Minutes of Gabriel Chapter Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting
04 April2018, 1900-2000
Position / Name / Present / Position / Name / PresentChapter President / Joe Burke / Y / VP/Chapter Events / Vacant / N
Executive VP / Mike Winters / Y / VP/Salute and Mil. Affairs / Rick Larson / N
Secretary / Jack Diamond / Y / VP/Government Affairs / Lee Rizzo / N
Treasurer / Dallas Kennedy / Y / VP/Leadership Development / Vacant / N
VP/Aerospace Education / Brad Wilkins / N / VP/Awards and Recognition / Vacant / N
VP/Aerospace Education / Lisa Richter / N / VP/Membership / Vacant / N
Gina Giles / N / VP/Veterans Affairs / Bob Austin / Y
VP/Communications / Samantha Shelton / N / VA North Region / Tom Shepherd / N
VP/ / Pat Rocke / N / EXCOM Senior Advisor / Mike Basla / N
Webmaster / FilipDeSilva / N / VP/Community Partners / RonCournoyer / N
VP/Military Affairs / MSgt Heather Celano / Y / VP/ / Justin Thomas / Y
Purpose: Telecon EXCOM Meeting
- Roll Call (by Jack Diamond)
- President’s Report
- Marchminutes are approved
- Luncheons
- April – Col David Henshaw, Director of ISR Current Ops, OUSD(I)
- May – Col Todd Sriver, HAF/A10
- Need volunteers to work the State Convention (June 16):
- Sent out a Save the Date in Constant Contact to remind attendees
- Need volunteers to run the Hospitality Suite – Heather is POC?
- Also need folks to attend the Chapter Awards Dinner on Saturday, June 16
- Need volunteers to cycle for Wounded Airmen on Saturday, May 19 – Bob and Justin
- Having meeting with the Chief at the NRO – Joe and Heather
- Dallas is working the 2018-2019 Slate of Officers for our upcoming Chapter election
- We have lost the restaurant for our luncheons; if Maggiano’s works out for the May luncheon, we’ll go with that
- Work our Goals
- Fundraising
- Speakers
- Recruiting
- Justin Thomas, who was recently stationed at Ramstein, is the newest member of the EXCOM – Welcome Aboard!!
- Need inputs for Wingman newsletter
- Open Positions
- VP Aerospace Education. we will entertain anyone interested in helping Lisa.
- VP for Airmen and Family Programs. The VPAFP will be POC for the Wounded Airmen Program
- VP for Chapter Events; VP/Leadership Development; VP/Awards and Recognition; VP/Membership
- Goal is to fill all positions. All officers encouraged to reach out for volunteers to fill position
- Help wanted!
- Officer Reports
- Chapter VP – Mike Winters
- AFCEA NOVA & AFA Gabriel Chapter Air, Space, and Cyber IT Day
- Mike will check on what proceeds we will get
- Secretary – Jack Diamond
- NSTR; took notes of this meeting
- Treasurer – Dallas Kennedy
- $7,110.41 as of 3/31/18.
- Since last month:
- Deposits: $1,506.15 from payments for quarterly payments, refund from M&S, March luncheon and Chapter CP renewals:
- $200.00 Refund from M&S for March event
- $245.20 Quarterly payment
- $829.68 March receipts
- $87.09 Community Partner (C2TI)
- $34.18 Correction
- $110.00 Coin Sales
- Expenses: $1,732.90:
- $250.00 Deposit for June meeting
- $500.00 Donation to Cycling Challenge
- $687.90 March luncheon actual charges
- $250.00 Deposit for May luncheon
- $45.00 Community Partner (C2TI)
- VP Communications – Sam Shelton / Jack Diamond
- April luncheon – Col David Henshaw, OUSD(I)
- May luncheon – Col Todd Sriver, HAF/Nuclear
- Facebook page – 106 followers
- Cold War Museum – advertising them as a community partner
- We need to LINK and SHARE more to get the word out; if you need help, call Sam
- Linkedin– have 14 members; need more members
- AmazonSmile email – in draft
- If you need new user name and password for our account, please text Jack
- Photos at luncheons and socials – Jack is always looking for feedback
- VP Aerospace Education –Lisa Richter (had to attend a Smithsonian gala)
- Dates: National Finals Competition (Baltimore, MD) – April 15-19, 2018
- Teacher of the Year
- Competition is truly tough this year, with two outstanding teachers to choose from. Lisa is waiting the scoring from two of our chapter judges, then she will put together the package for our winner to meet the state competition. It’s due to the state on April 15, so she really needs to wrap this up on Friday at the latest.
- AE Achievement award
- Lisa is drafting the Distinguished Sustained Aerospace Education Award – should have it this week for review. The AE Achievement Award is done, but just waiting for the name of our TOY. The award is due to National on 1 May.
- Upcoming calendar items:
- 15 Apr – TOY is due to State
- VP Government Affairs – Lee Rizzo
- VP Community Partners – Ron Cournoyer
- VP Veteran Affairs – Bob Austin
- AFA Wounded Airmen Cycling Program – on May 19th; the Constant Contact is in draft
Other / New Business
- Awards inputs are DUE
- Pat will interview Buz Carpenter for Wingman Magazine – any date yet?
- Lisa was working the AE Teacher of the Year submission
- Joe and Heather have a meeting with the Chief at the NRO
- Need to set up a meeting with Gen Decker– Joe is working
- For Social Media – Sam says we need to LINK and SHARE more to get the word out. If you need help, call Sam
- Had another meeting regarding the portal on April 4th. It went well. Falar, the CIO, gave Joe and Jack several links to use to learn how to use it.
- Since we have lost the place for our luncheons, we will check out Maggiano’s at the May luncheon. If it’s all right, it will be the new meeting place.
- Dallas is going to send me a table with a list of community partners?
- Jack is trying to find a way to send Constant Contact invitations to the .mil community.
* Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) – Dallas and Lisa are working this.
Upcoming Events
- Upcoming Scheduled Programs Remainder Calendar Year
- 3/18 – Cold War Museum presentation – Mr. Mark Stout
- 4/18 – Monthly Membership Meeting - the speaker is Col David Henshaw, OUSD(I)/ISR; will be at Ciao Osteria
- 5/9 – Monthly Membership Meeting – the speaker is Col Todd Sriver, HAF/A10 (Nuclear Deterrence); will be at Maggiano’sLittle Italy Restaurant
- Next EXCOM Meeting – 05/04/2018
Completed Actions
- Done – Joe and Jack attended another meeting of the new portal.