May 10, 2011

Members present: Doug Swink, Kathy Garrison, Shelly Janasz, Chris Jordan ,Judy Jellison, Karen Lavendusky, Helen Perry, Jerry Place, Thomas Sandreczki, Gail Metcalf-Schartel, Stella Szymanski, Kami Thomas, Paul Tosh ,

Reviewed last week’s meeting: Business school will be exempt from common course scheduling policy because of factors such as the predominant use of their own space, Fridays being used for special programs such as EMBA. At the lower level classes, the standard meeting plan will be adhered to. Reviewed draft policy. Reviewed goal: policy and standard patterns. Decided deans will have ultimate responsibility to ensure schools are following policy with the input of chairs. Changed the standard meeting pattern, adjusted T/R to meet at 7:30 instead of 8. That freed the evening schedule to begin at 4 p.m. Timing and implementation of policy, expect to begin in fall 2012. Discussed distribution, 40/40/20 should be a goal not a rigid policy. Discussed how to get the new policy approved.

  1. Review Common Courses for undergraduate students

Distributed list of top 20 courses per enrollment and when they are offered. Upon review it seems the majority are offered in the morning. Although change could upset the current interdependent schedule, it is resolved to encourage departments to offer additional sections during the afternoons. In fact, the Registration Office may need to restrict departments when they have reached a certain point to stop them from adding courses at saturated points during the mornings. Large lecture classes that have associated labs are exempted from this. In addition the reports created for orientations can be used to determine the need for and timing of sections. May be useful to add an enrollment restriction column to that report to show sections that are only open to specific student groups (APP, coaching, etc.) There is no way to indicate on the Pathway schedule of classes that those are restricted courses rather than have to go so deep into the notes. Becomes more of an issue at the end of summer when trying to help students register at orientation and sections are full.

  1. Review Class Meeting Percentages by Class

Could run a report to be used by R&R to enforce policy. Also given to A&S to help them in scheduling.

  1. Review Draft Policy and Standard Meeting Patterns

Adjusted T/R schedule to start at 7. Will add another hour to the schedule and give a 4 o’clock start time in the afternoon. For those who object, advise them to start their class at 8:30. We have to make some kind of adjustment to support the increase in enrollment. Studios and labs are exempted. Bloch is also exempted since they mainly use their own building. Re night schedules: optimum use would be one class a night, but probably geared best toward working students, may be too long for certain classes. Ad Astra update will be useful , providing better reporting options for scheduling. The task force can submit this change in standard meeting times and review in a year to see if it has been helpful .

  1. Review and make any recommendation to Draft Schedule

Include a statement about studios and labs being exempted, but add that labs should conform to stand meeting times when possible. Review this individually and the task force will discuss it at the next meeting.

  1. Parking Pass relief for T/TH instruction (Stella)

Will discuss at next meeting.

  1. Discussed committee schedule. Will continue at present pattern, reacting to vacations and orientations as necessary.

Action items:

Review standard meeting times

Review Scheduling Policy

Next meeting: Tuesday, May 24, Gillham Park room