HL7 Terminology Authority Meeting
Thursday, 18th 2016

Members present: Heather Grain,Sandy Stuart, Ted Klein, Rob McClure

Apologies: Julie James, Jean Narcisi,

Additional Invitees present: Wayne Kubrick,Russ Hamm


1Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of meeting August 4th - Moved Rob M, seconded Ted K.

Approved unanimously.

2Standards Governance Board

Review of HTA risk documents - to be discussed Face to Face meeting in Baltimore. Documents are on the HTA web page/documents.


Share the SNOMED CT content addition or amendment request to HTA. Ted with share with Susan Matney.

4FHIR and Terminfo

Waiting for Rob Hausam to give us information. Seek his input for face to face.


HTA Wiki - create a section for policies and guidance and load the content and a link to this as additional resources on the HTA web page (web administrator). HG to action.

6Content request process

  • Request from available, to be socialized and trial sought.
  • Request time on the Co-Chairs meeting to announce the Request Content Form and process. HG to arrange with Ken.



7.1.1Variation of SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement

Meeting with Affiliate Council of IHTSDO members - HTA seek to be partners in this meeting. Wayne has sent a note to Jane and Shelley on this point.

7.1.2Free SubSet

We intend to publish the FSN and the textual definition. This has been agreed, provided no Term IDs are included.

Any concept in the Free Subset - will include active content only. How we know that will need to be worked out with Jim Case.


Access report from HTA members who have tried to use the portal. As yet Heather has checked but others have not yet done so.


Karen to report on action taken


Karen to report on action taken.



Project 1169 - Vocabulary Mining Tool - previous Vocabulary WG project - Vocabulary WG request movement to HTA . 947 project exists - this is repetition.

Russ reported that regular calls are now occurring. The goal for this next few months is to discuss how FHIR infrastructure could be used to maintain vocabulary artifacts. Need to complete the FHIR tooling review, prioritize requirements and evaluate the best way forward.

PSS needs clearer delivery statement to define the tasks. Schedule and deliverables.

9Value Set Content Specification


Rob McClure to report on advance requirements for Alleles question (from Montreal meeting)

Consider how HTA is to support this project.

Question received

In V2 Table 0291 Subtype of referenced data there were found three codes not inIana.In a meeting with the table project InM agreed to forward a request to HTA to have the following added toIana.This will allow us to deprecate HL7 Table 0291 and instead refer toaexternal code system.

Value / Description
x-hl7-cda-level-one / HL7 Clinical Document Architecture Level One document
PICT / PICTformat image data
JOT / Electronic ink data (Jot 1.0 standard)

Please let InM and Vocab know your intentions.


Publication mechanism for a single source of terminology (TK) - covered in tooling work at the moment.

Not yet resolved

  • Inclusion of maps in publications
  • Current and future publishing of external vocabulary content - we need to publish a policy that we
  • publish value set definitions but not the actual content of external terminologies. There is a need for a consistent policy across the organization.

Further work needed to develop this policy.

Ted to prepare a list of issues associated with publishing for HTA to review at the Face to Face meeting. Heather to hassle Ted to assist him to do it.

11Other Business


Next call 1 September.