BC Balance and Dizziness Disorders Society – 2012-2013Research Seed Funding

Applications due: November 1, 2012

Concept of Award: The purpose of this award is to provide seed funding to innovative research aimed at improving the diagnosis, treatment and/or quality of life of individuals withvestibular disorders.


Two seed grants of $5000 will be awarded in 2012 - 2013.


All applicants must be actively engaged in research within an institution (hospital or university) in British Columbia. Trainees (PhD and Post-Doctoral Researchers) may apply if the project includes at least one established senior researcher as a Co-Investigator that will be responsible for the supervision of the project.

Application Requirements:

Submissions are limited to one per candidate per year.

Upon completion of the award, the applicant will be required to submit a Final Report and Budget, and deliver a short 20-minute presentation of their research to a public meeting of the BC Balance and Dizziness Disorders Society members at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC. A lay summary of the successful research projects will be published in the quarterly newsletter of the BC Balance and Dizziness Disorders Society.

Applications (PDF or Word) should be emailed to:

All applications must be received no later thanNovember 1, 2012to be considered eligible for the award. Awards will be reviewed by members of the scientific advisory board and elected board members of BC Balance and Dizziness Disorders Society. The award winners will be notified by no later than December 21, 2012. Grant funding will be available to successful applicants beginning January 1, 2013.

Due November 1, 2012

1. Name of Principal Investigator (Last, First, Initials):
Titles (PhD, MSc, PT, OT, MD): Last Degree completed (date):
City: / Province: / Postal Code:
Phone: / Email:
2. Name of Co-Investigator (Last, First, Initials):
Titles (PhD, MSc, PT, OT, MD): Last Degree completed (date):
3. Name of Co-Investigator (Last, First, Initials):
Titles (PhD, MSc, PT, OT, MD): Last Degree completed (date):
4. Name of Co-Investigator (Last, First, Initials):
Titles (PhD, MSc, PT, OT, MD): Last Degree completed (date):
5. Name of Organization to Administer Grant:
City: / Province: / Postal Code:
Phone: / Email:
6. Title of Project:
7. Total Funding Requested (maximum $5000): $
8. Does this project have ethical approval? Yes ___ / No ___
If yes, please provide Ethics certificate number #:
9. Have you submitted a similar application to any other agency? Yes ___ / No ___
10. Is funding for this project contingent on support from elsewhere? Yes ___ / No ___
If yes, provide details:
Summary of research:
This summary should be written in lay language and will be made available to the public if chosen for the award
Enter in the space provided below (maximum length: 150 words)
Significance of Research:
What is the significance of this work in terms of improving the diagnosis, treatment and/or quality of life of individuals with vestibular disorders? This section should be written in lay language and will be made available to the public if chosen for the award.
Enter in the space provided below (maximum length: 200 words)
Budget Category / Amount / Description and Brief Justification
Salaries and benefits / $
Supplies / $
Equipment / $
Travel (travel restricted to purposes of data acquisition) / $
Total Funding Requested
(up to a $5000 maximum) / $


For all attachments, use an 11 point font (minimum) on letter-size paper with 2.5 cm margins and single line spacing. Your name should appear in the header on the right hand side of each page. Attachments should be submitted as either a MS Word or PDF file.

1. Research Proposal Attachment - 3 pages maximum (including references)
Describe the proposed research project using the following headings:
a) Background, b) Research Question and Hypotheses, c) Methods, d) Statistical design, e) Timetable,
f) Anticipated outcomes, g) References
2. Publication Record Attachment – 2 pages maximum for each Principal Investigator and CO-Investigator
A separate attachment for the PI, and each Co-I should be included, which lists the following:
a) all peer reviewed articles published or accepted for publication during the last 5 years (published or in press,
between 2007-2012).
b) any prior publications (more than five years old) or non-peer reviewed publications considered DIRECTLY
RELEVANT to the present application.

Certification by Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators

: I certify that to the best of my knowledge the details provided in this application form and in any supporting documentation are true and complete.

Signature of Principal Investigator / Name (please print) / Date
______/ / /2012
Signature of Co-Investigator / Name (please print) / Date
______/ / /2012
Signature of Co-Investigator / Name (please print) / Date
______/ / /2012
Signature of Co-Investigator / Name (please print) / Date
______/ / /2012

Certification by the Head of Department

: I certify that:

  • I am prepared to have the project carried out in my institution under the circumstances set out by the applicant(s);
  • To the best of my knowledge all details on this application form are true and complete;
  • The amount of time which the investigator/s will be devoting to the project is appropriate to existing workloads;
  • This institution supports this application and if successful it will provide basic infrastructure for the project;
  • The project can be accommodated within the general facilities in this institution and that sufficient working and office space is available for any proposed additional staff

Signature Head of Department / Name (please print) / Date
______/ / /2012

Completed applications should be emailed to: