KRELF Minutes
September 21, 2012
Participating: Eva Rocke (co-chair), Len Broberg, Micah Nielson, Alison Wren, Nick Bowman, Erik Testerman, Brian Kearns, Dennis Daneke, Blake Deshaw, Zach Brown, Tom Javins (co-chair), Nick Bowman
Members Absent: Alyson Heare (SAL), Rosi Keller
- KRELF By-Laws and Duties
- Mission and pieces of by-laws read by Eva to committee and guests
- Chair replacement (Robin Saha on sabbatical)
- Discussed whether Tom or Len should take over as committee co-chair. Tom and Len offered, but Len suggested that having a facilities employee as chair would be beneficial. The committee voted in favor of Tom’s nomination.
- Proposal Deadlines
- First (draft) deadline will be November 16th
- Committee will meet to review proposals on November 30th from 1-3pm. Committee needs to select the spring deadline for final proposals at this meeting.
- Final deadline for proposals after receiving committee comments will be in the second week of the spring semester.
- Budget review
- Tabled because of a lack of information
- Marketing
- Brochure has received comments and feedback. RFP to be written and sent next week to relevant departments on campus. Students on ASUM sustainability board are already giving in-class presentations to get the word out.
- Eva will print and distribute KRELF marketing materials after Tom reviews the brochure and edits are made.
- $200 of outreach money was allocated last year and will be used
- New Projects
- Facilities services (Tom and Brian) have identified projects that would be simple and easily proposed by students
- Lommason Center
- Pool Mechanical Room
- Native Gardens
- Irrigation
- Eva will collect the ideas and put them online for student access
- Outreach/Collaboration
- Some discussion was had around how the KRELF committee might encourage greater participation and interest among other facilities employees and buildings managers around campus.
- Tom suggested that KRELF might see greater success (in terms of buy-in and participation from building manager on campus) if he and Bryan get them together for a group presentation each year. Eva and Tom will discuss this possibility further when they meet next week.
- Len suggested that a “Thank you” sent from President to participants, rather than reminding these managers that the President has already prioritized sustainability/efficiency via an “edict,” would be preferable.
- Final Outcomes
- Tom Javins is the 2012/2013 co-chair along w/ the ASUM SC.
- Brian Kearns will replace Tom as the representative from facilities services.
- Nick Bowman will participate in the KRELF committee as an SAL.
- Question remains as to whether Eric Testerman wishes to participate or was just present to gain info about the KRELF process.
- Eva and Tom to meet next week to look at hopeful KRELF projects.
- Eva will coordinate outreach and proposal solicitations via an RFP, posters, a Kaimin ad, printed brochures, and class raps.
Meeting adjourned: 2:10pm