Colleen Small
Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling
In taking this course I have realized that there are many ways in which I could incorporate what I have learned into my classroom. Where I may not be able to have each of my second graders create their own five to ten minute digital story, I can help them create a story in which they have their own voice. In doing so, these seven year olds will be able to leave their digital footprint to cherish for years to come.
The flickr five activity is a wonderful activity to implement into my literacy centers. Each child will be able to choose five pictures on the computer (technology) to make their own story. I am a firm believer that children are more independent than grownups sometimes give them credit for and are able to make their own choices. This is why I like this activity. Not only will it bring technology into the classroom, this activity will also help with writing and creating work that is their own. After each child chooses their picture story, they can write about it. The focus at the beginning of the year will be beginning, middle, end, and then move into word choice and inferential thinking toward the end of the year. I will also have them read their story to their peers. This will help build fluency. There are many more ways to incorporate this center. For instance, instead of the student’s choosing, I could choose five pictures, display them on the smart board and then have each child write their own story. When we have finalized the papers, we could compare and contrast the different stories. Children love listening to stories their peers have created. I am extremely excited to teach these center ideas in September. I feel as though the children will be excited as well.
An activityI like to do comes from The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown. This is a book of poems which describes important things about different objects. It always starts with; The important thing about ______is… and it ends with; But, the important thing about ______is. Each of my students creates three important poems throughout the course of a school year. At the beginning of the year it is; the important thing about themselves. During the middle of the year it is; the important thing about (they choose something), and at the end of the year it is; the important thing about reading. After they write these poems, we make an important book of our own. At the end of the year, each student chooses one of their poems to read aloud during our Author’s Tea (as well as a story from writing workshop.) This year I will scan each poem into the computer and record each student reading their poem. From this we will make a slideshow for the parents to view. In doing this, the parents will see and hear each student’s poem instead of just their child’s.
At the end of our Author’s tea, I have always played a slideshow of the student’s pictures throughout the year. This year, due to this course, I will create a prezi and let the children help to create a timeline of activities and work we have done throughout the year. This can include pictures as well as any artwork they have made. I will help the students create it, but they will be the ones presenting it to their parents. Children love to be the teacher and this will give them the opportunity to be one!
Throughout the school year I have always taken many pictures of the students. I carry my camera on me at all times. Each time I take pictures of the students, I upload them to During conferences I ask the parents for their email address so that I may invite them to look at or even purchase any pictures they would like. While I will continue to do this, (because the parents love it) I have been told that the students do not get to see all the pictures of themselves or their friends. Now that I have learned how to make an imovie, I will work on a presentation for the children to watch on the last day of school. This will also include them singing at their concerts. The children can then enjoy popcorn and a movie about themselves to start off their summer. I have discovered that you can upload any movie you make onto You can make it private and just share the link. Only the people with the link can view it. Therefore, the children can watch the movie with their parents whenever they want.
I would like to end this saying that this course was wonderful. I have learned so much from it. I am excited to share everything I have learned with my colleagues. I am sure they will enjoy it as much as I have. I know I will continue making digital stories. It is a lot of hard work, but the outcome is worth it. Thank you for giving me the necessary tools to start implementing this into my classroom. It does not matter what grade you teach, there is something each of us can take from this course.