Date: November 28, 2016

The mission of the Franklin County Commuity Early childhood Council is to support and strengthen the community by providing information to families, promoting quality in all early childhood programs, and to offer quality training to the early childhood stakeholders in collaboration with other agencies in FranklinCounty.

Meeting was called to order by co-chair, Lynn Baker

Introductions were made. Those in attendance were Lynn Baker, Christy Brock, Kelley McMichael, Erinn Conness, Shelby Webster, Sunny Hardin , Fred Troutman, Ina Ponder, Becky Gibson, Jenny Weeks, Melissa Lentz, Deneen Petty, Nena Noe, Lauren Owens, Terri Spellman, and Cheryl Sandefur.

Erinn dismissed committees to meet individually for 30 minutes and then the complete council was called back to orde for committee updates and general council business

September minutes were emailed to members. Motion made by Kelly McMichael to accept the minutes and seconded by Fred Troutman. Motion carried.

Treasurers report was given by Erinn Conness. Erinn announced that the current balance is $15,394.27. Those with outstanding invoices can contact Erinn for a necessary form and turn their invoices in for payment. Cheryl Sandefur will attach the November expenses report along with the budget report to the November minutes.

Old Business:

  • No old business to discuss.

New Business:

Lynn Baker dismissed council members to meet with their subcommittee groups for forty minutes.

Each committee reported on the progress of their break out session:

  • Kids Fest (Spring 2017)
  • Budget of $3000 to advertise, acquire materials needed
  • Jenny Weeks made a motion to include a clause in Zoe’s contract that any expenditures over $50.00 will require preapproval by the majority of the Kids Fest subcommittee members.
  • Committee presented the resume for Zoe Ellington, their recommendation for the Kids Fest Coordinator. Fred Troutman made a motion to offer Zoe Ellington a contract (to be written by the committee members). Sunny Hardin seconded the motion. The motion carried.
  • The WesleyCenter is reserved for March 11. However, Zoe has contacts at KSU and expressed an interest in pursuing that location. Christy Brock made a motion to allow the committee in conjunction with Zoe to set the location for the Kids Fest. Jenny Weeks seconded the motion. The motion carried.
  • Hospital Goody Bags (begin distribution January 1, 2017)
  • Budget of $5500
  • The Elementary Council bought 1 inch binders to put all the materials for new moms in one place. The content for the binders has been collected and needs to be copied. PSPL will help with the copying and Jenny Weeks offered to donate paper for the copying.
  • After researching the number of births at FrankfortRegionalMedicalCenter, it was determined that approximately 450 babies are born to parents who live in FranklinCounty.
  • Erinn Conness made a motion for the committee to move forward with purchasing the bibs and bags so long as the cost is within the budget of $5,500.00.
  • Born LearningAcademy Outreach (ASAP)
  • Budget of $2,269.27 remaining (minus any outstanding invoices)
  • They are servicing 73 families.
  • The committee will purchase cookie sheets (to use with the magnetic letters) and crock pots with the balance of the money to use in future sessions.
  • The previous sessions have proven to be very successful.
  • Council Promotion (ongoing)
  • Acquisitions (budget of $1000)
  • There are still plenty of brochures left and Jenny said anyone is welcome to pick up a bundle from Great Beginnings.
  • FROGGY has a BOGO program for non-profit organizations. We can purchase 10 ads and get 10 free. They will pursue this further.
  • Other avenues the committee will explore include sponsering at: The Egg Roll, River Fest, Expo, and Derby Dash. They will also explore speaking to community clubs to explain our mission and ask for partnerships.
  • The ad on Facebook went well for little cost. They will explore doing it again.
  • The cost of a billboard is $3,000.00 so we will not pursue renting a billboard.


Two part time programming positions open at Paul Sawyier Public Library. Erinn Conness said the positions would range from 20-23 hours per week. You can find more information and contact information on the Paul Sawyier Public Library web site.

Jenny Weeks made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kelly McMichael. Motion carried.

Next meeting is Monday, January 23, 2017 @ 1:00pm in the Youth Services Program Room at Paul Sawyier Public Library.

Report Submitted by:

Cheryl Sandefur

FCCECC Secretary