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Board Room, Assynt House,Inverness /
2 AUGUST 2011–12.30pm
Present: / Rhiannon Pitt (In the Chair)Derek Brown
Mary Burnside
Judith Catherwood
Katrina Flannigan (Videoconference)
Hilda Hope
Alison Hudson
Derek Laidler (Videoconference)
Stephen Loch (from 12.50 pm)
Una Lyon
Kerrie MacLean
Heidi May
Helen Morrison
Margaret Moss
Jill Mutton
Annetta Smith
Angela Watt
Mhairi Will
Claire Wood
In Attendance: / Jan Baird, Transitions Director (Item 7)
Lorraine Mann, Adult Services Lead (Item 7)
Brian Mitchell, Board Committee Administrator
Jane Park, Children’s Services Lead (Item 7)
Apologies werereceived fromDiane Brawn, Elaine Dibden, Aileen Gardner, Jonathan Gray, Sandra Harrington, Alison Hudson, Sharron Humfrey, Arlene Johnstone, Stephen Loch, Paula McCormack, Sarah McLeod, Jocelyn Reid, Pat Tyrrell, Mary Wilson, and Beatrice Wood.
The Committee Approved the Note of the meeting held on 29 March 2011.
3.1 Planning for Integration
The Committee Noted that issues raised at the last meeting had been relayed to the Area Clinical Forum Chair and subsequently shared with the NHS Board Chair, Chief Executive, Employee Director, and Transitions Director.
This matter would be further discussed under Item 7 on the Agenda.
4.1Development Session
Ms R Pitt advised that the proposed Committee development session, facilitated by Mrs Gill McVicar, Mid Highland CHP General Manager, was to take place on 27 September 2011. Matters to be discussed were to include the role of the Committee within the wider organisation and the role of individual Committee members. Ms H May suggested the Committee further consider how best to attract membership from front line staff through a more proactive approach. It was suggested that Lead officers speak to relevant staff, advise as to the date of the development session, and encourage attendance.
On the point raised it was advised that the recent Area Clinical Forum development session had been positive in nature, and whilst delivering no changes in working practice, had provided for discussion on reshaping the focus of the Forum itself.
The Committee Noted the date for the Committee development session.
4.2 Committee Membership
The Committee were advised of membership vacancies in the following areas:
- Team Leader/Charge Nurse, Raigmore – Gordon MacLeay
- Team Leader/Charge Nurse, RDGH – Marie Law
- Team Leader/Charge Nurse, CommunityHospital – Kate Patience-Quate
- Team Leader/Charge Nurse, Paediatrics – Tricia Morrison
- Team Leader/Charge Nurse, Community Health Team
- Midwifery Team Leader, Raigmore Maternity Unit – Angela Watt
- Midwifery Team Leader, Community – Jenny Steriskie
- Clinical Specialist Midwife – Jocelyn Reid
- Consultant Midwife – Sandra Harrington
- Professional Representative, Therapeutic Radiography – Diane Brawn
- Professional Representative, Orthotics – no nominations
- Professional Representative, Art Therapy – no one in post
- Clinical Specialist AHP – Derek Laidler
- Lead AHP, RaigmoreHospital – Katherine Sutton
- Practice Nursing Representative – no nominations
The Committee Agreed that relevant Leads seek nominations/identify individuals to fill membership vacancies where appropriate.
4.3 Review of Committee Function – Advisory and Leadership
Ms J Catherwood advised that, as per previous discussion and at the request of the Area Clinical Forum, consideration should be given to a review of the current structure of NMAHP Committees. Issues raised to date had included the length of meetings, duplication of activity, lack of clarity around the role of members and the Advisory Committee, the size of the Agenda given existing time constraints, relevancy of meetings for all NMAHP members, and commitment to attendance. The strengths of the current structure were considered to be the coordination of leadership activity, the opportunity for collaboration that meetings present, and the opportunity for personal development. The Clinical Governance Team had agreed to support a review of the Committee function and part of this process would include an appropriate survey for members to complete. The Area Clinical Forum would be asked to participate in the review. A report was to be submitted to a future meeting of the NMAHP Leadership Committee, including recommendations for consideration.
During discussion, Ms H May advised there was a need to further consider the role and remits of the two NMAHP Committees and review meeting arrangements. Ms H Hope stated any survey questionnaire should reflect the points that had been raised to date and Mrs H Morrison agreed planning would be required. She stated that there was a need to consider the structure of the Leadership Committee and associated Sub Committees as well as the effectiveness and impact of the Advisory Committee.
After discussion, the Committee:
- Noted there was to be a review of both NMAHP Committees.
- Noted there was to be a survey questionnaire issued.
- Noted findings andrecommendations would be presented to a future meeting of the Leadership Committee.
- Agreed the Area Clinical Forum be canvassed on an extension to the previously agreed timeline for review.
Mrs H Morrison spoke to a circulated report summarising progress against the NMAHP Workforce Planning and Development Action and Risk Management Plan, detailing how the risks are managed, and outlining the greatest risks. The plan was being progressed through three distinct themes of Informatics, Policies, and Guidelines as outlined. In terms of front line activity this was progressing within timescales across establishment reviews although no progress had been made on development of written guidelines to support staff and managers. Consideration was being given to securing temporary support from the redepIoyment register. With regard to the risk register, many of the risks identified in May 2011 had been managed out or scientifically reduced and those that remain at a high level would be subject to further detailed work with relevant General Managers to identify required action. It was advised that the greatest risk identified related to the lack of progress in developing a live database and this matter had been escalated to the Board Nurse Director. In summary, the majority of front-line and policy actions are progressing well and the associated risks being managed accordingly.
The Committee:
- Noted the position.
- Noted the latest iteration of the Action Plan would be circulated to members.
Ms R Pitt spoke to the circulated letter seeking views on the development of the 2012/2013 HEAT targets for NHSScotland and the contribution they make to wider outcomes. As context, the letter set out three Quality Ambitions which provided a single and shared description of quality and work was underway to streamline and align all work programmes with these Ambitions which would act as a focus for priority action for all services. The three Ambitions were that these would be Person Centred, Safe, and Effective. The Cabinet Secretary had agreed six healthcare Quality Outcomes to provide a more comprehensive description of the priority areas for improvement, and provide a context for partnership discussions about local and national priority areas for action. The Outcomes would provide the basis for the future development of an aligned set of HEAT targets and these were:
- Everyone gets the best start in life and is able to live a longer, healthier life.
- People are able to live well at home or in the community.
- Healthcare is safe for every person, every time.
- Everyone has a positive experience of healthcare.
- Staff to feel supported and engaged.
- The best use is made of available resources.
It was indicated that an initial set of 12 Quality Outcome Indicators (QOI) for national reporting on longer term progress towards the Quality Ambitions and Outcomes had been developed although these would not have associated targets. These would be reviewed by the Quality Alliance Board after one year. HEAT performance targets were to set out the accelerated improvements to be delivered specifically by NHS Scotland in support of the quality outcomes and indicators. There was a need for shared agreement on these key areas for HEAT target setting, and an understanding of how these targets were to contribute to the Quality Outcomes. Work was underway to develop proposals for new HEAT targets in 2012/2013 as follows:
- Early access to Antenatal Care for all women focusing on women under 20 and those living in the poorest SIMD Quintiles (Quality Outcome 1).
- Timely and accurate communication at the interface between Primary and Secondary care to support the delivery of safe and effective care (Quality Outcomes 2, 3 and 4).
- Detecting cancer early to support cancer survival rates (Quality Outcomes 1 and 2).
- Supporting reshaping care for older people and better integration (Quality Outcomes 2 and 3).
- Cash efficiency savings (Quality Outcome 6).
During discussion, the target relating to Antenatal Care was welcomed although it was acknowledged this would be challenging to meet. Ms H May emphasised the importance of imparting the Public Health message and providing education for the general public. There was concern that the target relating to the Primary/Secondary Care interface was not as clearly defined as the other targets and as such would be difficult to evidence improvement. It was stated that targets were still in the process of development and the views expressed regarding access to GP records would be fed into the consultation process. There was a view that a target on access to AHP services would have been welcome and disappointment that the breastfeeding target had been dropped as there was a need to maintain focus in that area.
After discussion, the Committee:
- Noted the consultation arrangements around proposed HEAT targets for 2012/2013.
- Agreed issues relating to access to GP records be highlighted.
7.1 General Position Update
Ms J Park stated that the Transitions Team was seeking to ensure strong links with the NMAHP Advisory Committee, possibly through attendance at future meetings on a regular basis. Ms J Catherwood stated such engagement would not only be in relation to Children’s services but also with a view to regular discussion on such elements as overall engagement and general aspects of integration. Ms H May welcomed this approach as it would allow for the view of professionals to be fed into the process as well allow for reporting of progress, raising of concerns, and receipt of feedback etc. There was acknowledgement that concerns had been raised to date with regard to the issue of communication with staff.
Ms J Park and Ms L Mann advised that there was to be engagement through Practitioner Fora for Children’s Services and through CHP Management Teams for Adult’s Services. Meetings would commence the following week during which issues relating to area level engagement and communication would be discussed. Mrs H Morrison raised the issue of Service Level Agreements, stated that there was a need for the Committee to be able to provide professional advice and leadership and was advised that NMAHP representatives were included on the relevant Reference Group. Ms J Catherwood emphasised the need for service panning and development discussion in addition to local area level considerations as this would be required to ensure a consistent model of service delivery.
After discussion, the CommitteeAgreed that a progress report be provided to future meetings.
7.2 Professional Leadership Framework
Ms H May spoke to a circulated report relating to the Short Life Working Group considering issues relating to the development of an effective Professional Leadership Framework. The model will ensure that staff transferring between organisations will do so within an agreed Framework supporting the delivery of safe, effective care by a workforce that is fit for purpose. The Working Group was led by the Board Nurse Director/Transitions Director and included representation from both agencies. The Framework would be developed for all clinical staff, Children’s Service, Education and Social Work staff and would be used by both the Council and Health Board to ensure consistency of approach. The Group would be established as a formal Sub Group of the Planning for Integration Programme Board. The role and remit for the Working Group, in the first instance would include development of the Professional Leadership Framework, identification of a monitoring mechanism to provide assurance that professional standards are in place and adhered to, and production of guidance on the interface between Professional Leadership and management and governance frameworks as these are developed. Any identified need to amend or extend the role and remit of the Group would require to be agreed with the Planning for Integration Programme Board.
The Committee Noted an agreed Framework model would be produced by December 2011 for inclusion in Partnership commissioning documentation.
Ms J Baird, Ms L Mann and Ms J Park left the meeting at 1.50pm.
The Committee was advised that there was to be held a meeting of the Area Clinical Forum on 4 August 2011, prior to the meeting of the NHS Board to be held on 9 August 2011.
Ms H May referred to the circulated report on the proposed NHS Highland newspaper and advised that communication with the Highland population had been a concern for some time. The approach being taken, in communicating the NHS Board Vision to the general public would include a number of key messages such as diminishing resources, and the need for service reconfiguration and consideration of relevant bed establishments. Similar communication exercises had been undertaken by other NHS Boards in Scotland. The newspaper was to be issued shortly after the NHS Board meeting. Ms H May stated that the initial impact of this approach would be monitored with a view to determining if this was to be a regular communication approach.
Ms J Catherwood advised that relevant content was to be further discussed the next day and the key message to be imparted is that service change was essential for NHS Highland. The view was expressed that there was a need for end of life care discussions to be conducted early in the treatment process and that the reasons for this would be a strong message to deliver, highlighting the type of consideration currently underway in terms of shifting the balance of care and associated redesign of services.
The Committee so Noted.
There were no matters raised under this Item.
The next meeting of the Advisory Committee would be held on Tuesday 31 May 2011 in the Board Room, Assynt House, Inverness at 2.30am.
The meeting closed at 2.00 pm