Graves County Schools
Guided Planning for Initial and Re-evaluation of Other Health Impairment
Do not use this form for Record Review
Student name ______Date of birth ______Age ______
Parent name and address ______
School ______Teacher ______Grade ______
Initial Evaluations must have all of the following data given to Counselor prior to a Referral:
______Before the RTI committee meets to refer there must be an Other Health Impairment medical diagnosis from a doctor indicating the student has limited Strength, Alertness, or Vitality from the condition that impacts education.
______RTI data: Persons responsible=RTI Committee, Regular Education Teacher(s), Counselor, Parent-if applicable
- Form A: RTI Parent Letter
- Form B: Student Intervention Documentation/Log & data analysis for each specific Behavior of Concern (BOC) & Academic area(s) that are impacted by the impairment:
- Charts/graphs w/aim line & data points showing students Rate of Improvement for each specific BOC & Academic area(s)
- Charts/graphs w/data showing student’s Rate of Improvement compared to peers ROI in behaviors & Academic area(s)
- Form D: Fidelity Checklist
- Form E: Student Progress Update(s)
- Form K: Summary of Interventions & Data (Used to assist Counselor in completing Referral in the KY Evaluation)
- Form N: Determination of Student Representative
_____ Universal Screening results including Charts/graphs (STAR, DIBELS, PBIS, etc.)
_____ KY Evaluation: Person Responsible=Counselor
- Completed Referral
All Initial & Re-evals. must include this data based on the Eval. Planning Form. Give to Counselor, who will notify testing center when all received:
Date Evaluation Person responsible
______Vision screening (Current within a year) School nurse/SLP
______Hearing screening (Current within a year) School nurse/SLP
______Previous assessment (If applicable) Counselor/Sp.Ed. Staff
______Social and developmental history (Updated if Re-eval)Parent interview in ARC
______Language evaluation (If applicable) SLP
______Behavior Observations(2)Teacher/Assistant/Admin/Counselor
1-Academic area impactedAND 1-On task behavior
______Behavior Rating Scale (choose 2 scales)Teacher/Parent/Student
BASC-2 – one parent, one teacher, & one student
ADDES – one teacher
Conner’s 3 – one parent, one teacher, & one student
Vanderbilt – one parent, one teacher
______Individual Intelligence Test School Psychologist
______Individual Academic Achievement test(s) (Reading, Math, Written Exp.) Psychometrist
______*Learning Styles Inventory (If not already completed)Teacher/Parent/Student
______*Vocational Inventory (14 years and older) Teacher/Parent/Student
______*Transition Assessments(14 years and older) (Interviews, surveys, interest inventories) Teacher/Parent/Student
*May refer to ILP for this information.**Person Responsible: Initial Eval-Teacher=Reg. Ed Teacher; Re-eval-Teacher=Reg. Ed. Teacher &/or Spec. Ed Teacher