The Waterford Recreation and Parks Commission held their regular monthly meeting on March 28, 2017, 4:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Chairman Erricson presided.

Members in attendance: Cs. Erricson, Gardiner, Whelan, Santos, Scheiber, Guarnieri, Kanabis, Murphy.

Members absent: C. Hall

Staff: Director Flaherty, Assistant Director McNamara, Program Coordinator Sullivan

Guests: Finance Liaison Glidden, Mr. & Mrs. Pelletier.

There were no comments from the public.

MOTION #1: Made by C. Whelan, seconded by C. Gardiner to approve the minutes of the Policy/Procedure sub-committee meeting on 2/28/17 and the minutes of the regular Commission meeting of 2/28/2017 as received. So voted 8-0.


A letter from Jane Loeser Clukay regarding plantings at Waterford Beach Park was discussed.

MOTION #2: Made by C. Scheiber, seconded by C. Murphy to approve the request from Ms. Clukay for plantings at Waterford Beach Park, working with the Recreation staff. So voted 8-0.

A letter was received and read, from Frances Pelletier regarding improvements at Waterford Beach Park and to approve the use of snorkels, masks and goggles. A discussion was held.

MOTION #3: Made by C. Whelan, seconded by C. Kanabis accept the requests from Ms. Pelletier. There was no action taken. This letter will be sent to Attorney Avena.

MOTION #4: Made by C.Whelan, seconded by C.Kanabis to table Motion #3. So voted 7-1. C. Gardiner voted no.

A letter from the Waterford Lions’ Club requesting use of the Community Center and a waiver of funds for their annual fund raising activities. A discussion was held.

MOTION #5: Made by C. Whelan, seconded by C. Kanabis to approve the request from the Waterford Lions Club for use of the community center and to waive any fees associated with same. So voted 7-0-1. C. Santos abstained.

A letter was read from the “Bright Music Festival”, requesting a donation for their annual fund raising show.

MOTION #6: Made by C. Murphy, seconded by C. Scheiber to donate $100 to the “Bright Music Festival”. So voted 8-0.

STAFF REPORTS: All staff reports were accepted as received. In addition, the Director reported that the FY18 Budget was passed by the Board of Finance. It will go before the RTM in May for final approval. He also reported that his job description is being reviewed by the Human Resource Director and the First Selectman and he will request the Commission’s personal committee to review the same. The Director reported on projects being completed and new ones, such as tennis courts, to begin. He reported on the progress of the Mago Point fishing pier.

The Assistant Director spoke on field preparations and storm clean-up projects. He also reported that the Maintainer I position has been posted internally and will go out to the public in five days.

The Program Coordinator reported that the Easter Egg Hunt program will be moved into the Community Center if there in inclement weather on April 1st. She reported that she is in discussions regarding the use of the turf field at the high school. On May 6th, Chelsea Bank will be doing a clean -up of the gardens at the war memorial park next to town hall.

Page 2 – March 28, 2017 Recreation and Parks Commission meeting.


~ Policies/Procedures – A meeting will be held prior to the regular Commission Meeting in April with a report from the Town Attorney.

~ Board of Education: C. Guarnieri was appointed as liaison to the Board of Education.

~ Board of Finance: Mr. Glidden thanked the members for their cards during his recent injury.

~ Mago Point Revitalization Ad-Hoc Committee: C. Gardiner was appointed to this committee.

~ Co-Sponsored: C. Santos was appointed to this committee.


A discussion was held regarding the fence at the dog park at Stenger Farm. No action was taken at this time.

Having no further business to conduct, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn.

MOTION #7: Made by C. Kanabis, seconded by C. Whelan to adjourn. So voted 8-0

Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Nolan, Secretary

Recreation and Parks