MELSA Youth Services Project Team
Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2014
Attendees: Maggie Snow (ACL), Shannon Melham (ACL), Sarajo Wentling (CCL), Mary Johnson (DCL); Maureen Hartman (HCL), Monica Stratton (RCL), Karen Kolb Peterson (SPL), Lisa Pollard (SCL), Dawn LaBrosse (WCL)
- Welcome & Introductions
- Month of the Military Child (April)
Laura Groeneweg , Child & Youth Program Coordinator for Minnesota National Guard joined the first part of the meeting to discuss the Month of the Military Child in April. Her office provides services, activities and support to military connected youth. Systems can promote library events on their website. Laura will provide some density stats to pinpoint communities with best potential for success.
- Select 2014 Chair
Dawn LaBrosse will serve as 2014 chair.
- Approve December 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Motion by Maggie Snow to approve December 10, 2013 minutes. Second by Monica Stratton.
- System Updates
RCL: WBL closing in June for 9 months. They are programming with the Trivia Ninjas. DCL: Farmington closed scheduled to reopen in July. SCL: Dished program brochure distributed, a combo of food programming for kids to adults. New director, Jake Grussing has started. ACL: Received grant for Northtown renovations to start in March. Rolled out Enterprise. SPL: Red Balloon collaboration went very well at the Wigington Pavilion hosting author Laurie Halse Anderson for 100 attendees. Early Literacy Team examining how storytime is done. They developed guidelines, begun peer review & coaching and storytime training has been added to all staff training. HCL: 249 additional hours added. Working on an LSTA grant for an ipad early literacy project. Brooklyn Park children’s area to get Children’s Museum installation, New website to launch in March. CCL: Foundation fundraiser with Channhassen Dinner Theater Little Mermaid & Fiddler on the Roof productions. WCL: Wildwood branch temporarily closed until mid-February due to water break. One County One Book program will highlight the book The World’s Strongest Librarian, the author will be here to present during the program.
- 2014 YS Budget
Current budget status was reviewed.
- Updates on Advisory Board & Other Team Discussions:
- STEM Programming: A request for STEM programming is going before Governing Board at their next meeting.
- BookFlix: The eResources Team has decided to purchase BookFlix for all systems.
- Makerspaces: The Advisory Board has begun discussions on Makerspaces and potential for broadening discussion to explore possibilities.
- YALSA “The Future of Library Services for and with Teens: A Call to Action”
Maureen Hartman, a coauthor of the very recently released YALSA report, provided a brief overview. A Team conversation on the report will be scheduled for the March or May meeting.
- Training/Event/Project Updates
· Storytime Palooza: The evaluation summary was reviewed. Attendance was over 60 and reviews were very positive. It was decided to offer a storytime workshop annually in December offering a mix as we did this year.
· Early Literacy Video Update: Dawn and Monica updated the group on script development.
- Summer 2014
· MN Zoo: James reported that MELSA is completing the agreement with the MN Zoo and everything is moving forward with Bookawocky Bugs Out.
· Artwork: The Bookawocky alphabet is complete. Each letter or letter combo is an individual piece of art. Multiple formats were requested. All art will be formatted immediately.
· Website: The website will require a unique email and library card number. Mobile functionality will be greatly improved as will the reporting feature.
- History Theater
MELSA was approached by the History Theater for possible multiple booking of their new children’s play, Tales Along the Minnesota Trail. It was decided this was best an individual library decision for Legacy rather than a YS project.
- Pre-K One Book Project
The project is moving forward with the job posting for the coordinator position.
- 2013 Meetings Meeting Dates
· Tuesday, May 13, 1:00-3:30, MELSA 320
· Tuesday, October 14, MELSA 320
o Youth Services, 12:00-2:00, Lunch provided
o Summer, 2:00-4:00, Dessert provided
· Tuesday, December 9, 1:00-3:30, MELSA 320
MELSA Youth Services Minutes 01.14.14