Personal Details
Surname : / Alexopoulos
Name : / Panagiotis
Father's Name: / Dimitrios
Date of Birth : / 1st September 1963
Marital Status : / Married –Father of two children
Address : / Faculty of Human Movement and Quality of Life Sciences
Department of Sports Organization and Management
23100 Sparta, Greece
Telephone No: / +3027310 89686
Fax No: / +30 210 57 85057
Mobile No: / +306977318318
E-mail : /
1999 / Doctor. University of Bucharest – Faculty.
Section: Sociology-Psychology-Pedagogical with a grade <Excellent 10 >
Recognition of the doctorate from the Greek Naric (Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center). RegisterNo: 32-646,14/12/99
Ph.D. Thesis : «Contributions to the improvement of the methodology of the motor learning process, specific to sport games (football) intergrated into the physical education program of the general school».
14/9/92-30/11/92 / Three-month post graduate Studies at the District Coaching Center of Athens.
Educational Center of Eastern Attica District
National Center of English Sports Development
Summer of 1987,1990,1991 / Post –Graduate Seminars at the National Center of development in English sports (Football Association Coaching and Education SHEME)
Secondary Studies in commission of the General Manager of the football education and confederation of England, Charles Hughes
Studies in Commission of the current trainer of the national team of England.
1985 / Graduation from the University of Athens. Graduated in August 1985 from the department of Physical Education and Sports Graduation Certificate Grade :"Very good" 8.
1981 / Graduated from the 1st Public High School of Amaliada.
Grade : "Very Good", 18 7/14.
Foreign Languages
English / First Certificate in English
P.C / Computer Operation at Windows XP
Knowledge of Microsoft Office 2003
Educational and Academic Experience
Educational Terms (23 years)
A. 2008 – 2012 / Lecturer at the Department of Sport Organization and Management, University of Peloponnese in Sparta.
Has taught in the post-graduated studies departmentof Department of Sports Organization and Management
under the title:Organisation and Administation of Athletic organisations Businesses.
A member of the Committee of the Post-graduation studies which functions with administration according to the law 2083/92.
2004-2008 / Teaching at the rank of Assistant Professor (under Presidential Decree 407/80) at the University of Peloponnese, in 1 st & 2 nd Graduate Seminar organized by Department of Sports Organization and Management
for the period 01.01.2004 -30 / 6/2005. Objects taught: "Organization and Management-Financial Management of Sport Organizations" and "Management of sporting bodies."
1993-2003 / Teaching at the University of Athens, (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science (FPESS)) Football
Appointment Professor of Ministry of Education sector PE11, OG 103, Issue C, 24/6/1993 with grade C and 16 M.K
1996-1999 / Post-graduate studies with scholarship.
1993-1994 / Technical counselor at the General Secretarial of Sports on detachment at the Management Development of football.
1989-1992 / Head of the development of football at the unique school of sports at Peristeri.
1988-1989 / Substitute Teacher at 1st Technical School at Acharnai.
1987-1988 / Substitute Teacher at 1st High School at N. Ionia.
B. 1987-88-89-90-95 / The Greek Government in cooperation with the General Secretarial of Sports and the Department of Promotion and Coaching assigned me toteach candidates football coaches (Category : A, B and C).
Participationin Seminars and
Scientific conferences
10/2010 / Official speaker, in the Internationalconference in Rhodes under the title:«New Media and Sports Journalism, Bet, Law and Mobile World»
2/2009 / Official speaker, Kolonaki – Athens, 2nd Greek Conference of Sports (Hellenic Association of Sports Economists & Staff). Subject : «Sports Sponsorship in European Football»
10/2008 / Officialspeaker, in the International conference inIraklio – Crete, with subject of the conf.:«New Media and Sports Journalism, Bet, Law and Mobile World»
17-19/5/1996 / Presentation of the scientific subject: "Methodology of using coaching programs for the improvement of the health of the working classes and the increase of their productive ability", Dimocrition University of Thrace, Komotini, Greece.
16-17-18/3/1994 / Member of the Organizing Committee of the seminar about Aerobic at the Stadium of Piece and Friendship, Athens.
16/17/18/3/1994 / Participation in the 3rd Pan-Hellenic Prevention for teachers of Physical Coaching, organized by the Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching.
17-20/3/1994 / Member of the Organizing Committee of the seminar about Aerobics at the Stadium of Piece and Friendship.
17-20/3/1993 / Participation as a member. in the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Prevention for teachers of Physical Coaching organized by the Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching, Athens
22-23-24/5/1991 / Attendance of the International Symposium of Physical Coaching and Sports about "School's Physical Coaching and Exercising for all organized by the Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching with the support of I.P.E.P.TH and General Secretarial of Sports.
3/6/1989 / Attendance of the coaching seminar about "Violence in sports field" organized by Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching, in co-operation with the committee of limitation of violence among sports unions, Athens.
14-16/12/1989 / Attendance of the proceeding of the Symposium about "Contemporary Approaches of Sport Sciences and their applications to School Physical Coaching" by the department of Physical Coaching and Sports, in cooperation with General –Secretarial of Sports and I.P.E.P.TH., Athens.
13-14/10/1988 / Attendance of the proceeding of the Symposium about Sports' Psychology by the Society of Psychology and Applied Neurophysiology in Sports, Athens.
6-9/11/10/1988 / 1st Pan-Hellenic Convention of Preventive Medicine, Athens.
27-29/6/1988 / Adviser at the 6th Coaching seminar of football coaching (O.A.C.A.).
21-23/11/1986 / 2nd Pan-Hellenic Athletic-medical Convention with international participation, Athens.
1-4/10/1986 / 3rd International Course Physiological Biochemistry of Exercise and coaching, Athens.
8/7/1983 / Participation in the athletic meetings between the football team of E.A.S.A. and Rhodes in Rhodes.
18/4/1983 / Member of the Society of Psychology and Applied neurophysiology in Sports.
Attendance of courses on Psychology of Team Sports, Athens.
in Department of Sports organization and Management
/ Member of scientific and organizing committee of the 13 Panhellenic Conference organization and administration of sport and recreation.2008-2012 / Member of Steering Committee of Postgraduate Studies (P.M.S) from 2009 until today, based on the Proceedings of the Coordinating Committee of Postgraduate Studies in the Department of 04/06/2009 & Sport Management.
Member of the Appeals Committee of the graduate candidates and of the interviews, from 2008 until today , based on the practices of the 18th Meeting of the Interim General Assembly (3rd acad. Year 2008-2009) on 21/11/2008 at the Department of Management & sports.
With decisions of The General Assembly Department of Sports Organization and Management
- Member of the Senate University of peloponnese upon decision of the General Assembly, Department of Sport Management as the representative of faculty members for the academic year 2011 – 2012
- Elected Board Member of the Teaching personnel of University of peloponnese for the academic year 2011 – 2012
- Member of the committee qualifying exam results (2010-2011)
- Member of the display section (2010-2011)
- Member of the Committee to implement and organize a scientific conference in Sparta 2011
- Elected Board Member of Teaching personnel University of peloponnese for the academic year 2011 – 2012
- Member of Organization Committee World Congress in Sparta with the Sports Journalists Association 2011.
Business Experience on Private businesses, organizations, federations
Employment (28 years)
30/9/09 – 2012 / Executive Advisor for OPAP International in CyprusFor sports betting. (Strategic Planning, Marketing product yields)..
1/1/07 – 30/9/09 / Executive Advisor for General Department of Betting at OPAP S.A. for Strategy, Marketing – Odds.
2004-2008 / Implementation of business plans to S.A
A) Port Authority of Pireus
B) Implementation Foundation Naval Training Institute (NTI)
C) Implementation Project to O.L.I (Port Authority of Igoumenitsa) and representation to investors and entrepreneurs
D) Implementation of the project as a representative of the Port Authority of Patras for international and public relationships and representation in entrepreneurs - investors.
Regular member of the Professional Sports Committee of the General Secretariat of Sport.
2004-2007 / ExecutiveAdvisorforthe Ministry of Shipping concerning Naval Training issues.
Member of the Board of Directors of OPAP Services
2003 / Project Manager of the Program of the Ministry of Industry and especially the General Secretariat for Research and Technology''talent detection in Greek football''in cooperation with greek universities and the Greek football federation . Total amount authorized : €530.000.
2002-2007 / ResearchAssociateof the Greek Football Federation and president of scientific committee of Greek Football Federation.
2001 / Business consultant on football matters of OPAP S.A., after contest, with works contract.
Member of the Expert Group of the General Secretariat of Sports for the study of the environment of the Greek Professional Sports. The team dealt with the issues of arbitration, violence, business, dopping, and sports justice
Creating a Bussiness Action Plan (business plan) of the General Secretariat of Sports.
15/6/97- 15/6/98 / Substitute general principal of Dionisos Joy (Member of the group of companies "DION").
1993-1997 / Manager of SEIRIOS Anonymous commercial and industrialCompany, 43rd km. Athens – Lamia National Road (Member of the group of companies "PARNASSOS"). Responsible for Organization and management of a newly established company.
1992-1993 / Technical consultant about sport themes for the anonymous company ATEMKE ATE (22nd Othonos str., Kifissia).
1990-1993 / Technical co-ordinator of football development according to the principal decision of the General Secretarial of Sports (7th December 1990, register number 34976).
1989 / Member of Management of Development of General Secretariat of Sports.
Planning and Developing Team Sports, Decision 13th October 1989.
1988 / Supervisor of sport centers of municipality of Athens.
Decision Number 631, Register number 4531.
1987-1988 / Head for the Promotion of PumaAnonymous company.
1/1/1985-14/11/1987 / Professional at the Air Academy (when on military service).
1982-1984 / Manager of Prinou company and responsible for programming and organization.
Scientific and Writing Activity
Authorship Activities
Published anouncements in International and Greek Scientific Journals & Magazines (in refereed)
2012 / P. Alexopoulos “The structure and management of the commerciality of Greek professional football: TV rights and ticket sales” (2012 ) has been accepted and been published in the paper «organizing athletics».
Papaioannou, A.Κriemadis, T, Alexopoulos, P,Vrodou O.). «An analysis of human resource empowerment and organisational performance in Greek sport federations", World Review of Enterpreneurship, Management and Sustaianable Development.( to be published).
P.Alexopoulos“The structure and management of the commerciality of Greek professional football: TV rights and ticket sales” (2012 )-under publication , “Sports organization “magazine.( to be published).
2010 / Koutroumanides C., Laios A., Douvis J., Alexopoulos P. (2010).« Who owns the television rights of the games of the greek professional football: The Greek professional football clubs higher management Approach». “GYMNASIUM” Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. No1, Year XI, 2010, (ISSN 1453-0201)
2009 / Kriemadis, T., Papaioannou, A., Alexopoulos, P., Vrondou, O., and Kartakoullis, N. (2009). The relationship between human resource empowerment and organizational performance in football clubs. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism, 4 (b), 20-39,2009.
2008 / Applying the Balanced Scorecard Strategic Evaluation Method to a University Athletic Department Kriemadis T, Kotsovos A, Alexopoulos P., at the Journal sponsorship, article No.Ch/2009/0034. Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Human Movement & Quality of Life, University of Peloponnese
2003 / P. Alexopoulos(with PD / 407 University of Peloponnese) (2003). Team Sports Scheduling: The cases of Greece and Romania. Sports Organization (1,1:89-93).
2003 / Alexopoulos P. Stavropoulos N., Laios A. (2003). National IT management system and football talent promotion programming. Sports Organization (1, 2: 163-168).
2003 / LaiosA., AlexopoulosP., MavridisG., KaripidisA., Stavropoulos N. (2003). The skills and roles as head coaches of sports teams. Sports Organization (1, 2: 220 - 224).
2003 / Alexopoulos P., (2003). Evaluation of effective sponsorship as a criterion for management and planning of sponsorship activities. The case of OPAP. SA Sports Organization (1, 2: 139 - 147).
2003 / Kriemadis, A., Avgerinou, V., Alexopoulos. P., & Verdis, A. (2003). Applying continuous improvement in public and educational organizations. Sports Organization: (1, 2, 169-174)
2003 / Papanikolaou Z., Nikolaidis D., Patsiouras A. & Alexopoulos P.The Freshman Experience: High Stress – Low Grades. Athletic Insight– (December 2003, Volume 5, Issue 4).
2002 / Kriemadis, A., Costa, G., Alexopoulos. P., & Bekiari, A. (2002) Continuous quality improvement for sport organizations based on the European Foundation for Quality Management and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria. Sportzaken (SportManagement), (2, 16-18).
2001 / «Factors characterizing the offensive game of the playmaker position in basketball». Magazine «Journal of Human Movement Studies», 2001, 40:405-421
"Examination of the effectiveness of football learning through the increase of games with ball". Magazine: «Science and Sports». Sofia, Issue 2, p. 135 P.Alexopoulos
.Stergioulas Α., Alexopoulos P., Pappas Α.,“ The effect of laser hematomas in the femoral quadriceps muscle in amateur footballers ”magazine «Medical Annals», vol. 24., issue 2, pages 89-93.
2000 / «Defensive actions of finalist soccer teams in 18 world cup in France», Magazine «JournalofHumanMovementStudies,2001» 41:125-139, K.Taxidiaris, P.Alexopoulos ,G.Mavromatis And H.Papas
Panagiotis Alexopoulos D. "Developing Teamwork: An important feature of a Total Quality Management Training Organization" - Published work in Exercise Physiology in Trikala. Annual international review 1/2000 Trikala Physical Education (Department of Physical Education and Sport) Yearbook 2/2000 (pages 329-337) Athens, Physical Education
Alexopoulos P., A. Stergioulas, A. Pappas. Athens, Physical Education "contusions of Amateur Players." Published in Annals of University of Thessaly, sector: Physical Education and Sport 2/2000 (pages 204-211).
"Football and five against five cardiovascular adjustments 'P.Alexopoulos 2000, medical journal A.Stergioulas Volume 24 time'., Issue 6-7-8, pp. 368-373
1999 / «Examination of the effectiveness of football learning through the increase of games with ball». Magazine: «Science and Sports». Sofia, Issue 2, p. 135
Ap.Stergioulas, P.Alexopoulos, Agg.Pappas.Magazine «MedicalAnnals», Volume 24, Issue 2, pp.89-93.
“Soccer 5X5 and cardiovascular adaptations”
«Medical Annals» Volume 24, Issue 6 - 7- 8, pp.368 – 373
Dr. P.D. Alexopoulos, Ap. Stergioulas
Publications in Greek daily economical and political presswithout peer-reviewed
2003 / AlexopoulosP. (2003).TheGreekSportsinsearchofanewcourse.SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 1, July 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P. (2003). The Professional Football becomes identical with profit. SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 1, July 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P. (2003). On crisis the European television rights market. SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 1, July 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P. (2003). Yes on the private economy criteria of F.C.SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 2, July 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P. (2003). OPAP S.A "present" in any development initiative. SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 2, July 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P. (2003). Acenterfortheathletes’ evaluationiscreated.SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 3, July 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P. (2003). The failed experiment in pay TV. SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 4, July 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P. (2003). The rise and fall of AlphaDigital.SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue4, July 2003.
2003 / AlexopoulosP.(2003). When you want the merrier you lose everything… SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 4, July 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P.(2003).The evaluation of referees and observers is necessary. SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 4, July2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P.(2003). OPAP S.A. and the entrepreneurship in sports.SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 6, December 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P.(2003). OPAP SA expands its activities. SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 6, December 2003.
2003 / Kriemadis T., Avgerinou B.,Alexopoulos P.(2003). The development of Greek Sports. SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue6, December 2003.
2003 / AlexopoulosP.(2003).Rewarding and profitable the relationship between internet and football. Special Edition of the newspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 6, December 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P.(2003). Sponsorship to the Greek Football Federation. SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 6, December 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P.(2003). Football Championship U21.SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 6, Δεκέμβριος 2003.
2003 / Alexopoulos P.(2003). Violence harms the image of football revenue.SpecialEditionofthenewspaperKerdosfortheModernizationPolicyofF.C., Issue 6, December 2003.
2003 / Foggy landscape in Professional Football. Dr. PanagiotisD. Alexopoulos,BusinessConsultantofOPAPS.A..Daily sports newspaper “sporttime” Wednesday 18 June 2003
2003 / Greeceeven belowKazakhstan. Dr. PanagiotisD. Alexopoulos,BusinessConsultantofOPAPS.A...Newspaper «To Vima» Sunday 23 February 2003
C.Writing Articles in professional magazines
1990 / "Sport journalism and its prime role on the elevation of violence in sportfields and courts".
Informative Report of the Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching. Issue 36.
1989 / "Methods of coaching with or without a ball for a warming up. Obtaining good shape and technical condition".
Informative Report of the Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching. Issue 35.
1988 / "Football as a social phenomenon".
Informative Report of the Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching. Issue 32.
1987 / "Basic elements of coaching in football".
Informative Report of the Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching. Issue 31.
1986 / "Special edition at the 8th European Football Championship".
Informative Report of the Pan-Hellenic Union of Qualified teachers of Physical Coaching, Issue 30.
D. Publications
2010 / Football Entrepreneurship. Structure and organization of the Greek Professional Football (2010). Dr. Panagiotis D. Alexopoulos, Christos Anagnostopoulos., (Sideris Publications).
2009 / Strategic Management of Football (2009), Alexopoulos P., Kriemadis, T. (Sideris Publications).
2002 / “Football. From Theory to action” (2002), Dr. Panagiotis D. Alexopoulos
2000 / “Developing Teamwork: An important feature of a Total Quality Management Educational Organization”- Published thesis at D.P.E.S.S. Trikala Annual International Review 1/2000 Trikala FPESS (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science) Book year 2/ 2000 (pages 329-337)
Dr. Panagiotis D. Alexopoulos Athens FPESS
2000 / «Lesions in amateur football».
Publication in the yearbook of Thessaly University, Physical Education and Sport Sector 2/2000 (pages 204-211).Dr. Panagiotis D. Alexopoulos, Athens Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science (FPESS)
18/8/92 / "Administration and codification of the rules on football matches" (republication) as they were amended.
5.000 free samples were given to all football unions and referees.
1991 / "Learning Football. Referees, players, other factors, sportsmen. Who is right?", Publishing Organization “Cicle” - Th.N. Christopoulos, Athens.
1991 / "Coaching at amateurism football", Publishing Organization “Cicle” - Th.N. Christopoulos, Athens.
This is a strictly technical book which appeals to every Greek Technical or Coach at amateurism football. It consists of coaching programs during the preparation's period, 40 coaching programs during the matcher's period and 100 exercises and drawing for the development of physical and technical condition and method.
1990 / "Administration and codification of the rules on football matches", as they were amended by 4356/20/2/89 ministerial decision, which is valid from 10/9/90.
5.000 free samples were given to all football unions and referees.
E. International Conferences’ Proceedings
2012 / 1. Karahalios, A., Kriemadis, A., Alexopoulos, P. "Study scope of business plan in higher education : the case of greek universities"University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.
2012 / 2. Kariofyllas, X., Kriemadis, A., Alexopoulos, P. “Total quality management in unprofitable organizations: the case of argolida”University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.
3. Dimitropoulos, P. E., Alexopoulos, P. "Financial fair play and financial statement manipulation"University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.
2012 / 4. Dimitropoulos P. E., Alexopoulos, P. "capital structure and corporate goverance of European football clubs "University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.
2012 / 5. Gennimatas, B. Kriemadis, A., Douvis, I., Alexopoulos, T. "comporate social responsibility in sports unknown companiesin Greece"University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.
2012 / 6. Passia, E., Kriemadis, A., Douvis, I., Alexopoulos, P., grassland, S. "social capital and work satisfaction quality , work satisfaction and quality of work life in working area of sport unknown companies "University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.
2012 / 7. Matsangidis, X., Kriemadis, A., Alexopoulos, P., Christodoulou - Volos, CH. “Evaluation of business trends of the fourth year student in tefaa and TODA “ University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.
2012 / 8. Liberi, K., Vrondou, O., Kriemadis, A., Alexopoulos, P“organizational structure , policy and procedures in big Athens events : case study «SPECIAL OLYMPICS - ATHENS 2011 ' University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.
2012 / 9. Skoula, E., Kriemadis, A., Alexopoulos, P. “ stragetic planning in organizations members of university sports member of fisu: THE CASE OF THE AMERICAN EPIRUS”University of Peloponnese, 13th Panhellenic Conference on Sport and Recreation Management, Sparta, December 2012.