PRESENT: Mayor Jan Reimer.

Aldermen J. Bethel, M. Binder,

B. Campbell, C. Chichak, R. Hayter,

P. Mackenzie, B. Mason, S. McKay, H. Paull,

L. Staroszik, L. White.

ABSENT: Alderman K.B. Kozak.


R. Picherack, City Manager

J. Basey, City Solicitor.

R. Liteplo, Assistant City Solicitor.

U.S. Watkiss, City Clerk

P. Beelby, Assistant City Clerk.

Mayor Reimer called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

Reverend Martin GarberKonrad, Lutheran Church, Ste. 1808, 10065 Jasper Avenue, T5J 3B1, opened the meeting with prayers.

On a Point of Privilege, Mayor Reimer stated the following:

Today is the closest day that we have to celebrate a 20th Anniversary, and that is twenty years of service by Alderman Ron Hayter to the citizens of Edmonton.

I have a couple of presentations actually to make and

certainly, I have served ten of those twenty years, if

not more, with Alderman Hayter and I can say he has been

a strong advocate of the sporting community, of Community

Leagues, and certainly always stressed to Members of Council the importance of having strong ties with the North. You have also dedicated yourself to ties with

other municipalities through the A.U.M.A. and F.C.M., and certainly on behalf of my colleagues on Council, we would

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like to rise to this occasion and congratulate you on the

twenty years. I have also asked the media to help a

little bit, if that is possible, in looking at some of your history and I had hoped they had been able to

assemble a large amount of news articles that we could present with you the highlights of your career. But what they got for me was rather the headline on the day that

you were elected, and true to form here's what it reads

A Bizarre Civic Election, Strange Result of Ward System Experiment" and there's Alderman Hayter's picture in the

middle. So Ron, if you would like to come forward, I would like to first of all present you with a 20 year Pin

and also the memory of your election day. Thank you very much, Ron.

Members of Council, the Administration, and the public acknowledged Alderman Hayter's service to the City of Edmonton.

Alderman Hayter responded with the following:

Well Madam Mayor, after looking at this I must say I

really like the picture, but I think I am going to write a letter to the Edmonton Journal I see a misquote in the first paragraph.

Well, twenty years go by pretty quickly, Madam Mayor, and

I really do not see this as that significant because I

think people have served this City in the past, who have served certainly longer than I have. I think the true measure is whether you feel you have accomplished something during those years. I look back and I believe that I have been able to contribute something to the betterment of this City and one of the most important things, I think that I can look back on, is the good relationship that I have had over the years with the

people that I have represented. Without that kind of trust at the Ward level, with the people who you

represent, you do not stay on Council for twenty years.

I thank all Members of Council for their consideration, but I warn you, the fact that you make this presentation to me is not going to make me any less skeptical when

projects are brought forward that I do not agree with and

certainly I am going to take issue with things that I do

not think are in the best interests of the City. As far

as the media is concerned, I think they have done a very good job over the years, but from time to time they do


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October 8, 1991 2479


RECOMMENDATION: That the Minutes of Meeting No. 50, dated September 24, 1991, be adopted as circulated.

MOVED Alderman Alderman Campbell – McKay

That Council concur with the recommendation.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,

Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Kozak, White.


Alderman Campbell requested the permission of Council to introduce a Motion Without the Customary Notice.

MOVED Alderman Hayter – Binder

That Alderman Campbell be permitted to introduce a motion without the customary notice.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,

McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Alderman Mason.

ABSENT: Aldermen Kozak, White.

Alderman Campbell stated the following:

WHEREAS The City of Edmonton is the supply centre for Northern Alberta;

AND WHEREAS Responsible developments in Northern Alberta are important to our community;

AND WHEREAS The benefits of these developments, both in

the City of Edmonton and Northern Alberta strengthen our

tax base and reduce the burden on the residential tax payer;

AND WHEREAS It is important that the City of Edmonton portray a positive image to attract further business and industrial development;

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AND WHEREAS Business and industrial development creates new jobs for all sections of the labour force;

MOVED Alderman Campbell – Hayter

That City Council go on record as strongly supporting development projects in Northern Alberta, including responsible and sustainable pulp and paper industries due to the positive contribution they make to the city of Edmonton.

A copy of Alderman Campbell's Notice Without the Customary Notice was distributed to all members of Council and was filed with the City


AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Bethel – McKay

That after the word "supporting", the words "responsible and sustainable" be added and that the phrase "including responsible and sustainable pulp and paper industries" be deleted.


That the phrase "including pulp and paper industries" be inserted after the word "Alberta".

On a Point of Order, Alderman Mason stated the following:

That simply amends the amendment back to Alderman Mackenzie's original motion.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,

McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

OPPOSED: Alderman Mason.

ABSENT: Aldermen Kozak, White.

Alderman White entered Council Chambers.

Mayor Reimer vacated the Chair and the Deputy Mayor, Alderman Bethel, assumed the Chair.


That the phrase "that respects aboriginal rights" be inserted after the word "Alberta".

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Mason. LOST

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Binder, Campbell, Chichak,

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Hayter, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,


ABSENT: Alderman Kozak.


That Council invite Chief Bernard Ominayak to address City Council on the situation facing northern native people, particularly the Lubicon people.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Mason. LOST

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, Binder, Campbell, Chichak,

Hayter, Mackenzie, McKay, Paull, Staroszik,


ABSENT: Alderman Kozak.

Deputy Mayor, Alderman Bethel, vacated the Chair, and Mayor Reimer assumed the Chair.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.


FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,

McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Alderman Mason.

ABSENT: Alderman Kozak.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Mayor Reimer vacated the Chair and the Deputy Mayor, Alderman Bethel, assumed the Chair.

Mayor Reimer stated the following:

I have gone on record personally, and my letter indicated that I support the importance of economic development to Northern Alberta. My comments were that the Provincial

Government and Daishowa must move to settle the problems that we are seeing in Northern Alberta.

Deputy Mayor, Alderman Bethel vacated the Chair and Mayor Reimer assumed the Chair.


FOR THE MOTION: Alderman Bethel, Binder, Campbell, CARRIED

Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie, McKay,

Paull, Staroszik, White.

OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Mason.

ABSENT: Alderman Kozak.

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Alderman White left the meeting.

MOVED Alderman Mackenzie – Binder

That Bylaws 9703, 9704 and 9999 be dealt with immediately after the matter on the Edmonton Concert Hall Foundation.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,

Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Kozak, White.

BYLAWS 9703, 9704 AND 9999 WERE DEALT WITH ON PAGES 25292535.

MOVED Alderman McKay No Seconder

That the Aldermanic Inquiries/Suggestions be dealt with after the Public Hearing Bylaws.


Alderman Mason left the meeting.

MOVED Alderman Campbell Binder

That the Edmonton Concert Hall Foundation matter be brought forward to be dealt with at this time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,

McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Kozak, Mason, White.


Executive Committee Report 94.

6. Edmonton Concert Hall Foundation, Option to Lease of Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, Plan 1839 T.R.


That it considered the above noted item, together with a

report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated September 5, 1991.

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A.  That the following recommendations of the Administration were considered:

1.  That City approve an option for a long term

lease of Lots 6 and 7, Block 5. Plan 1839 T.R.

to the Edmonton Concert Hall Foundation for

the nominal fee of $1.00 on the general terms

and conditions as outlined in Enclosure 1.

2.  That the utilities to the Civic Block be

turned off and that the Administration conduct

only the basic maintenance procedures necessary to satisfy statutory requirements.

B.  That it requested the Administration report back on the differences between the original proposal (Phase I) and the current proposal at the September 24, 1991 City Council Meeting.

C.  The following motions were passed:

1.  That the Committee refer the matter entirely to City Council, in Committee of the Whole, with the recommendations.

2.  That representatives of the Edmonton Concert Hall Foundation and Ms. H. Hunter be invited to speak to City Council on this matter.

3.  That City Council deal with this item at its September 24, 1991 meeting at the time specific of 10:30 a.m.


MOVED Alderman Staroszik – Chichak

That the representatives of the Edmonton Concert Hall Foundation and Ms. Hope Hunter be permitted to speak to City Council on this matter.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Mackenzie,

McKay, Paull, Staroszik.

ABSENT: Aldermen Kozak, Mason, White.

Messrs. T. Banks, Doug McConnell and Ms. Hunter answered Council's


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Alderman Mason reentered Council Chambers.

Alderman McKay left the meeting.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting.

Alderman McKay reentered Council Chambers.

Alderman Bethel reentered Council Chambers.

Alderman Paull left the meeting and returned a few minutes later.

Alderman Mackenzie left the meeting.

Alderman Binder left the meeting.

Alderman Mason left the meeting.

Alderman Binder reentered Council Chambers.

Alderman Bethel left the meeting

Alderman White reentered Council Chambers.

Alderman Mackenzie reentered Council Chambers.

Alderman Mason reentered Council Chambers.

Alderman Bethel reentered Council Chambers.

Copies of a petition from the Ordo Templo Orientis Society of Edmonton, 9720 102 Avenue, were distributed to all members of Council.

MOVED Alderman Binder – McKay

That Orders of the Day be extended to complete this item.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Binder, CARRIED

Campbell, Chichak, Hayter, Kozak, Mackenzie,

Mason, McKay, Paull, Staroszik, White.

ABSENT: Alderman Kozak.

(cont'd. on page 2526.)

Alderman Paull left the meeting.

Alderman Staroszik left the meeting.

Alderman Paull reentered Council Chambers.

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Alderman Staroszik reentered Council Chambers.

Orders of the Day were called.

Council recessed at 12:08 p.m.

Council reconvened at 1:36 p.m.


Mayor Reimer stated the following:

For those of you, who have never attended a Public Hearing before, I would like to just briefly outline the process we will be following.

The Clerk will first call all of the Bylaws. I have here the names of those individuals, who have registered. If you have not registered, I would like you to stand after the bylaw has been read and indicate your name and address, if you are in support or in opposition.

Following that, Council will work its way through the bylaws, trying to start with those that appear the least controversial housekeeping items and then moving onto those that there are a fair number of people wishing to speak.

The bylaw will be introduced by the Administration. This will be followed by those speaking in support of the bylaw and then those in opposition. I would ask each presenter to restrict their comments to five minutes

When you have one minute left, a yellow light will appear

at the podium and we would ask you to sum up when the red

light comes on because that means your time is up. Council may ask questions so, please stay at the podium until the questions are complete. We will move from those in support to those in opposition, following which, we will ask questions of the Administration.

If any new information surfaces during any of the questions or presentations, you have a right to address that new information prior to the hearing being closed.

I would ask that you identify what this new information is and subsequently to come down to the podium and address that new information. We will then close the public hearing, debate the bylaw and deal with the matter.

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Members of Council were requested to consider the following bylaws for first reading and public hearing in the order, as listed:

F.1.a./G.1.a. Bylaw 9809

F.1.b./G.1.b. Bylaw 9810

F.1.c./G.1.c. Bylaw 9877

F.1.d./G.1.d. Bylaw 9883

F.1.e./G.1.e. Bylaw 9902

F.1.f./G.1.f. Bylaw 9903

F.1.g./G.1.g. Bylaw 9896

F.1.h./G.1.h. Bylaw 9914

F.1.i./G.1.i. Bylaw 9917