Council November 13, 2017
Present for this regular meeting of the Village of West Liberty Council was: Mayor G. Hostetler, Mr. M. Hostetler, Mr. King, Mrs. Coy, Mrs. McKelvey, Mrs. Core Thomas, Solicitor Moell, Chief Oelker, Phil Holycross, and Clerk Boyd. Guest: Ms. Bev Yoder (future Council member). Absent: none.
Meeting was opened with Pledge Allegiance and Lord’s Prayer.
A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mrs. Coy to approve the minutes of October 23, 2017 as written/read. Motion Carried.
A MOTION was made by Mr. M. Hostetler seconded by Mr. King to approve the following bills in the amount of $81,441.86. Motion Carried.
D P& L electric 49.00
Ohio Deferred Comp. for Boyd 55.00
WL Business Asso.beautification award 25.00
Medical Mutualinsurance5599.06
King Feedgloves 23.28
Companion Lifelife insurance 84.00
Shell Oil Co.gasoline1279.96
Quality Pavingsolomans lot1425.00
Sprintcell phones290.56
CT Communicationsphones317.87
P S& L loan 57439 interest386.44
P S & L loan 3079 1735.00
Vectrennatural gas 31.52
Vectrennatural gas 37.95
Vectrennatural gas163.46
Vectrennatural gas 53.48
DP& L electric155.55
D p& L electric121.63
Bill Detrick77.5 hrs. 2.5 SL961.49
Phil Holycrosssalary1232.63
Dennis Lance80 reg.961.49
James Neidhardt8 hrs. 76.69
Lee Deloye72 reg. 8 SL1084.57
Nate Fickle80 reg. 6 pers.951.05
Shane Oelkersalary1319.82
Marc Roberts80 reg. 9 OT919.39
Champ. Cty Courtgarnishment142.86
Wichert Ins. Liability ins.9187.00
Wichert Ins. Liability5000.00
Cherokee Run Landfill30.33 Tn2207.71
Allied wasterecycling pick up1966.25
JS Engineeringpolice bldg.11500.00
Kathy Hyland48.5 hrs.461.82
Hodge Hager9 hrs. 85.02
Paul Salyer30 hrs.247.11
Lee Deloye72 reg. 8 vac.1084.57
Nate Fickle80 reg. 12 oT986.96
Shane Oelkersalary1319.82
Marc Roberts72 reg. 8 hol. 4 OT1026.98
Bill Detrick75.5 hrs. 4.5 SL961.49
Phil Holycrosssalary1232.63
Dennis Lance80 reg.961.49
Cont. November 13, 2017
Thomas Cookseyservices rendered 78.00
Postmasterbulk mailing170.22
IRSWH MC EMp. MC1544.77
CCAmunicipal tax286.44
Ohio Dept. Taxationstate tax656.76
School Dist. Inc. Taxschool tax393.74
Bellefontaine Autosupplies 73.95
Bellefontaine Autoanti-freeze 6.78
Bellefontaine Autoair switch 24.99
Morgan Whitepremium saver653.22
IRSWH MC EMp. MC1389.77
Rabenstein Electrictraffic light2012.00
StaplesCD cards, time cards, etc.122.40
Midwest Radarcalibrations135.00
Spirntcell phones525.73
Steve Austinsoil, inspection etc. crown vic 90.53
White Serviceoil change, etc. 42.11
Retail Acquisitionbatteries207.07
Century Linkphones227.77
EK Independentladder testing579.25
CJ Hostetlerfire truck repair210.00
O’Rielly Automomentary #4 8.07
Cintasmats 32.09
Cintasuniforms cleaned133.20
Bellefontaine Examinerhelp wanted 93.65
Schwaabinc.window cling 22.75
Dollar Generalpaper towels 7.75
Shane Long Concretebrick work2300.00
Cherokee run Landfill39.93 Tn2903.37
Logan County Health Dept. shots Stanley 75.00
Corporate Healthfor Lance 60.00
White Servicestep assy287.50
Safety Committee is concerned with the residence on Runkle St. it is not acceptable with junk sitting everywhere. The code enforcement officer will take care of this said the Mayor.
Street Committee said the catch basin will be done soon behind Andy Stidhmas business in the alley.
Mayor will talk with Shane Long about his crew and their language.
Finance Committee met and discussed paying off the police dept. bldg. or the trash truck. The police dept. is $130,149.59and the trash truck is $85,274.46. They will look into this more. A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mrs. Core Thomas to invest $10,000.00 CD to be designated for a fire truck in 5-6 years. Motion Carried. Yeas: 6 Nays; 0.
Joyce Woodruff gave estimates for the opera house renovation. A MOITON was made by Mr. King seconded by Mrs. McKelvey to set aside $11,000.00 for flooring. Motion Carried. Yeas: 6 Nays: 0
Chief Oelker will be taking down the troop banners tomorrow and will be storing them in the old WTP.
Mrs. McKelvey is complaining about the recycling bins being put in the middle of her driveway again. Mr. King will call.
Cont. November 13, 2017
The street dept. will be picking up leaves until they are all gone and do not park ON them.
Mr. M. Hostetler picked up the trash surveys and had it broken down. No trash cans can be used. Residents are concerned with critters getting in trash bags.Residents need to have trash out by 7:00 AM. Orange recycling bags will be sold at Michael Pizza, Tiger Hut, Shell Station, Thomans IGA and
Town Hall.
Ordinance 2017-09 entitled “AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE RATES FOR GARBAGE/RUBBISH PICK UP SERVICE AND CURBSIDE RECYCLING SERVICE WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF WEST LIBERTY, LOGAN COUNTY, OHIO AND PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF, BILLING MONTHLY” was read. A MOTION was made by Mr. M. Hostetler seconded by Mrs. McKelvey to pass Ordinance 2017-09 on first reading only. Motion carried. The ordinance will be put on
Mr. M. Hostetler and Mayor G. Hostetler interviewed for Code Enforcement Officer. They interviewed 3 applicants. One was over qualified and one was not knowledgeable and hire the third Robert Griffith. He will be given a cell phone and needs to answer people back in a reasonable amount of time and needs to help people if they have a problem. He would like some updated ordinances. He would like to meet with appeals board. He will be on probation for 1 year. A MOTION was made by Mr. M. Hostetler seconded by Mrs. McKelvey to hire Robert Griffith as zoning enforcement officer starting January 1, 2018 at $12.50 hrs. Motion Carried. Yeas: 5 Nays: 0 Abstain: 1.
Mr. King said the grade school needs cleaned up and the bridge needs to be a walking bridge. He will be call Scott Coleman and see if it can be a walking bridge.
Clerk needs to call JS Engineering to confirm to rebid in January.
Mr. King asked about sewer hook for the Peterson’s House, beside Maries Candies.
Mr. King is also concerned about trees needing trimmed or cut down. We need to make sure all Ordinances are in place and start sending letters.
Mrs. Core Thomas wants to thank the voters for passing Macochee Joint Ambulance District renewal.
Solicitor Moell said the survey work in underway.
A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. Mally to go into executive session to discuss compensation at 8:51 PM. Motion Carried.
Mrs. McKelvey: Yea
Mr. Mally: Yea
Mr. M. Hostetler: Yea
Mr. King: Yea
Mrs. Coy: Yea
Mrs. McKelvey: yea
Out of executive session at 9:26 PM.
Solicitor Moell updated council on the 2 vacant spots on Council and 1 on Board of Public Affairs. The Board of Public Affairs is appointed by the Mayor and Council will fill 2 council seats if not done within 30 days Mayor fill seats by appointment.
A MOTION was made by Mrs. Core Thomas seconded by Mr. Mally to adjourn at 9:32 PM. Motion Carried.
Clerk Cindee M. BoydMayor Gregory J. Hostetler