(you may prefer to email your class details)

Class Venue / Day / Start Time / End Time / Class Type (eg General, Beginners)

I consent to the above information being made available on the GYA Website

Signed …………………………………………………………………..

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NEWSLETTER 2013/2014

Welcome to our Newsletter for 2013/2014. We are delighted to report that currently ourMembershipstands at 115. Thank you members for your loyalty and support.

At our 2013 AGM, we said thank you and farewell to Sandra Cook who has served on the Committee for 6 years, the last year as Chair.Donna Falconer was duly elected to the position of Chairman. Moira Donald, Treasurer and Linda Moodie, Secretary both resigned their positions after two years on the Committee, and Moira agreed to remain as a Committee Member. Sheena Allan was elected as Secretary and Gordon Edward as Treasurer. Joanne Adam was re-elected as membership secretary and Ally Summers as a Committee member. We wish the retiring members very best wishes, and every success to the new committee.

Past Events in 2012/13

Thank you all for your support and positive feed-back.

Forthcoming Event 2013

On Sunday, 27th October 2013 at Murtle Estate Hall, we are delighted to welcome Zoe Knott who will provide an interesting general posture workshop. Booking for this event is available through Moira Donald at GYA Members£25, Non-members £30.

The Committee is keen to have input from members about which Yoga Teachers or Yoga Styles they would like to have presented in seminars over the next few years. Please contact any Committee member with suggestions.

Summer classes in 2012 were heldat Craigiebuckler Church Hall and Bon Accord Square, Aberdeen over 7 weeks at both venues. Attendance at all classes was good, confirming the need for classes to continue during the school holidays. We are grateful to the organisers, and the tutors who gave us an interesting and varied programme. Details of the Summer Classes 2013 are on the following page.

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Sponsorshipis available for Yoga Scotland or British Wheel Yoga foundation course and both years Yoga Scotland Teacher Training. For more information, please contact the Committee Treasurer.

Further updates: we are continuing to redesign our website and Facebook pages – please keep checking for any new seminars and information.

Your Membership Renewal Application Form is on the back page, please ensure you complete and return to our Membership Secretary, Joanne Adam, or alternatively bring your completed form along when you attend Summer Classes.

Please note that the Committee are currently undertaking a review of the membership renewal process from next year – further details will follow by email.

We look forward to seeing you all at Summer Classes and Seminars throughout 2013/14.


Donna Falconer,

Grampian Yoga Association June 2013

Scottish Charity number SC016624

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Cut here

|Grampian Yoga Association Membership Application

Renew for the year 30th June 2013 - 2014.


| Please send remittance to:

| Joanne Adam

| 12c Denwood

| Summerhill,Aberdeen AB15 6JF

| Tel: 07748 185727

| Email:

| Please enrol me as a member of GYA for the year ending June 2014.

I enclose a cheque for £5, payable to Grampian Yoga Association, together with

| a stamped self-addressed envelope for the return of my Membership Card.

| Name |……………………………………………………………………………………………….|

| Address………………………………………………………………………………

| ……………………………………………………………………………………….

| Postcode………………………

| Home tel. …………………………..Mobile …………………………………

| email ………………………………………………………………………………….


| Teaching Qualification …………………………………………………………………………………

| *Delete as applicable:

| *I have checked the GYA website Teachers’ List and the details are correct

| *Please amend my class details as indicated overleaf


| Charity Number SCO16624

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Grampian Yoga Association

Office Bearers and Committee

Chairman / Donna Falconer / 07943874452 /

Treasurer / Gordon Edward / 07759
050306 /
Secretary / Sheena Allan / 07429 349382 /
Membership Secretary / Joanne Adam / 07748 185727 /
Committee Member / Allison Summers / 07767 292668 /
Committee Member / Moira Donald / 01224
648475 /

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Grampian Yoga Association

Summer Classes in Aberdeen 2013

Craigiebuckler Church Hall, Aberdeen – Tuesdays 6.00 to 7.00pm

Beginner Classes - £5 per class

Date / Teacher / Theme / Email
2 July / Marea Adam / What is Yoga? – An Introduction /
9 July / Fiona Smith /
16July / Martin Julich / Dynamic Yoga – Establishing Foundations /
23 July / Jim Fraser /

Craigiebuckler Church Hall, Aberdeen – Tuesdays 7.30 – 9.00 pm

Regular Classes – GYA Members £5/class, Non-members £7/class

Date / Teacher / Theme / Email
2 July / Fiona Smith /
9 July / Marian Van Oorschot /
16July / Martin Julich / Yin Yoga – A Deep Inner Practice /
23 July / Jim Fraser /
30July / Ally Summers /
6 Aug / Moira Donald /
13Aug / Marea Adam / Yoga for Your Daily Life /

Cont’d overleaf

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8 Bon Accord Square (top floor) – Thursdays 10.00 to 11.00am

Beginner Classes - £5 per class

Date / Teacher / Theme / Email
4July / Jeane Christison / Strengthening the Spine /
11 July / Anne Reid / Summer Flow /

8 Bon Accord Square (top floor) – Thursdays 10.00 to 11.30am

Regular Classes – GYA Members £5/class, Non-members £7/class

Date / Teacher / Theme / Email
18July / Jeane Christison / Intro to Brain Respiration /
25 July / Marea Adam / Meditation in Movement /
1 Aug / Linda Moodie / Vinyasa Flow /
8 Aug / Louisa Craig /
15 Aug / Joe Burn / Backbending postures /

Please remember to bring your own mat to the classes.

Second-hand Book Stall

As last year, we are holding a second-hand book stall on a bring & buy basis or £3 per book. Please bring along any Yoga or Yoga related books,CDs & DVDs that you no longer want. All proceeds go to GYA.

Please note that the bookstall will not be available at the Bon Accord Square Thursday morning classes.

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General Postures Workshop

  • Moving a little deeper ………
  • Looking again at the postures we practice regularly
  • Understanding why we do what we do
Sunday 27 October 2013

10.00 am to 4.00 pm

Murtle Estate Hall, Aberdeen

Please book beforehand through

GYA Members £25 Non-members £30

Hot drinks provided, please bring light packed lunch

GYA aims to offer yoga to all. Individuals who are restricted financially, or in other ways, may apply for support when booking.

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