September 5, 2013

The St. JosephYork Athletic Association (SJAA)is a St Joseph Parish Ministry. All athletic programs offered are open to St Joseph Parish and St Joseph School Children.

Below are the forms to register your children for basketball and/or cheerleading for this fall.

Basketball is open to: Girlsin 1st through 8th grade and Boysin1stthrough 12th grade.

Cheerleading is open for girlsin 3rd through 6th grade.

The AthleticAssociation requires that you return pages 2, 3, 7, 8, and 10 along with your registration fee. Pages 4, 5, and 6are the Code of Conduct that you need to review with your athlete.

Registration forms and checks may be returned:

  • Through the school to Lynne Kile c/o Drew 4Aor mailed to:

Lynne Kile

Athletic Association

St. Joseph School

2945 Kingston Road

York PA 17402

Additionally, there is no guarantee of what team your athlete will be placed. If tryouts or evaluations occur for your child’s age group, children will be selected fora team that is appropriate for their skill level based on the initial tryout and evaluation.

You can contact the Athletic Association Secretary,Lynne Kileat ith anyquestions. To enable us enough time to prepare for the upcoming season, please have your athlete’s registration returned to the SJAA by the following schedule.

Elementary School Students Deadline: Friday, September 20th,2013

Middle/High School Students Deadline: Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Thank you for your cooperation.

St Joseph York Athletic Association Executive Board

Lenny Ebel, President

Ron Quaid, Vice-President

Lynne Kile, Secretary

Jim Boyle, Treasurer


St. Joseph York Athletic Association Registration

2013 – 2014 Season

  1. Child’s Name: ______Grade:______

School (Choose One Only): St. Joseph’s York/York Catholic Student

Attends another school but is a religious education student.

Sport: Cheerleading Boys Basketball Girls Basketball

  1. Child’s Name: ______Grade:______

School (Choose One Only): St. Joseph’s York/York Catholic Student

Attends another school but is a religious education student.

Sport: Cheerleading Boys Basketball Girls Basketball

  1. Child’s Name: ______Grade:______

School (Choose One Only): St. Joseph’s York/York Catholic Student

Attends another school but is a religious education student.

Sport: Cheerleading Boys Basketball Girls Basketball

Registration Check No. ______Date: ______

Child(ren)’s address:______

Parents’Names:______Home Phone #: ______

Cell #: Father: ______Mother: ______

Email: Father: ______Mother: ______


  1. Registration Fee: 3rd – 12 Grade - $65 per child

1st – 2nd Grade - $50 per child

$150 per family maximum (NON – REFUNDABLE)

This fee can be combined on one check per family.

  1. Make checks payable to St. Joseph Athletic Association.
  2. There will be no Uniform Deposit this year. However, in the event your child(ren) uniform(s) are not returned, you will be charged $50 per uniform not returned. Please initial to acknowledge you have read and agree to return all uniforms at the end of the season.


Diocese of Harrisburg

Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry



Participant’s Name: ______

Birth date: ____/___ /___Age: ______Grade: ______

Address: ______

Parish: ______School: ______

Parent / Guardian’s Name: ______

Home Address: (if different from above) ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

I, ______, grant permission for______

(Name of parent or guardian)(Name of child)

to participate in the 2013-2014 CYO/EYC Leagues basketball/cheerleading seasonwhere she/he will travel by car, van, or bus to practices, games or tournaments.

I understand that the program will have competent adult supervision and reasonable and appropriate measures will bemade to minimize the risk of injury and/or accident. I understand and have been informed that taking part in this youth tripor event involves the risk of injury.

I hereby grant consent for the coach, chaperone, and/or adult volunteer under whose auspices the program is conducted,to secure all necessary emergency medical care and/or treatment that may be necessary for my child during the entireyouth trip/event including any necessary transportation, if provided by the coach, chaperone, or adult volunteer. I releaseand hold harmless any said coach, chaperone, or adult volunteer, from any liability, who in good faith is placed in aposition requiring decisions to be made for emergency care or medical treatment of the above-named young person. Incase of accident, injury or loss, neither my family nor I will hold the diocese, the parish, the place where the event isconducted, the group sponsoring the event, nor any person or affiliate organization associated with the event responsibleor liable.

In the event of an emergency, if you are unable to reach me at the above number, contact:

Name and Relationship: ______

Phone: ______Additional Phones: ______

Family Physician: ______Phone: ______


Allergic reactions (medications, food, insects, etc.)Medication(s) currently being taken

Hospital Preference: ______

My child has special medical/mental conditions: Yes______No______

(If yes, please describe on reverse side of form)

Insurance Company: ______Policy Number: ______

Signature: ______

Relationship to Participant: ______Date: ______/ ______/______

September 5, 2013

Dear Parent and Coaches,

As a parent of a son or daughter participating in the SJAA basketball or cheerleading program, the

SJAA Board of Directors wants to remind you of the mission of our organization and behavioralexpectations that our organization has of all parents. St. Joseph School and Parish has always taken pride inbeing a community where people volunteer their time, act with integrity and treat one another with mutualrespect. The SJAA encourages and promotes these same values.

The primary goals of youth basketball and cheerleading are to teach our children good sportsmanship, healthy competition andcooperative team play. Therefore, the mission of the St. Joseph York Athletic Association and all parents is to:

  1. Teach young athletes Christian principles in action.
  2. Foster and promote, through athletic programs, parish unity and participation.
  3. Instill through athletic programs, Christian ideals and principles to better prepare our youth for the responsibilities of Catholic Adults.
  4. Establish, maintain, and financially support athletic programs.
  5. Provide, assist and supervise our coaching personnel.
  6. Instill a competitive, yet responsible attitude in our young athletes.

As part of this mission it is the responsibility of every parent of every child in the program to demonstrate

Christian values and show respect to all players, coaches and parents during the course of a season.

Parents have the right, and are encouraged to ask questions on matters relating to their children. When doingso, the expectation is that questions will be voiced respectfully to other parents or coaches, who arevolunteering their valuable time. There is no place in our community for disrespect and this type of behavior isnot permitted. Respect should also be extended to all parents, coaches and players of competing teams, at alltimes.

The SJAA Board of Directors, coaches and all volunteers work very hard to ensure that alldecisions are made in the best interest of the children of St. Joseph School and Parish and following all the league rules in which we participate. The SJAA asks for your cooperation and support so that we canbuild upon a great tradition and create an organization to serve St. Joseph School and Parish in the future.


St Joseph Athletic Association Executive Board

Lenny Ebel, President

Ron Quaid, Vice-President

Lynne Kile, Secretary

Jim Boyle, Treasurer

St. Joseph SchoolAthletic Association, York

Code of Conduct

As a parent of a son or daughter participating in the St. Joseph basketball or cheerleading program, the SJAA Board of Directors is issuing this document as a reminder regarding the code of conductexpectations that our organization has of all parents, coaches and students. The St. Joseph School and Parishhas always taken pride in being a community where people volunteer their time, act with integrity and treat oneanother with mutual respect. The SJAA encourages and promotes these same principles.

Code of Conduct for Coaches and Players

No coach or player is to:

  1. Refuse to abide by officials’ decisions.
  2. Be guilty of objectionable demonstrations by throwing equipment or any other forceful action.
  3. Be guilty of heaping personal verbal abuse upon any official for any real or imaginary wrong decisionor judgment.
  4. Be guilty of an abusive verbal attack upon any player (own or opposing team), opposing coach, officialor spectator.
  5. At any time lay hands upon, push, shove, strike, or threaten to strike an official, coach or spectator.
  6. Be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor upon any player (own or opposing team).

In the event of a Coach or Player being charged with misconduct, a Board of Inquiry appointed by the Officersshall evaluate and make recommendations to the SJAA Executive Board.

The Board shall evaluate the Board of Inquiry’s evaluation and take appropriate action.

Penalties for Offending Coaches and Players

  1. Violation of number 1 and 4 by a coach or player: Minimum automatic 30-day suspension.
  2. Violation of number 5 and 6 by a coach: Minimum automatic suspension of offending coach for 1 fullyear from participating in the basketball program.
  3. Violation of number 5 by a player: Minimum automatic suspension of offending player for 1 full yearfrom participating in the basketball program.
  4. Violation of number 6 by a player: Minimum automatic suspension of offending player for 14 days,which must include at least 2 league and/or play-off games.
  5. If a suspended coach or player disregards stated penalties, when notified by a proper CYO Area officerthe team is to be suspended from the Diocesan CYO basketball program for 1 full year.
  6. If necessary, penalties will carry over into the next season.

Code of Conduct for Parents

To ensure that we continue to foster the values within our mission statement, SJAA has adopted a code of conduct for all parents of players of St. Joseph York.

  1. At no time will a parent make hurtful comments or take hurtful action towards a player.
  2. At no time will a parent make hurtful comments or take hurtful action towards a coach.
  3. At no time will a parent make hurtful comments or take hurtful action towards a parent.

Such behavior is not permitted within the St. Joseph York Athletic Association.


In the event of a concern arising from a parental action, the witnessing party should contact the coach of therespective team and make the coach aware of the situation.

Penalties for Offending Parents

If any of the above actions are witnessed, the coach of the respective team should be notified with the actionsidentified below to follow:

  1. The coach of the respective team discusses behavior issues with the parent(s) and reviews the code ofconduct.
  2. If issues persist, the SJAA President will meet with the parent to discussand explain the repercussions of continued code of conduct issues.
  3. If issues persist, the parent will be prohibited from attending their child’s next two games.
  4. If issues persist, the parent will be prohibited from attending all of their child’s remaining games in thecurrent season.
  5. If issues persist, the child will be removed from the team for the remainder of the current season.


St. Joseph York Athletic Association, Code of Conduct Agreement


I ______have read and understand the Code of Conduct for the


St. Joseph YorkAthletic Association. By signing this, I agree to adhere to the guidelines outline in this Code of

Conduct and understand the consequences that I will encounter if I do not adhere to the guidelines stated in the

St. Joseph York Athletic Association Code of Conduct.

Date______Player/Athlete Signature______


I ______have read and understand the Code of Conduct for the


St. Joseph York Athletic Association. By signing this, I agree to adhere to the guidelines outline in this Code of

Conduct and understand the consequences that I will encounter if I do not adhere to the guidelines stated in the

St. Joseph York Athletic Association Code of Conduct.

Date______Player/Athlete Signature______


I ______have read and understand the Code of Conduct for the


St. Joseph York Athletic Association. By signing this, I agree to adhere to the guidelines outline in this Code of

Conduct and understand the consequences that I will encounter if I do not adhere to the guidelines stated in the

St. Joseph York Athletic Association Code of Conduct.

Date______Player/Athlete Signature______

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I ______have read and understand the Code of Conduct for the


St. Joseph York Athletic Association. By signing this, I agree to adhere to the guidelines outline in this Code of

Conduct and understand the consequences that I will encounter if I do not adhere to the guidelines stated in the

St. Joseph York Athletic Association Code of Conduct.

Date______Parent/Guardian Signature______

Photo Release Form

The SJAA posts pictures of our players on our website. Please go to to see photos of our athletes from last season.

In order for the SJAA to place your child’s image on our website please sign, date and submit this form as part of your child’s registration. Throughout the season, photos of players involved in sports sponsored by the SJAA will be posted on the St Joseph website. We want to ensure that your child’s rights are protected. Many photos will have multiple players, so even if you do not plan on submitting pictures to the SJAA for this purpose, we still request that you submit this document if you approve your child’s image being placed on our website. If this document is not submitted with your child’s registration, we will add your child to a list of athletes whose image is not to be posted on our website

We are always looking for current photos of our players and like to have pictures from all of our sports and teams represented on our website. Please send any pictures you want to share with all of us in the SJAA to Lynne Kile, SJAA Secretary at . If you cannot email the image, please contact Lynne and she will provide an alternative method of receiving your photos. You can also contact Lynne if you have any additional questions about this matter.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Parent/Guardian signature:Date:

Our Athletic Association NEEDS YOUR HELP!

Remember many hands make easy work!

Please check below any way you may be able to assist:

______Coaching – Please specify team: ______

______Asst. Coach – Please specify team: ______

In order to participate in coaching/assistant coaching you must have a required clearance. If you already have a clearance, it will automatically be renewed. For those who do not, you must turn all paperwork in to the parish office in order to receive your Diocesan badge. All clearance requirements can be found at If you have questions or need assistance please contact SJAA Secretary, Lynne Kile at .

You must obtain a clearance before practices begin.

There will be no exceptions.

Athlete/Parent/Guardian Sudden Cardiac Arrest Symptoms and Warning Signs Information Sheet andAcknowledgement of Receipt and Review Form

What is sudden cardiac arrest?

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is when the heart stops beating, suddenly and unexpectedly. When this happens blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. SCA is NOT a heart attack. A heart attack may cause SCA, but they are not the same. A heart attackis caused by a blockage that stops the flow of blood to the heart. SCA is a malfunction in the heart’s electrical system, causing the heart to suddenly stop beating.

How common is sudden cardiac arrest in the United States?

There are about300,000 cardiac arrestsoutside hospitals each year. About 2,000 patients under 25 die of SCA each year.

Are there warning signs?

Although SCA happens unexpectedly, some people may have signs or symptoms, such as:

  • dizziness
  • lightheadedness
  • shortness of breath
  • difficulty breathing
  • racing or fluttering heartbeat (palpitations)
  • syncope (fainting)
  • fatigue (extreme tiredness)
  • weakness
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • chest pains

These symptoms can be unclear and confusing in athletes. Often, people confuse these warning signs with physical exhaustion. SCA can be prevented if the underlying causes can be diagnosed and treatedThese symptoms can be unclear and confusing in athletes. Often, people confuse these warning signs with physical exhaustion. SCA can be prevented if the underlying causes can be diagnosed and treated.

What are the risks of practicing or playing after experiencing these symptoms?

There are risks associated with continuing to practice or play after experiencing these symptoms. When the heart stops, so does the blood that flows to the brain and other vital organs. Death or permanent brain damage can occur in just a few minutes. Most people who have SCA die from it.

PA Department of Health: Sudden Cardiac Arrest Symptoms and Warning Signs Information Sheet and Acknowledgement of Receipt and Review Form. 7/2012

Act 59 –the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act (the Act)

The Act is intended to keep student-athletes safe while practicing or playing. The requirements of the Act are:

Information about SCA symptoms and warning signs.

  • Every student-athlete and their parent or guardian must read and sign this form. It must be returned to the school before participation in any athletic activity. A new form must be signed and returned each school year.
  • Schools may also hold informational meetings. The meetings can occur before each athletic season. Meetings may include student-athletes, parents, coaches and school officials. Schools may also want to include doctors, nurses and athletic trainers.

Removal from play/return to play

  • Any student-athlete who has signs or symptoms of SCA must be removed from play. The symptoms can happen before, during or after activity. Play includes all athletic activity.
  • Before returning to play, the athlete must be evaluated. Clearance to return to play must be in writing. The evaluation must be performed by a licensed physician, certified registered nurse practitioner or cardiologist (heart doctor). The licensed physician or certified registered nurse practitioner may consult any other licensed or certified medical professionals.

I have reviewed and understand the symptoms and warning signs of SCA.