Board Meeting

January 19, 2011

Time:9:15 am

Location:EPIC Boardroom

Conducted by:Mark Flammer, MD

Members Present:Jim Antinori, MDBart Johansen, MD (by phone)

Dave Cole, MDRichard Thurman, MD

Shay Holley, MDWilliam Sheffield, MD

Others Present:Robert Parker, CEOMark Paradise, MD

Ingrid Gordon, COOBrett Weisley, MD

Mike Hansen, CFOBrian Shiozawa, MD

Teri BallJulie Fox. MD

Cindy DeanDave Elher, MD

Dawn Shelley, AAKaren Danenhauer, MD

Mark Flammer, MD called the meeting to order at 9:15 am.

Minutes: / Minutes from December 15, 2010 Board meeting to be emailed to board for approval.
Financials / Mike Hansen, CFO reviewed a portion of the financials YTD through November 2010. Mike Hansen to email out full financial report to Board Members.
Shared issues:
  • Visit volume nationwide in EDs starting to increase again.
  • Employee payroll to go to an online process for the 02/04/2011 pay date
SLED income guarantee- $356, 394.76 YTD December 2010
EPIC Update / RVU Fee scheduleshanded out and reviewed by the Board. RVUs have gone up an average 5.8% for E&M codes. Simple laceration repairs have decreased an average of 30%. Global average went from 10 days to zero days.
Board voted to keep RVU levels at 2010 RVU rates. Board voted not to charge for suture removal.
Auto Liability data reviewed by the Board. Collections appear to have decreased, however there is 180 days for insurance collections. Jim Antinori, MD requested this data be reviewed again in 180 days.
SLED guarantee- Board discussed SLED guarantee and the process in place to reduce subsidy when other groups are making lower than $160.00 per hour. Dave Cole, MD requested Mike Hansen, CFO to calculate the subsidy per hour per partner for evaluation purposes.
EMS proposal- Salt Lake City has requested RFP for a new EMS Director. Tim Wolfe, MD has applied for the position. Decision to be made in late February.
UMIA coverage for EMS Directors- Brian Shiozawa, MD to contact Stewart at UMIA regarding malpractice coverage for EMS directors.
EPBS site visit- Keith Tucker and Brian Cain are planning to come to Salt Lake. EPIC North, TEAM, and SLED requested to meet with them. Also, IASIS CFOs will meet as well. Mary Ann Gibson to follow up with IASIS and managing partners to schedule.
Accountable Care Organizations- Bob Parker, CEO discussed the possible development of an ACO. Bob has contacted Howard Salmon with Premier as a consultant to move forward with a potential ACO. Bob will do the initial information gathering.
Recruiting- Ingrid Gordon, COO addressed group and presented a few new forms and ideas to better streamline our recruiting process. New forms include: new EPIC Information sheet, Physician reference check form and Credentialing form.
EPIC Operating Agreement-Bob Parker, CEO requested an amendment to the Operating Agreement. Amendment to propose a mandatory retirement age for partners with division flexibility. Mandatory retirement age suggested was 70 years old. Each Division would have the ability to extend the mandatory age with approval of the supermajority of the Division partners and this extension would be on a year to year basis as voted by the Division partners. Board made a motion to amend the Operating Agreement and vote was unanimous.
Journal Club- Feb. 23 @ University Marriott at 6:00pm. Tom MacFarlane has gathered Critical Care Literature to be reviewed. All EPIC, AIM and St. Marks physicians are invited to attend.
ACEP Journal Club- March 8 @ 6:30pm
AIM Update- Cindy Dean, Hospitalist Program Director reported on Hospitalist Programs. IASIS programs have been onboard for 2 months. A few billing and documentation issues have surfaced. This is a recognized learning curve and we are working towards correcting the issues.
AIM Board- Mary Ann Holladay, HR consultant has been hired to help create an AIM board. All Hospitalist physician will be contacted for feedback regarding forming an AIM Board and vision.

St. Marks

/ Mark Paradise, MD, Brian Shiozawa, MD, Julie Fox, MD, Brett Weisley, MD, and Dave Ehler, MD attended this EPIC Board Meeting. Question and answer period was opened for discussion regarding St. Marks group joining the EPIC group.
Mark Flammer, Board Chair, acknowledged that the St. Marks group would bring great leadership and HCA stability to the EPIC group.
Julie Fox asked what the level of Board representation would St. Marks group have? St. Marks would have 2 representatives on the EPIC Board.


/ UMIA- Shay Holley requested a statement from UMIA regarding giving care to those under age 18. Cindy Dean to follow up with Stewart Pierce at UMIA.

Meeting dismissed at 12:15

Next meeting Feb. 16, 2011 at DHMC