1182 Ridge Road Rectory: (716) 823-6182. Cell: 465-4878 Lackawanna NY 14218 Web Page: OLPHUkrChurch.org _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday of The Meat Fare. Tone 3. February 1-6. 2015 (4) **********************************************************************************************************
Sun Jan 31 10:00 AM Blessings and Good Health for all Parishioners.
Mon Feb 01 5:15 PM Vesper
6:00 PM Divine Liturgy.
Tue Feb 02 9:00 AM Encounter of Our Lord with Simeon and Anna. Wed Feb 03 8:00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Thu Feb 04 8:00 AM Divine Lityrgy
Fri Feb 05 8:00 AM Divine Lityrgy
Sat Feb 06 5:00 PM Good health and happiness Myron Tychowskij
Envelope Collection for January 23-24: $515, Cash $20, Candles $33, Dues $20, Fuel $15, Maintenance $10, Sower 105, Holy Days $ 59. May God Bless you for your Generous Support. ***********************************************************************************************************************
YOUR PRAYERS are requested for the happy repose of the souls of the deceased members of our Parish family and for those who are sick: Mary Sikorskyj, Natalia Guran, Helen Evanisko, Myron Hryn, Stanley Rudich, Martha Terpak, Walter Babala, Walter&Rose Karyczak and for all our parishioners and families.
Eternal Light for the month of February is open.
If anyone would like to give an offering for the Sanctuary Lamp to burn for deceased loved ones or for the intentions of the living, please see Father Andriy. The Lamp burns for one month (from and the customary offering is $30.
*********************************************************************************************************************Care of the Sick. Please notify the rectory office for a visit to any family member who is sick, in the hospital or confined at home. Don’t let the pastor be the last to know that someone is ill! ********************************************************************************************************** ************
Presentation (Encounter) - The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, Jesus Christ at the Temple will be followed by the blessing of candles. This is one of the most ancient feasts which was adopted as a tradition on the Purification of the Virgin Mary in the fourth century. Divine Liturgy will be on Monday, February 6 at 6:00 PM and Tuesday at 9:00AM. After Liturgy we will be blessing candles.
Christ is the light of the world, as he came forth to dispel our spiritual darkness. Hence, it is encouraged to bring candles from your home to be blessed by the priest on this day as well. These candles can be used throughout the year -- perhaps during prayer at the family altar, during storms, or by the bedside of a dying person.
With candles blessed on this day, we can bring that sacredness into our homes and celebrate with our families.
Our Annual Parish Meeting will be held at the Church rectory on Wednesday, February 3 at 6:30 pm, in the church rectory. On Agenda: Financial Report, nominations trustes, Plans for the Future. All parishioners are invited.
Pre-Lenten Season This week we will celebrate the Meatfare Sunday, traditionally the last time to eat flesh meat until Pascha. This is a special time for us to turn back to our God, to turn away from all that separates us from God. Saturday, February 6th , we observe Cheesefare Sunday, traditionally the time to ask and give forgiveness to all. The day gets its name because this is the last time to eat eggs, or dairy until Pascha. The Great Fast begins on Monday, February 7, Clean Monday
Service of Forgiveness – will be celebrated on Sunday, February 6 and 7 following the Divine Liturgy. This beautiful prayer traditionally celebrated on the Sunday before Lent. Our journey to the Resurrection starts with asking for forgiveness and forgiving another. At the end of this service, each person asks for forgiveness of each other by saying “Father (Brother, Sister) forgives me” and the answer is “May God forgives you! I am forgiving you.” I encourage all parishioners to participate in this service of forgiveness & love.
Meatfare Sunday. (Of the Fearful Judgment).
Liturgica Troparion (tone 7): By Your cross You destroyed death; You opened Paradise to the thief; You changed the lamentation of the myrrh-bearers to joy, and charged the apostles to proclaim that You are risen, O Christ our God, offering great mercy to the world.
Glory… now... Kontakion (tone 1): When You come on earth, O God, in glory, and the universe trembles, while the river of fire flows before the seat of judgment, and the books are opened and all secrets disclosed, then deliver me from the unquenchable fire, and count me worthy to stand at Your right hand, O Judge who are most just.
Prokimenon (tone 3): Great is our Lord and great is His strength; and of His knowledge there is no end. (Ps 146:5). Verse: Praise the Lord, for a psalm is good; may praise be sweet to Him (Ps 146:1).
Alleluia (tone 8): Come, let us rejoice in the Lord; let us acclaim God our Saviour (Ps 94:1). Verse: Let us come before His face with praise, and acclaim Him in psalms (Ps 94:2).
Communion Verse: Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest (Ps 148:1). Second: Rejoice in the Lord, O you just; praise befits the righteous (Ps 32:1). Alleluia! (x3)