate Assistant ()
Office: #63: Meany Hall
office hours by appointment
Objective: To perform important wind ensemble repertoire with musical understanding.
Rehearsal time:T/TH - 3:30-5:30 pm. Room #268, Meany Hall.
Additional rehearsals:Sunday, October 23rd, 10:00am-12:30pm. Brechemin Auditorium.
Sunday, December 4th, 6:30-9:30pm. Room #268, Meany Hall.
Performances: Sunday, October 23rd, 1:30 pm. Brechemin Auditorium.
Wind Ensemble Chamber Music Concert
'Une Petite Musique Française'
Fanfare from La Peri, Paul Dukas. Daniel McDonald, conductor
Petite Symphonie No. 5, Dixtuor à vents, Op.75, Darius Milhaud. Erin Bodnar, conductor
Suite for Marimba and Percussion Quartet, Emmanuel Sejourne
La Bal de Beatrice d'Este, Reynaldo Hahn
Funeral March of a Marionette, Charles Gounod (tuba/euphonium quartet)
- sax quartet TBA -
Thursday, December 8th, 7:30 pm. Meany Hall.
Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Campus Band
Toccata Marziale,Ralph Vaughan Williams
Hemispheres, Joseph Turrin. Erin Bodnar, conductor
Concerto Grosso, William Bolcom (saxophone quartet and wind ensemble)
Grading:To be determined for the most part by your attendance. It is assumed that by your interest in participating in this ensemble that you will do everything possible to individually master your music. In addition, sectionals are expected. Attendance will be taken at all rehearsals and sectionals. The grading policy is listed below. If you will miss a rehearsal, sectional or concert due to illness, etc. please email Erin Bodnarat (). You are responsible to notify the conductor immediately if you encounter an attendance problem. Further, you are responsible to send a substitute player to the rehearsal. Please make sure your music will be at the rehearsal if you are not! Do not wait until the end of the will not be excused.
Unexcused Rehearsal AbsencesGrade
1 3.0
2 2.5
3 2.0
4 or more 1.0
2 3.0
3 2.5
4 2.0
5 or more 1.0
The penalty for unexcused performance absence is a grade of 1.0 for the quarter.
Miscellaneous: Anyone having a rehearsal conflict needs to notify Erin Bodnar immediately. Office #63, Meany Hall. Office phone: (206) 685-2735. This phone has an answering machine.
PLEASE NOTE: Formal concert dress is required. Black tuxes for men, long sleeved black outfits (long dress/long skirt/pants depending on instrument) for women.
The instructor reserves the right to change any of the above given reasonable prior notice to the students.