In applying to become a member, or renew my/our membership, or continue my Life Membership of the Victorian Sea Kayak Club Incorporated (VSKC), I/we agree to comply with the Rules of the VSKC and support the mission and purposes of the VSKC as follows:
To cultivate sea kayaking as an enjoyable adventure – inclusive, safe and sustainable.
• To provide a forum for Club members to pursue sea kayaking responsibly by facilitating sea kayaking related activities
• To develop the skills, standards and competencies of its members
• To advance, promote and enhance standards for the selection and use of sea kayaks and equipment.
VSKC members’ information is managed under the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles.
The Club membership year runs from 1 October to 30 September the following year. Subscriptions must be paid prior to the Club Annual General Meeting held in November each year.
Please read this document carefully, as it is intended as far as legally possible to remove all your rights to make any claim against the Club, its officers, or members, or any of them.
I/we are aware that VSKC activities are dangerous, physically demanding and hazardous, involving risk of death, personal injury, and/or personal property loss or damage. Risks and injuries include cold water immersion, drowning, hypothermia, hyperthermia, impact with floating, submerged or exposed objects, slipping and falling, accidents in remote locations places without medical or evacuation facilities, sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, exposure to temperature extremes or inclement weather, accidents while travelling to and from activities, and lifting injuries. I/we are aware that weather and sea conditions are unpredictable and dangerous. In consideration of my being admitted as a member and/or being permitted to participate in Club activities:
1. For myself, my dependents, my heirs, executors or administrators or assigns, to waive, release and discharge VSKC Inc, and any of its office-bearers, committee members, instructors, trip leaders, trip coordinators, servants, volunteers and agents from and against all and any claims or actions which I/we (or persons claiming through or under me) may have against it or them or any of them with respect to death, personal injury or loss of any kind whatsoever suffered or incurred by me even if such death, injury or loss was caused by or contributed to by any act, default or omission (amounting to negligence or otherwise) to the maximum extent allowed by law.
2. To voluntarily assume all risks involved in participating in any VSKC activity.
VSKC aims to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date. To assist us in this, you need to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as requested and properly update the information to us to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. Please refer to our web site for details of our Privacy Policy.
1. That I/we can swim competently and I am /we are sufficiently physically fit to participate in sea kayaking activities and that I/we are solely responsible for ensuring the fitness for purpose of all equipment used by us.
2. That I/we have read and understand the VSKC Privacy Policy and agree to my/our contact details being used for the purposes outlined in the Policy.
All members of a Family membership should certify their agreement by signing and completing separate details
Mr/Mrs/Ms e-mail:
Suburb State Post Code
Phone (H) Phone (W) Mobile
Paddling Experience/Qualifications (new members only)
Signature (or Parent guardian signature if under 18) ______Date
Mr/Mrs/Ms e-mail:
Phone (H) Phone (W) Mobile
Paddling Experience/Qualifications (new members only)
Signature (or Parent guardian signature if under 18) ______Date
Mr/Mrs/Ms e-mail:
Phone (H) Phone (W) Mobile
Paddling Experience/Qualifications (new members only)
Signature (or Parent guardian signature if under 18) ______Date
Mr/Mrs/Ms e-mail:
Phone (H) Phone (W) Mobile
Paddling Experience/Qualifications (new members only)
Signature (or Parent guardian signature if under 18) ______Date
Membership fees
$100 Individual or
$120 Family (2 people)
x $20 Additional Family member(s)
Total $______
Family membership includes any 2 members of the same family residing together.
Additional family members (ie. membership covers 3 or more people) can be added for an additional $20.
Family members who do not paddle (or paddle very occasionally with the club) are welcome to attend the occasional club paddle (at trip leader discretion) and social events (slide nights, Paddlefest/Forums etc) as guests and do not have to be registered as members. It should be noted that Club insurance does not however apply for non-members.
Payment details
Please click on (or copy and paste) the following link to pay online via our Trybooking service – this is a fully secure bank transaction facility direct to the ANZ:
VSKC Grading Currency Statement – To be completed by VSKC Level 3 Paddlers only
Name ______
I assess myself as currently proficient in my grading status as VSKC Level 3 and certify that I have maintained my grading by completing the following:
A minimum total of 10 points required to maintain your grading
3 points Lead a club day trip
2 points Lead a club ½ day trip (e.g. Williamstown)
5 points Lead an overnight (or longer) club trip
2 points Log a blue water day paddle
3 points Log an overnight (or longer) blue water paddle
5 points Participate in an organised level 3 skills refresher activity
3 points Act as an assistant instructor on a club training day
1 point Log a day paddle (non blue water)
5 points Participate in an expedition type paddle
Total points claimed
Signed Date / /
Level 3 Grading Currency Definitions
Day Trip
A trip that takes place over a day and involves a minimum distance of 15km. Does not include short duration paddles such as red eye paddles, evening paddles (Crib Point, Mornington, Sandringham)
Blue water
Open ocean conditions, does not include estuaries, lakes, rivers, Port Phillip or Westernport Bays
Overnight Trip
Any trip that involves paddling a ‘loaded kayak’ & camping from the kayak
Involves kayak exploration of a significant area over multi days, such as Bass Strait crossing, long coastal stretches, Kangaroo Island, Whitsundays, etc. Usually more than 3 days duration
Training Event
An advertised VSKC organised training paddle or event.
Private Trip
A paddle that is not advertised as a Club trip and not advertised on the VSKC website.
A record of your participation in a paddle in the VSKC log proforma or other means
Please scan and return the entire document, including the signed waiver, & Level 3 Currency statement as applicable to:
VSKC Membership Coordinator,