Evaluation of PP progress in KS2 in reading, writing and maths in 2015-16


The new method of calculating progress is by comparing average point scores at KS1 with scaled scores at the end of Y6. A conversion table was provided by the DFE in September 2016. Each school is given a progress grade ranging from -4 to +4 with 0 being the national average.

Expectations for the new curriculum are higher and outcomes must be seen in the light of these greater demands. Pupils achieving an average score of 2b at KS1 are expected to attain the new, average standard, which is, in fact, much higher than the old level 4c/4b.

Looking at the progress measures calls into the question the extent to which the school has been able to add considerable value during pupils’ journey through KS2.

The OFSTED Inspection Framework and disadvantaged pupils

Set out below are statements from the OFSTED framework on outcomes for the most disadvantaged pupils. The statements relate to outcomes in Outstanding schools. Descriptors from this section of the framework are useful in evaluating our current position and understanding aspects for improvement.

The progress across the curriculum of disadvantaged pupils and pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities currently on roll matches or is improving towards that of other pupils with the same starting points.

For pupils generally, and specifically for disadvantaged pupils and pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, progress is above average across nearly all subject areas.

The progress of disadvantaged pupils from different starting points matches or is improving towards that of other pupils nationally.


19 pupils were eligible for PP in Y6. 4 of these pupils joined the school in Y4 or Y5 and did not sit KS1 SATs at St Clare’s. Their progress is shown separately. The report focuses mainly on the progress of the 15 pupils who were in receipt of PP and were in the school from Y2 to Y6.


8 pupils made much better than expected progress. 2 made average progress. 5 pupils made lower than expected progress.

Pupils making expected progress or better: 66%

Pupils making better than expected progress: 53%

2 pupils who made better than expected progress had a history of very low attendance in lower key-stage 2. This was addressed through attendance meetings. Attendance improved in Y5 and Y6, contributing to better progress.

Of the 4 pupils who joined the school later, 3 joined at Y5 and 1 at Y4. 1 pupil who joined at Y5 made better than expected progress. 3 pupils made less than expected progress.

Grade for PP reading progress: +.6

Grade for all pupils: -0.1


Of the 15 pupils who were in Y2 (2012), 11 made better or expected progress. 10 of the 15 pupils made better than expected progress. 3 of the 4 pupils who made less than expected progress were amongst those making lower than expected progress in reading.

Of the 4 pupils who joined the school at Y4 and Y5, 3 made better than expected progress. The 1 remaining pupil achieved less than expected progress.

Pupils making expected progress or better: 73%

Pupils making better than expected progress: 66%

Grade for PP maths progress: + 3.1

Grade for all pupils: + 2.5


Writing progress is calculated differently as this aspect is teacher assessed. Pupils receive a grade of Below Expected, Expected or Above Expected. The table below sets out the starting and end points for the 15 PP pupils who were in the school in Y2.

KS1 Writing Level / Y6 Above Expected / Y6 Expected / Y6 Below Expected
2a / 1 / 2
2b / 6 / 1
2c / 2 / 2
1c / 1

The broad expectation is that pupils who achieved 2b at KS1 should achieve expected or above at Y6. Only 1 pupil failed to do this. 2 pupils who achieved 2c reached the expected level and 1 pupil who achieved 2a exceeded the expected level at Y6. 2 pupils who left KS1 at 2c or below made expected progress although they failed to meet the new standard at the end of Y6.

The table below shows the starting and end points for pupils who were not in Y2 at St Clare’s.

KS1 Writing Level / Y6 Above Expected / Y6 Expected / Y6 Below Expected
2b / 1 / 2
1c / 1

Again the picture is positive. All pupils made good progress in their time in the school, as evidenced by their books. This includes the one pupil who did not meet the expected standard.

Grade for writing progress PP: +1.2

Grade for all pupils: +0.1

Long-term trend

Set out below is the PP progress outcomes from the previous school year 2014-15. The expected progress over KS2 was 2 Levels. The table shows a comparison with other PP pupils nationally and all pupils nationally in each of the 3 main subjects.


PP 2 Levels progress100%96%100%

National PP 2 Levels86%88%92%

All pupils national 2 Levels90%91%94%


For a second year running, the progress of disadvantaged pupils is a strength. The RE report, looking at welfare and wider support for pupils, identified many aspects of provision that were judged outstanding. A case can be made that the depth and individualised nature of this provision, combined with improving teaching, has resulted in outcomes that reflect the OFSTED criteria set out in the opening section.

Raising the attainment of these pupils in EYFS and Y2 while repeating the good progress at KS2 would be a significant step in moving the school towards outstanding in 2017.