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** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** SFS Intec, Inc.; Membrane Roofing and Insulation Fastening.
This section is based on the products of SFS Intec, Inc., which is located at:
1045 Spring Street.
Wyomissing, PA 19610.

Toll Free Tel: (800)234-4533.

Tel: (610) 376-5751.
Fax: (610) 376-8551.

SFS intec is the premier manufacturer of fasteners and fastening systems. Headquartered in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, our products are manufactured in nine countries, and we operate four full-service distribution centers in the U.S. The cornerstone of our success has been the ability to deliver the value of our manufacturing superiority to you when and where you need it, at a cost that makes you profitable..At our flagship production facility in Heerbrugg, Switzerland, we design and manufacture the latest, high quality, superior fastening systems using technologies such as sophisticated cold forming, powder metallurgy, and installation tool design. Learn about our latest innovations.. In North America, we benefit from the design and production capabilities of SFS abroad, while maintaining our own autonomous production and product development capabilities. This allows us to maximize flexibility and reaction times, so we can respond to your changes when they happen..At SFS intec, we control the manufacturing and distribution processes completely. Our vertical integration keeps the heading, threading, pointing, heat treating, coating, and packaging of our products in our hands. We believe this gives you greater assurance that we will live up to our quality, delivery, and service commitments. We maintain the control necessary to meet or exceed your expectations.



** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete items below not required for project.

  1. Membrane Roofing Fasteners and Stress Plates.
  2. Rigid Roof Insulation Fasteners and Stress Plates.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete any sections below not relevant to this project; add others as required.

  1. Section 07220 - Roof and Roof Deck Insulation.
  2. Section 07540 - Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing.
  2. FM Global (FM): FM4470 - Approval for Class 1 Roof Covers.
  3. American Society of Civil Engineers: ASCE 7 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (current version)
  5. Submit under provisions of Section 01300.
  6. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including:
  7. Preparation instructions and recommendations.
  8. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations.
  9. Installation methods.
  10. Shop Drawings: Provide Plan, Section, elevation and perspective drawings as necessary to demonstrate the proper installation techniques, display fastener dimensions and position fasteners within the system.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete selection samples if colors have already been selected.

  1. Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of fastener samples representing manufacturer's full range of available fastener types.
  2. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, two samples representing each specified product.
  2. Manufacturer Qualifications: All primary products specified in this section will be supplied by a single manufacturer with a minimum of ten (10) years experience.
  3. Installer Qualifications: All products listed in this section are to be installed by a single installer with a minimum of five (5) years demonstrated experience in installing products of the same type and scope as specified.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Include a mock-up if the project size and/or quality warrant taking such a precaution. The following is one example of how a mock-up on a large project might be specified. When deciding on the extent of the mock-up, consider all the major different types of work on the project.

  1. Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship.
  2. Finish areas designated by Architect.
  3. Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship, color, and sheen are approved by Architect.
  4. Refinish mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work.
  2. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation.
  3. Store and dispose of hazardous materials, and materials contaminated by hazardous materials, in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction.
  5. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits.
  7. At project closeout, provide to Owner or Owners Representative an executed copy of the manufacturer's standard limited warranty against manufacturing defect, outlining its terms, conditions, and exclusions from coverage.



  1. Acceptable Manufacturer: SFS intec, Inc., which is located at: 1045 Spring St. ; Wyomissing, PA 19610; Toll Free Tel: 800-234-4533; Tel: 610-376-5751; Fax: 610-376-8551; Email: request info; Web:

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete one of the following two paragraphs; coordinate with requirements of Division 1 section on product options and substitutions.

  1. Substitutions: Not permitted.
  2. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01600.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain only fasteners required on this project and delete all others. Delete the entire next article if not required. Select at least one of the three (3) fastener types below and one of the two (2)isoweld®stress plate types below.


  1. #12 Dekfast Fasteners: Factory Mutual approved drill point fastener for insulation and membrane attachment to wood and steel roof decks.
  2. Head Type: #3 Phillips.
  3. Threads per Inch (TPI): 13.
  4. Head Height: 0.118 inch (3mm) maximum.
  5. Head Diameter: 0.448 inch (11.4mm) maximum.
  6. Thread Major Diameter: 0.222 inch (5.6mm).
  7. Shank Diameter: 0.167 inch (4.2mm).

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select length requirement. Insert required fastener length(s) where known. Delete one of the next two paragraphs. Fastener length shall be sufficient to penetrate through wood or steel decks ¾" or to have minimum 1" embedment into structural concrete.

  1. Length: As required to provide appropriate substrate penetration in accordance with manufacturer's guidelines.
  2. Length: _____ inches (___mm).
  3. Packaging: Loose.
  4. Strength:
  5. Tensile: 2410 Lb (1093 kg) ultimate.
  6. Torsional: 76 in-lbs minimum.
  7. Shear: 1815 Lbf (823 kg).
  8. Pull Values:

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain only deck types applicable to this project and delete all others. Delete four of the next five paragraphs.

  1. Steel - 22 gauge: 513 lbs (233 kg) average.
  2. Steel - 20 gauge: 697 lbs (316 kg) average.
  3. Steel - 18 gauge: 787 lbs (357 kg) average.
  4. Plywood - 3/4 inch (19mm) CDX: 462 lbs (210 kg) average.
  5. Dimensional Lumber - 2X: 575 lbs (261 kg) average.
  1. #14 Dekfast Fasteners: Factory Mutual approved drill point fastener for insulation and membrane attachment to wood, steel and structural concrete roof decks
  2. Head Type: #3 Phillips.
  3. Threads per Inch (TPI): 10.
  4. Head Height: 0.118 inch (3mm) maximum.
  5. Head Diameter: 0.448 inch (11.4mm) maximum.
  6. Thread Major Diameter: 0.238 inch (6mm).
  7. Shank Diameter: 0.180 inch (4.6mm).
  8. Packaging: Loose.
  9. Strength:
  10. Tensile: 3600 Lb (1633 kg) ultimate.
  11. Torsional: 110 in-lbs minimum.
  12. Shear: 2630 Lb (1193 kg).

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select length requirement. Insert required fastener length(s) where known. Delete one of the next two paragraphs. Fastener length shall be sufficient to penetrate through wood or steel decks ¾" or to have minimum 1" embedment into structural concrete.

  1. Length: As required to provide appropriate substrate penetration in accordance with manufacturer's guidelines.
  2. Length: _____ inches (___mm).
  3. Pull Values:

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain only deck types applicable to this project and delete all others. Delete five of the next six paragraphs.

  1. Steel - 22 gauge: 540 lbs (245 kg) average.
  2. Steel - 20 gauge: 630 lbs (286 kg) average.
  3. Steel - 18 gauge: 900 lbs (408 kg) average.
  4. Concrete - 4000 psi: 850 lbs (386kg) average.
  5. Plywood - 3/4" CDX: 590 lbs (268 kg) average.
  6. Dimensional Lumber - 2X: 605 lbs (274 kg) average.
  1. #15 Dekfast Fasteners: Factory Mutual approved drill point fastener for insulation and membrane attachment to wood, steel and structural concrete roof decks.
  2. Head Type: #3 Phillips.
  3. Threads per Inch (TPI): 13.
  4. Head Height: 0.130 inch (3.3mm) maximum.
  5. Head Diameter: 0.448 inch (11.4mm) maximum.
  6. Thread Major Diameter: 0.263 inch (6.7mm).
  7. Shank Diameter: 0.204 inch (5.2mm).
  8. Packaging: Loose.
  9. Strength:
  10. Tensile: 4350 Lb (1973 kg) ultimate.
  11. Torsional: 130 in-lbs minimum.
  12. Shear: 3700 Lb (1678 kg).

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select length requirement. Insert required fastener length(s) where known. Delete one of the next two paragraphs. Fastener length shall be sufficient to penetrate through wood or steel decks ¾" or to have minimum 1" embedment into structural concrete.

  1. Length: As required to provide appropriate substrate penetration in accordance with manufacturer's guidelines.
  2. Length: _____ inches (___mm).
  3. Pull Values:

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain only deck types applicable to this project and delete all others. Delete five of the next six paragraphs.

  1. Steel - 22 gauge: 706 lbs (320 kg) average.
  2. Steel - 20 gauge: 898 lbs (407 kg) average.
  3. Steel - 18 gauge: 1140 lbs (517 kg) average.
  4. Concrete - 4000 psi: 728 lbs (330kg) average.
  5. Plywood - 3/4" CDX: 703 lbs (319 kg) average.
  6. Dimensional Lumber - 2X: 692 lbs (314 kg) average.

** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain only fasteners required on this project and delete all others. Delete the entire next article if not required. Select at least one of the two (2) isoweld®stress plate types below.

  1. [isoweld®FI-P-6.8-PVC Plate], or, [isoweld® FI-P-6.8-TPO Plate]: Factory Mutual approved stress plate with gray polyester backing and [purple tinted adhesive topcoat for bonding to PVC and KEE single ply roofing membranes], or, [green tinted adhesive topcoat for bonding to TPO single ply roofing membranes]. Plates must comply with the following physical and mechanical properties:
  2. G-90, hot-dipped galvanized coating
  3. Nominal, 3-inch diameter with 0.25" diameter hole centered in plate
  4. 0.0296-inch minumum thickness (22 gauge)
  5. Minimum yield strength, 80-ksi
  6. Minimum tensile strength, 82-ksi
  7. Designed for use with #12, #14 and #15 Dekfast Fasteners



  1. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared.
  2. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding.
  2. Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation.
  3. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions.
  5. Install fasteners in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
  6. Install fasteners using manufacturer's approved fastening patterns at the appropriate fastening rate as determined in the most current revision of ASCE-7 or the Factory Mutual Approval Guide.
  7. Plate installation:
  8. Locate plates in the appropriate grid pattern in accordance with the membrane manufacturer's instructions.
  9. Install plates in straight rows to the specified number per 4-foot by 8-foot insulation board to achieve the required wind uplift resistance in the main field, edges and corners of the roof.
  10. Install plates using fasteners that comply with the specified Factory Mutual wind uplift rating and the fastener and membrane manufacturer's requirements. Ensure that all fasteners are properly driven normal to the surface of the sub-structure. Do not over-drive fasteners; plates that are recessed into and/or not flush with the surface of the insulation are not acceptable.
  11. Induction welding tool, use and operation:
  12. Use only the isoweld® 3000 induction welding tool and accessories by SFS intec with isoweld® Plates and Dekfast fasteners. These 3 components are uniquely designed as a system and must not be separated. Using alternative welding devices, plates and/or fasteners voids all test data and warranties.
  13. The induction welding tool must be designed with the following features, alternative systems not meeting these criteria are not permitted:
  14. Allow operation in stand-up mode or hand held inductor mode
  15. Adjustable handle and wheels for easy mobility on roof
  16. Automatically adjust search, find and energy levels for changes to ambient temperature.
  17. Internal settings to adjust for membrane types, single thicknesses and double thicknesses (x2 function when 2 layers of membrane are present).
  18. 1-step calibration
  19. Built-in plate finding security
  20. Automatically adjusts to power spikes
  21. 3-way weld verification: visual, audible and LCD counter
  22. Prior to commencement of work, select the proper membrane type and thickness and calibrate the isoweld® 3000 in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Provided the tool is not powered off, no further adjustments are necessary. Once the tool is powered off, it must be set and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Systems using induction welding tools that allow false-positive welds and/or require manual adjustments to energy levels and/or require re-calibration for changes to ambient air temperatures are not permitted.
  23. Prior to commencement of work, perform test weld in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and ensure all prescribed criteria are met prior to starting project.
  24. Immediately after welding, place the manufacturer's magnet assembly over the welded plate and leave in place for at least 1-minute to apply the necessary clamping pressure and cool the welded plate. Not using or improper use of magnets will void all test data and warranties.
  25. Contractor shall be trained by the manufacturer's technical representative in the proper use and operation of the isoweld® system.
  26. Power:
  27. Dedicated, 5000 Watt generator.
  28. 100-foot long maximum, 12-gauge minimum extension cord.
  29. Use the isoweld® 3000 hand-held induction welder for vertical surfaces and hard to reach areas around and under roof mounted units. Systems that do not have devices for welding vertical surfaces and hard to reach areas around and under roof mounted units are not permitted.
  30. Special considerations for EPS, XPS and foil faced insulation materials:
  31. EPS and XPS insulation - To prevent melting hazard, use the Isoweld® separator pad between the isoweld® plate and top surface of the insulation. Systems that do not have a manufactured solution to this hazard are not permitted. Contractor and/or shop fabricated solutions are not permitted.
  32. Foil faced insulation - The isoweld® 3000 tool automatically corrects its search and find and energy levels when foil faced insulation is utilized. Systems that do not have internal features to compensate for foil faced insulation are not permitted.
  33. Cleaning: Tools and accessories shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Inspect induction welding head for dirt, use replacement pads when necessary. Inspect magnet heads for dirt and debris, clean as necessary to prevent dirt and debris from being pressed into the membrane during clamping and cooling cycles.
  35. Protect installed products until completion of project.
  36. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion.

