January 8, 2014

Meeting was called to order at 6:34pm


Chad Stephenson

Nicole Hayes

Rick Randall

Rob Reeder

Brian Wiedmann

Tiffany Erickson

Carolyn Skahan

Deidre Smith

Glen Grisham

Justin Mitchell

Tom Heaphy

Kari Mayo

All board members present (as well as Gary Baumgartner)
Approval of the Agenda.

Last month’s minutes approved.

Nicole read the Treasure's Report

  • A gift of $1000 was given to SCLL by North Bothell Little League-a huge thank you to them!

Registration to date:

  • 80 players (50 at this time last year)
  • As a show of goodwill, it was suggested that an offer be extended to Conway School students who want to play T-ball as their league doesn't have a T-ball division. This will be followed upwith the board of District 11.
  • We do however need more coaches registered.
  • Glen Grisham had decided to step down as Umpire-in-Chief and will solely focus on the title of Sponsorship Coordinator.
  • Rick Randall has appointed Gary Baumgartner as our new Umpire-in-Chief.
  • Gary has been involved in the league since 1991. He has held the UIC position for 12 years(not consecutively).
  • He will recruit volunteers and Deidre and Brian will help with scheduling of the umpires.
  • Gary will be a member of the protest committee, assisting with any protest reviews.

Topics of Discussion During the General Meeting

•On March 1-a Rijo Clinic will be held for coaches. The location has yet to be determined.

•A Stanwood/Camano day at the Rijo Clinic may be scheduled during Spring Break. It is hopeful that teams and their coaches will attend together.

•A city employee has said that they have been approached by someone who wants to donate field dirt for Heritage Park.

•We hope to have a 50/70 field at either Church Creek or Heritage Park.

•Justin updated the Board about the safety plan.

•He will be cleaning up and re-typing the existing plans.

•He has been in contact with North County Fire Dept. to set up CPR classes for coaches and volunteers. Cost/Time/Location TBD

•He is looking for PDF files of the fields.

•He will be doing a check of each field's first aid kit and determine the immediate needs.

Picture packages-different bid options were presented.

•It has been determined that Designer Studios can offer the best deals.

•The league received $1543 in rebates from pictures ordered last year from this company.

•Kari motions that we approve Designer Studios for League pictures. Bryan seconds the motion. All in favor.

•The discussion of a 3 year contract with the company has been tabled.

•We hope to schedule team and individual pictures during Opening Ceremonies instead of during the season.

•It was suggested that we appoint someone to oversee picture scheduling. Rick suggested Carolyn. Kari motions for a vote. Bryan approves. All in favor.


•Pro Time is offering a package deal to the league that will include belts, socks, hats, pants, and jerseys at a reasonable cost.

•We feel that rebranding the league is so important that all age divisions need a sharp uniform.

•Glen also has a contact at Hats Off of Lynden and Mount Vernon-he will present an offer to a few of the board members.

Logo Placement on the jerseys

•It has been determined that the kids shouldn't be walking billboards, but logo placement on the uniform is a continuing discussion.

•We want SCLL to be the focus on the uniforms

Banner cost from UPS store is still TBD.

Umpire Uniforms

*Brian suggests that each umpire is provided with a shirt, indicator, and brush

*Making sure they understand that they are an important part of the league is key.

*We need good umpire gear.

•Hosting an abbreviated player clinic was discussed. Something that could be used as a registration drive as well.

*Several names were mentioned for this position. Board members will contact those individuals.

•Carolyn has talked with Amigo's, they are interested in helping the league out.

*Options on how they can help were discussed.

*Possible registration drive in the courtyard.

*Hosting a silent auction.

•Mariner's Day-a volunteer coordinator is needed

•More registrations are needed.

*It was discussed that we "piggy-back" other events to get our information out there (ie., basketball games)

*Advertising on the Davis Foundation sign?


*Discussion of team breakdown

Tabled topics

•Parade involvement

•Umpire recruitment

The next meeting will be February 5th, 2014 at 630pm. Location TBD

8:15pm Brian moves to adjourn the meeting and Deidre seconds the motion. All approve