2nd March 2016
As detailed in the Council’s Press & Media policy:
· most papers that have been circulated to councillors will be available (on request) to members of the public at or after the council meeting.
· members of the public are permitted to film or record council meetings, to which they are permitted access, in a non-disruptive manner.
Up to 15 minutes Open Forum for members of the public to bring forward any issues not on the agenda (where a matter is already on the agenda members of the public will be given an opportunity to speak when that item is considered, within the framework of the Council’s standing orders). Where a decision is required the issue will be placed on the following agenda.
1. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of interest. To receive disclosures of pecuniary and personal interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting. See guidance notes at the end of the agenda.
3. Minutes for approval. To agree the minutes and confidential minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 3rd February 2016.
4. Superfast broadband. Update from Cllr Merrett.
5. Planning & Development issues generally. Nothing to report.
6. Planning applications.
1. To receive any planning decisions received since posting the Parish Council’s last meeting.
2. To consider any planning applications received since posting this agenda.
7. Clerk’s resignation 1. Update on recruitment of new Parish Clerk. Paper from Cllr Wiles to follow.
8. East Devon DC (EDDC) matters.
(Except where the matter is covered under another specific heading on this agenda)
1. To receive a report from Councillor S. Grundy for the Exe Valley ward.
9. Devon County Council (DCC) matters
(Except where the matter is covered under another specific heading on this agenda)
1. To receive a report from Councillor Peter Bowden.
10. Raddon Hills Meeting. Report-back from the Raddon Hills meeting on 24 Feb, including on the proposal for a shared Lengthsman between all the parishes.
11. Roads. To consider any issues relating to Highways in the Parish.
1. To consider the proposal for a Highway and Footpath Action Group - Brampford Speke, Thorverton and Upton Pyne.
12. Footpaths.
1. To receive an update on the state of Station Hill to consider organising regular sweeping/ cleaning to prevent walkers slipping.
2. To receive an update on the application for PTF funding to tackle the boggy section of path between Stooks Close & Upton Pyne.
13. Traffic and parking congestion associated with the school
To receive an update from Cllr Carden.
14. Village Hall.
1. To receive a report from the Council’s representatives on the Village Hall Trust.
15. Defibrillator and associated CPR training.
1. To receive an update on the provision of a Community Defibrillator and CPR public training sessions. To note the funding position and the receipt of donations.
2. To invite the Defibrillator working group to provide confirmation/clarity on the operating procedures for the use of and maintenance of the Defib
16. Improving communications between the Parish Council and the village as a whole.
1. Cllr M. Merrett to provide an update on the Community Facebook page.
2. To receive an update on the suggestion to produce an emailing list to circulate relevant information to members of the parish – the Clerk to report on the response to the notice in Speke Up and to the request to NHW for access to their email list.
3. To comment on or approve the Media policy or other comms-related policies.
17. Accounts, including Expenditure for approval or noting,
1)a) Clerk’s wages and allowances February 2016, £159.59
Working at home allowance £10.00
B.T internet line rental October £1.50
Travel for October meeting. £4.80
Total £175.89
b) Invoice from Titan Computers for replacement of heatsink and fan £45.00 inc vat.
c) Invoice for work on Footpath post to Mr J. Ayre £120.00 inc vat
d) Invoice for the lid for the gritter.
e) To sanction the increase in insurance premium of £33.78 plus tax to cover the increase in assets owned by the Parish Council once the defibrillator is purchased.
f) To sanction the cost of for an advert of the Post of Clerk in Gumtree £30.00
g) To note the receipt of two donations from members of the public and fundraising and register these as gifts to the Council to be spent on the Defibrillator.
h) Invoice for servicing the strimmer (details to follow) .
I) Cost of place at DALC/DCC Highways conference £45 plus vat
18. Governance.
1. To identify Councillors to perform the annual reviews of
· the Financial Regulations and Financial Risk Assessment,
· the Asset Register, and
· the Complaints Procedure.
2. The recruitment process for the new Clerk has revealed the absence of a number of policies . To agree which of these policies should be developed, by whom:
* Expenses
* Sickness absence
* Grievance and disciplinary
* Health & safety
* Equal opportunities
19. Outstanding tasks and actions which the Parish Council wishes to monitor on a regular basis:
1. Improvements to Lake Bridge Footpath.
2. To agree how best to protect the tree in the middle of the road near the school.
3. Supporting Upton Pyne-led initiative to increase the local bus service.
20. Annual Parish meeting.
1. Discussion of how to advertise the APM, and the agenda for it.
2. To sanction expenditure on refreshments.
21. Potential public celebratory events in 2016
Discussion about which ones the Council might lend what kind of support to. Possibilities include The Queen's birthday on 11/12 June, perhaps combined with a ‘Revel’.
22. Review days and dates of next meeting(s) and Proposals for agenda items.
6th April
APM 27th April (To be confirmed)
AGM 4th May
1st June
6th July
7th September
5th October
2nd November
Declarations of interest (ref Item 2 of the Agenda) Councillors must follow the Council’s Code of Conduct on this matter, referring to the full Code if in any doubt.
Key points:
(1) If you become aware, during the course of a meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item you must immediately disclose it;
(2) If you have a ‘pecuniary’ interest you may stay in the meeting but not take part in discussion or vote while the business in which you have that interest is being dealt with. If the Council resolve that the item should be discussed without the presence of the Councillor who has declared a pecuniary interest the Councillor would be expected to leave the meeting immediately.
(3) If you have a ‘personal’ interest common-sense discretion should be excercised - in many cases mere declaration of the interest will be sufficient but in some cases withdrawal from the meeting will be appropriate.
Clerk: Debbie Trelawny 01884 855490, Leigh Pool, Silverton, EX5 4DA