
Curriculum Vitae


personal information
Name and Surname / Marijeta Kralj
Academic Title / PhD
Year and the institution PhD obtained / 2001, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Address / Bijenička 54, Zagreb, Croatia
Phone / +385 14571235
Fax / +3851 4561010
E-mail /
Personal Web page /
Nationality / Croatian
Date and Place of Birth / April 1, 1967
work experience[1]
Date (from – until) / 2008- today
Institution / Rudjer Bošković Institute
Occupation or position held / Senior Research Associate, Head of Laboratory of Experimental Therapy
Work field / biomedicine, molecular oncology, tumor therapy, medicinal chemistry
Date (from – until) / 2003 -2008
Institution / Rudjer Bošković Institute
Occupation or position held / Research Associate, Head of Laboratory of Functional Genomics
Work field / biomedicine, molecular oncology, tumor therapy, medicinal chemistry
Date (from – until) / 2002 -2004
Institution / Rudjer Bošković Institute
Occupation or position held / postdoc student, senior research assistant
Work field / biomedicine, molecular oncology, tumor therapy, medicinal chemistry
Date (from – until) / 15 October 1991-18 February 2002
Institution / Croatian Academy of Science and Arts, but working at Rudjer Bošković Institute
Occupation or position held / young scientist
Work field / PhD study in molecular biology and biomedicine
Date / December 3, 2001
Place / Zagreb, Croatia
Institution / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Title of qualification awarded / Ph. D. in Natural Sciences
Thesis: "p53 and p21WAF1/CIP1 mediated gene therapy of cancer"
Date / July 4, 1994
Place / Zagreb, Croatia
Institution / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Title of qualification awarded / M. Sc. in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Date / December, 26 1990
Place / Zagreb, Croatia
Institution / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Title of qualification awarded / B. Sc. in Molecular Biology
Date / 1986
Place / Zagreb, Croatia
Institution / High school, Križanićeva 4a
Title of qualification awarded / Teaching Assistant
Year / 2003
Place / Trieste, Italy
Institution / International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,
Subjects and Skills covered / proteomic analysis
Year / 2001
Place / Graz, Austria
Institution / Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Karl Franzes University,
Subjects and Skills covered / adenovirally mediated transduction of tumor cells
Year / December 2001, April 2003.
Place / Darmstadt, Germany
Institution / Applied Biosystems facility, Proteomics workshop
Subjects and Skills covered / applications and work with mass spectrometers
Year / 1999
Place / Graz, Austria
Institution / Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Karl Franzes University,
Subjects and Skills covered / isolation and purification of adenoviral vectors
Mother tongue / Croatian
english language
Speaking / independent user
Writing / proficient user
Reading / proficient user
other foreign languages[3]
Speaking / independent user
Writing / independent user
Reading / proficient user
LANGUAGE / Italian
Speaking / independent user
Writing / independent user
Reading / proficient user
Speaking / basic user
Writing / basic user
Reading / independent user
research and other projects
(chronologically; leader and associates; funding source)
1.  Work package leader (WP – Excange&Secondments) on FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1 „Enhancement of the Innovation Potential in SEE through new Molecular Solutions in Research and Development (InnoMol)” , Coordinator Dr. Oliver Vugrek (≈4 740000 EUR), 2013. -
2.  Collaborator on research project financed from The Croatian Science Foundation: „Photochemistry of polycyclic molecules: From mechanistic studies to new drugs and medicinal applications“, principal investigator Dr. Nikola Basarić, 2010. –2013. (≈130000 Eur)
3.  Principal investigator of the scientific project financed from The Ministry of Science Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia: «The role of different cell death responses to DNA-damage treatment» (098-0982464-2514) 2007.- 2014. (≈80000 Eur)
4.  Collaborator on the scientific project financed from The Ministry of Science Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia: “Machine learning of predictive models in computational biology” (098-0000000-3168), principal investigator Tomislav Šmuc 2008. – 2014.
5.  Coordinator of research project for in vitro preclinical testing of BZ-1 and BZ-2 compounds (novel sulfonilpirimydine derivatives with antitumor activity, under European patent no. 0 877 022 B1) for Spin-off company BioZyne d.o.o. 2005.-2006 (18000 Eur)
6.  Collaborator on technological project financed from The Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia: "Bioaktivna svojstva autohtonih peludi bušinca (Cistus sp.) i vrbe (Salix alba)", - gr. No. TP05/0098-49; project leader prof. Tatjana Marotti
7.  Collaborator in technological project financed from The Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia (JEZGRE) "Center for integrative genomics", project leader prof. K. Pavelić – 2004. – 2007. (1000000 Eur)
8.  Collaborator on technological project financed from The Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Croatia "Development of autochtonous nutraceutics ", principal investigator prof. N. Kezić, 2002, No. 4010
9.  Collaborator on scientific project financed from The Ministry of Science Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia "Tumor suppressor gene therapy", principal investigator prof. J. Pavelić, 2002-2006.
10. Coordinator of research project for UPT Dr. Snyckers "In vitro effect of tribomechanically activated micronized mineral zeolite on tumor cells", 1998
11. Collaborator on scientific project financed from The Ministry of Science Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia "The formation of tumor bank for basic research ", pr. investigator academician Š. Spaventi, 1991-2002
(chronologically; undergraduate, graduate , postgraduate study programmes
2006. –course leader, “Functional genomics”, PhD Program Molecular Biosciences, RBI, University in Osijek and University in Dubrovnik
2006. –course co-leader (Dr. N. Slade and Dr. M. Kralj) „p53 gene family”, ”, PhD Program Molecular Biosciences, RBI, University in Osijek and University in Dubrovnik
2007. – course co-leader (Dr. M. Kralj and Dr. K. Gall-Trošelj), „Functional genomics in oncology”, PhD Program „Cancer biology”, RBI, University in Split and University in Dubrovnik and University in Zadar.
2004.-2006. – participation (lectures) in the course “Gene therapy: experimental and clinical aspects”, postgraduate study, School of medicine, University in Zagreb, Rudjer Bošković Institute, course leader: Prof. J. Pavelić.
1999, 2001-2006.- participation (lectures and practice) in the course "Molecular Oncology", postgraduate study, School of medicine, University in Zagreb, course leader Prof. dr. K. Pavelić
1998; 2001; 2003. – participation (practice) in the course "Molecular medicine", postgraduate study, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University in Zagreb, course leader Prof. dr. K. Pavelić and Prof. dr. J. Pavelić
1998/99; 2000/2001; 2001/2002 – participation (practice) in the course "Methods in Molecular biology", undergraduate study, Molecular biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University in Zagreb, course leader Prof. B. Nagy.
1997 – participation in the course "Molecular biology of the cell", postgraduate study, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University in Zagreb, course leader Prof. T. Hrženjak
mentorship of defended doctoral and master dissertations
and training of young researchers and scientists
1.  Mentor – Marina Farkaš, diploma thesis “p21waf1/cip1 gene silencing by RNA interference in human colon carcinoma cells “, PMF, Zagreb, University of Natural Sciences, University in Zagreb. Defended in May 2012.
2.  .mentor – Marko Marjanović, doctoral thesis: „The role of p21WAF1/Cip gene in different cell death responses to DNA-damage treatment of colon carcinoma cells“.University of Natural Sciences, University in Zagreb. Defended in July 2010.
3.  mentor - Ivana Burić, diploma thesis: „Autophagy and cellular senescence in the colon cancer cells in vitro“.University of Natural Sciences, University in Zagreb. Defended in September, 2010.
4.  mentor - Maja Stulić, diploma thesis: „ The influence of exogenous overexpression of p21WAF1/Cip1 gene and various chemotherapeutics on proliferation of colon cancer cells“ University of Natural Sciences, University in Zagreb. Defended in u January, 2010.
5.  mentor – Nataša Ilić, diploma thesis: „The effect of different macrocyclic compounds on tumor cell proliferation in vitro“, University of Natural Sciences, University in Zagreb. Defended in June 2009.
6.  mentor – Blanka Pranjić, diploma thesis, “Cell cycle analysis of tumor cells using adenoviral vectors”, University in Zagreb. Defended in November, 2008.
7.  mentor - Sandra Kraljević Pavelić, doctoral thesis: „In vitro study of the effects of p53 and p21WAF1/CIP1 genes introduction on the growth and survival of the head and neck tumor cell lines in combination with cisplatin and methotrexate”. University of Natural Sciences, University in Zagreb. Defended in November, 2006.
8.  mentor - Lana Pejnović, Rector award for student work: “Effect of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug indomethacin on proliferation and apoptosis of colon cancer cells SW 620”, 2004.
9.  mentor - Lana Pejnović, diploma thesis: “Effect of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug indomethacin on proliferation and apoptosis of various colon cancer cells in vitro”, University in Zagreb. Defended in December, 2004.
10. supervisor (mentor prof. dr. J. Pavelić) - Tajana Koerbler, diploma thesis: „Propagation of adenoviral vectors”, University of Natural Sciences, University in Zagreb. Defended in February 2001.
visits to foreign research and education institutions
(chronologically; only visits longer than 3 months)
awards and recognitions
Croatian Society of Natural Sciences Award for the M.Sc. Thesis for the year 1994
organizational skills and competences
(chronologically; organization of home and international science events )
1.  Management board member of BioZyne Ltd., a spin-off company majority-owned by Ruđer Bošković Institute (2010. -)
2.  Head of laboratory 2003.- today
3.  Main organizer (along with Dr. T. Šmuc) of a Workshop on bioinformatics “Bioinformatika IRB – 2004” at Rudjer Bošković Institute (RBI), 10 December, 2004.
4.  Bioinformatics Task force leader at RBI, 2004.
5.  1st International Conference on Mechanisms of Action of Nutraceuticals, Cavtat, 2001, local organizing board member
6.  1st International Conference on Signal Transduction, Cavtat, 08. 10.-11. 10. 1998., local organizing board member
membership in science organizations and bodies
(chronologically; home and international organizations and bodies)
Croatian society for Theoretical and Mathematical Biology (secretary)
Croatian Association for Cancer Research (CACR)
Croatian society for Human Genetics
Croatian Society for Biochemistry and molecular biology
European Association of cancer research (EACR)
commissions, committees, boards and work groups
(chronologically; home and international)

Member of Genomics and proteomics in oncology committee (2009 - )

Bioinformatics Task force leader at RBI (2004 - )

Member of Oncogene and Growth Factors committee (till 2009)

(chronologically; research books, home and international research journals, home and international conference proceedings; please write their impact factor)
·  79 published papers citied in Current Contents, 4 papers citied in Web of Science, 4 papers published in proceedings
·  Median 5-year impact factor = 3.2, average = 3.6; min.= 0.95; max. = 10.237; sum of IF(5- year) = 243.4.
·  1100 citations according to Scopus (67% without self-citations of all authors) and >990 according to Web of Science (87% without self-citations), h index = 19,
·  Two papers are published in journals with impact factors (IF) >7, and 15 >4. Twenty nine papers are published in journals in Q1 category according to Web-of-Science (JCR-ISI). First author of 20 papers (8 published in journals citied in Current contents); senior responsible author (corresponding author) on 24 papers (18 CC).

List of the most citied papers:

1.  Pavelić K, Hadžija M, Bedrica Lj, Pavelić J, Đikić I, Katić M, Kralj M, Herak Bosnar M, Kapitanović S, Poljak-Blaži M, Križanac Š, Stojković R, Jurin M, Subotić B, Čolić M: Natural zeolite clinoptilolite: new adjuvant in anticancer therapy. J Mol Med 78:708-720, 2001. 82 citations

2.  Hranjec, M; Kralj, M*; Piantanida, I; Sedić, M; Šuman, L; Pavelić, K; Karminski-Zamola, G*. Novel cyano- and amidino-substituted derivatives of styryl-2-benzimidazoles and benzimidazo[1, 2-a]quinolines. Synthesis, photochemical synthesis, DNA binding, and antitumor evaluation, part 3. J Med Chem. 50 (2007) , 23; 5696,; M.K. – co-corresponding author; 56 citations

3.  Đilović, I; Rubčić, M; Vrdoljak, V; Kraljević Pavelić, S; Kralj, M; Piantanida, I; Cindrić, M. Novel thiosemicarbazone derivatives as potential antitumor agents: synthesis, physico-chemical and structural properties, DNA interactions and antiproliferative activity. Bioorg Med Chem. (2008) 16:5189-5198. 51 citations

4.  Ćaleta, I; Kralj, M*; Marjanović, M; Bertoša, B; Tomić, S; Pavlović, G; Pavelić, K; Karminski-Zamola, G*. Novel Cyano- and Amidino- Benzothiazole Derivatives: Synthesis, Antitumor Evaluation, X-ray and QSAR Analysis. J Med Chem. (2009) 52:1744-1756., M.K. *co-corresponding author; 47 citations

5.  Starčević, K; Kralj, M*; Ester, K; Sabol, I; Grce, M; Pavelić, K; Karminski-Zamola, G*. Synthesis, Antiviral and Antitumor Activity of 2-substituted-5-amidino-benzimidazoles. Bioorg Med Chem. (2007) 15:4419-4426.; M.K. – co-corresponding author; 53 citations

6.  Jarak I., Kralj M., Piantanida I., Šuman L, Žinić M., Pavelić K. and Karminski-Zamola G.. Novel Cyano- and N-isopropylamidino-Substituted Derivatives of Thieno [2, 3-b]-, and Thieno[3,2-b]thiophene-2-carboxanilides, Thieno[2;3’;4,5]- and Thieno [2,3-c]quinolones: Synthesis, Photochemical Synthesis and Antitumor Evaluation. Bioorg Med Chem (2006) 14:2859–2868. 39 citations

7.  Opačić, N., Barbarić, M., Zorc, B., Cetina, M., Nagl, A., Frković, D., Kralj, M., Pavelić, K., Balzarini, J., Andrei, G., Snoeck, R., De Clercq, E., Raić-Malić, S., Mintas, M. The Novel L- and D-Amino Acid Derivatives of Hydroxyurea and Hydantoins: Synthesis, X-Ray Crystal Structure Study, Cytostatic and Antiviral Activity Evaluations. J Med Chem. 48:475-82, 2005., 32 citations

8.  Kapitanović, S; Čačev, T; Antica, M; Kralj, M; Cavrić, G; Pavelić, K; Spaventi, R. Effect of indomethacin on E-catherin and beta catenin expression in HT-29 colon cancer cells. Exp Mol Path (2005), 80:91-96 2006.; 28 citations

9.  Kralj M, Pavelic K. Medicine on a small scale. EMBO Reports, 4:1008-1012, 2003. Editorial material; 29 citations

10.  Kralj M, Kapitanović S, Kovačević D, Lukač J, Spaventi Š, Pavelić K.: Effect of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug indomethacin on proliferation and apoptosis of colon carcinoma cells. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 127:173-179, 2001.; 24 citations

List of selected papers, which best represent my scientific activity (first/principal author and/or corresponding/senior responsible author, or co-corresponding author for interdisciplinary papers):

1.  Kralj M*, Husnjak K, Körbler T, Pavelić J. Endogenous p21WAF1/CIP1 status predicts the response of human tumor cells to wild-type p53 and p21WAF1/CIP1 overexpression. Cancer Gene Ther, 10:457-467, 2003, *corresponding author –– IF=2.945; 14 citations