Membership Co-ordinator’s Responsibilities
When the Leadership Team fulfils all responsibilities throughout their term, they will receive compensation for their fees. In addition, the compensation fees are to cover minor out-of-pocket expenses such as postage and phone calls. Service on the Leadership Team is a six month commitment beginning on April 1st or October 1st of each year. The term is renewable once in succession for this position, only if approved by the BNI Director. All team leaders must have at least one or more months in remaining dues in order to accept the position.
In order to be on the Leadership Team, the Membership Co-ordinator must read and sign the Leadership Team Agreement BEFORE taking over the position and having fees compensated. Each member of the Leadership Team must attend Leadership Training held in March and September of each year. Leadership Team training is REQUIRED. LT members MUST also return all materials at the end of their term to BNI. The Leadership Team must also meet together every month to evaluate the chapter.
The Membership Co-ordinator is responsible for a number of activities, including the following:
- In the absence of the Chapter Director, running each meeting of that chapter according to the BNI Agenda and Policies.
- Printing out blank PALMS report from BNINet prior to each meeting for the purpose of recording PALMS data at each meeting.
- Recording attendance and participation records each week on the blank hard copy form, and enforcing the attendance policy. Entering the PALMS data for every meeting on BNINet within 2 days of the meeting.
- Reporting to the chapter regularly on the AVERAGE number of monthly referrals and visitors brought to the chapter.
- Informing BNI Director of any changes in membership in the chapter so that BNINet information is always up-to-date. Also inform your BNI Director of any new member applications that are declined by the Membership Committee.
- Chairing the Membership Committee and assigning tasks and responsibilities to the members of that committee. The Membership Co-ordinator appoints a minimum of two members for the term of office. A monthly meeting must be held to discuss member participation, attendance, membership issues and chapter projects. The performance of members who are coming up for renewal should be reviewed 90 days before their due date to ascertain whether any help is needed in relation to their membership. All renewing members must be reviewed and approved by the Membership Committee at least 30 days prior to their due date. The Membership Co-ordinator is responsible for ensuring that all members of the Committee are trained.
- Making sure that any relevant Control Letters are sent out on time.
- Send to BNI Director the monthly report of the Membership Committee meeting.
- Printing a summary PALMS report prior to Membership Committee meetingand handing out a copy to Committee members to enable meaningful discussion of individual member’s participation to take place after the meeting.
- Assisting the Chapter Director as necessary.