1. DPG Workplan
- The Dialogue Structure task force, the JAST WG and the PMG will provide inputs to the draft DPG work planning meeting in February in building towards Accra 2008. This draft is to feed the DPG main February meeting on finalizing the work plan.
2. WG Lead Annual Change Over Cycle
- A consultative meeting with the Sector group leads will take place the third week of January to discuss and propose a way forward on the issue of annual lead change cycle. It has been proposed that the Lead be given the choice in 2008; as the transition year; to change leads either in April or to continue through until December.
3. JAST Implementation
- The JAST momentum is critical in 2008 as a lead into the Accra High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness. It is proposed that after the submission of the Paris Declaration survey that the DPG host an internallessons learning review of the JAST with special focus on DOL and Technical Assistance in April of 2008. The timing and details of this internal review will be defined during the DPG Main 2008 work planning session in February. The revision of the JPD will be scheduled for 2009, however that the DPG will begin discussion surrounding the process of revision in 2008.
- The DPG Secretariat will do a quick stock taking of current DPG involvement in Technical assistance in order to facilitate the GoTs finalization of the TA policy. DPs will be contacted at a later date to provide inputs.
4.Dialogue Structure
- The Dialogue Structure (DS) Task Force is to set and confirm a meeting with the GoT counterpart before the end of January to discuss the pending issues relating to the dialogue structure. Both the DPG and the GoT aim to have the New Dialogue Structure in operation by March/April 2008. Full collaboration is requested by the Sector and Cluster WGs for the upcoming revision of ToRs in line with the DS.
5.Paris Declaration Survey 2008
- DPs that have not yet sent in the focal point and contact information for the Paris Declaration survey are kindly asked to submit this information to the DPG secretariat by January 15th, 2008. DPG will also be following up with all the contact people (who have been nominated by their respective missions) to review the OECD DAC monitoring survey before the end of January.
6.DPG Secretariat Proposal
- Given the challenges to push forward efforts on aid effectiveness, in particular, leading to the Accra HLF2008, support to strengthening the DPG Secretariat is needed to provide greater capacity support for DPG as well as GoT.
7.Next Meeting
- The next meeting is scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month, 5th February, at 10.00 AM.
1. Opening and Agenda
The meeting was facilitated by Mr. William Carlos, Head of Development at the Irish Embassy. New members were welcomed to the meeting. The proposed agenda was adopted and the minutes of the last meeting were endorsed as an accurate record.
2. Update on the New Dialogue Structure
At present there has been no progress since the last up-date when the DPG was informed of the DPG Task Force meeting held November 10th. The task force has outlined the following key issues that were brought forward to the GoT:
The Division of labour: making the link between the technical & political
Integration of vertical funds to the Dialogue Structure
Terms of Reference for WGs & Basket funds
Integration of the new dialogue structure in the GoT Processes & structures
Political Dialogue: Integration of the DCF into the new Dialogue Structure, linking the technical dialogue to the Political, and assuring representation of key players at the critical dialogue forums
It has been requested by the GoT, that the DPG send a formal letter in response to the GoT comments. Following the GoT’s extensive response on the DPG consolidated comment, the GoT is keen to move forward with a formal meeting of the Task Forces before the end of January. Both the DPG and the GoT have expressed a desire to have the Dialogue Structure operational by March/April of this year. In order to meet this ambitious target, on the DPG side, a full revision of the ToRs for the Sector WGs and the Cluster WGs will be required for alignment to the GoT structure. The leads of the WGs will be called upon at a later date to participate. This work may require substantial work.
Discussion Points:
- The importance of the Dialogue Structure is paramount in 2008 given the lead into the Accra High level forum. The DPG will have to demonstrate leadership on this issue in order to push forward its finalization with the GoT.
- One of the key challenges facing the finalization of the Dialogue Structure will be endorsement on the GoT side of the need for greater integration and systemization of a political dialogue into the structure as essential for producing results.
- It is also important to look through carefully as to how vertical funds and existing financing dialogue will be dealt with in the new Dialogue Structure.
- It is suggested that we outline key elements of the GoT detailed reply so as to focus on those key issues in discussion and finalization of the Dialogue Structure.
Given the critical importance of the Dialogue Structure, the DPG will look at this issue during the workplanning discussion in the DPG February meeting.
3. Update on the JAST Implementation
Increased momentum on the JAST is needed at this point and the DPG will need to strategize on how it will engage with the GoT. In doing so, the DPG might want to focus on some key issues, clarify the key objectives of the DPG in relation to the JAST and reassess how the DPG follows-up with the WGs. One area in which the DPs could take the lead and be more proactive is to undertake an internal audit of Agency/DPG DoL; to criticallyassess how the DPs are changing behaviour as a result of signing the JAST. (ie: shifting modalities; reducting number of sectors etc);and to pose questions around how we could facilitate greater JAST implementation.
The JAST WG met with GoT on October 15th, 2007. Following that meeting the GoT disseminated the JASTAction Plan to all MDAs, and organized a workshop, meeting with all MDAs. It should be commended that the GoT has been very serious in meeting its targets with respect to the JASTAction Plan. The GoT own work highlighted a number of challenges: (1) a knowledge gap within MDAs relating to the JAST. (2) a need for the institutionalization of regular meeting between the MDAs and the JAST WG. (3) the lack of movement from MDAs on JAST implementation, particularly MPEE on the TA policy. The GoT is scheduling the dissemination of the Monitoring Plan to the regions.
DP JAST WG highlighted key challenges and priorities for the JAST implementation, including formulation of TA policy and dialogue structure. As for the DPG own work on the JAST, the following areas of work was suggested:
- There is a need for the full integration of the WGs into the new dialogue structure and continuing with the WG work on harmonization. To this end, it is suggested to have an internal working session with the WG within the next few monthsto exchange information on best practices and lessoned learned pertaining to alignment and harmonization.
- Reflecting and pushing the aid effectiveness agenda at Agency level should be considered. Paris Declaration Survey 2008 will provide an opportunity to discuss with Agency as to how DPs are progressing towards meeting the Paris and JAST agenda.
- The revision of the DPG DoL will need to take place in 2008. The timing of this initiative will be defined during the DPG Main 2008 work planning session in February. It is suggested, however, that the DPG use the EU and the One UN program as examples of best practices in DoL assessment.
- The updatingof the JPD will be scheduled for 2009; however DPG consideration as to how this process will be taken forward could begin in late 2008.
Discussion Points:
- The WGs are an essential part of the 2008 agenda and the institutional knowledge of the lead should be preserved at the hand over each year. A brief of lessons learned of the Lead experience of each WG could be provided to the incoming lead and shared with the other WGs for reference. The DPs have an opportunity to use peer learning as a tool for improving process related issues.
- In addition, integration of vertical funds such as the MCC and the Global Fund and Non-GBS DPs into the dialogue process is essential.
- The issue of the TA policy has been an agenda item for an extended period of time, and it is still one of the priority issues. In light of this, the DPG should perform an internal stock taking of existing TA to facilitate dialogue on this issue with the GoT. To this end, a joint study on TA/TC currently undertaken by JICA, GTZ, World Bank, DFID, UNDP may provide an opportunity for dialogue with GoT on this issue. To this end, a special discussion on TA policy, building on the joint study was proposed for DPG in March/April.
- The DPG should have a vision for a more inclusive evaluation process for 2008, so to ensure that all DPs are aware of current work.
- The roleof non-state actors needs to be more clearly defined for greater integration and assessed how they fit in the architecture. In Ottawa, Canada of this year, from February 3-6th there will be a meeting of an advisory group on the role of Civil Society in the New Aid Environment. The results of this inclusive forum will provide useful information in this issue.
4.WG Lead annual Change over cycle
There have been concerns raised to the DPG Co-Chairs about the timing of the WG Lead change over. At present the change over cycle takes place in June/July of every year which does not fit with national processes. It is felt by some DPs that this is not such an opportune time given the Annual Review cycle and the yearly departure/turnover of DPs often taking place in June/July.
It is suggested that the DPG use 2008 as a transition year. One proposed way forward is in 2008 to hand the lead role over in April
Discussion Points:
- In consultation with the Leads the option should be given whether the lead handover should take place in December or April 2008.
- The use of a Troika has been successful in some sectors; it is also a strong mechanism to ensure the momentum of sector activities does not waver during the transition of leads.
Proposed Way forward:
- A consultative meeting with the DPG Co-Chairs, Leads, and the DPG Secretariat will be held to discuss the best process for the transition of the Leads. The final decision will be taken at the February DPG Main meeting.
5.OECD DAC Paris Survey Update
The 2008 Paris Declaration survey was officially launched on January 2nd. The Paris Declaration survey 2008 is an important exercise for Tanzania, as it will provide updated information on our progress in implementing the Paris Declaration and will also be a crucial input to the JAST review, given that Paris indicators are part of the JAST monitoring framework. The Commissioner for External Finance, Ministry of Finance, Mr. Magonya is theNational Coordinator for this exercise. The MoF will in due course send formal communication to the DPs on the processes surrounding the survey. In the meantime it is recommended that the DPs review the documentation posted on the DPG site. In addition,
One of the key differences from the 2006 survey is that the OECD DAC is requesting data for the calendar year (January-December).
Proposes Way Forward:
- The DPG Secretariat will act as the Donor focal point for the 2008 Paris Survey
- DPs that have not yet sent in the focal point and contact information for the Paris Declaration survey are kindly asked to submit this information to the DPG secretariat by January 15th, 2008.
- Communication between DPs needs to be clear on this issue to ensure consistency of the data submissions. To this end, the DPG Secretariat will set a meeting with all DP focal points in mid Januaryto go over the requirements and prepare for the up-coming GoT & DP joint meeting on the Paris Survey.
6. DPG Secretariat update:
To ensure greater coherence and enhance the capacity of the DPG, strengthening of the Secretariat is of paramount importance for 2008.
At present the DPG Proposal has been finalized and will be sent out to all DPs and includes a Cost Sharing Agreement to which DP can make contributions for secretariat support. . The first step in the strengthening of the Secretariat will be with the arrival of a Danish sponsored JPO, in mid-February. This however, is one component of the Secretariat and funding must be mobilized in order to push forward the capacity support the DPG is able to offer the DPG as well as the GoT. Given the loaded 2008 DPG agenda, support for this is coming at a key moment.
7. PRBS & BoT Audit Update:
The key documents for DPs to review are the PAF Matrix and the executive summary of the 2007 Annual Review[1]. Reflection and emerging issues from the 2007 Annual Review include: (1) improvement in the quality of dialogue (more open dialogue), (2) overall progress is mixed given a few sectors missed their targets, and (3) progress on DP predictability is mixed. It was also noted that some of the PAF targets will require further work to annualize some of MKUKUTA targets.
Normal procedure after the Annual Review would be for the DPs to submit their GBS commitment within six weeks. This however has been put on hold given the need for clarification on the BoT audit. The GoT will be sharing the Audit report and action plan with the DPs, as well as hosting a meeting to agree a way forward to address these corruption issues. Once the GoT has formalized the action plans and communicated them to DPs the GBS partners will then submit their budget support commitments.
- For DPs to submit their budget commitments by the end of January
- Reflection as to howthe PRBS group may engage in preparation of the budget guidelines
- DFID will host a session on the Budget Support lessons learned, given the change of chair/leadership in April.
- Linking Non-GBS DPs with GBS Partners better.
Discussion Points:
- The integration of Non-GBS Partners into the discussion need to be reflected in particular at the sector level.
- The issues of Gender was observed to be absent from the GBS Annual Review report. While there were discussions around gender at sector level, this was not discussed extensively at the GBS Annual Review itself. It should be questioned within the DPG whether this change in the aid modality has had an impact on the focus of gender empowerment. Further consideration should be given as to what efforts the DPG intends to pursue to promote gender, for example through greater support for gender budgeting.
- DPs have had greater involvement in the discussion with the MDA around the budget guidelines in some sectors (e.g. health). The issue around engagement in Budget Guidelines and MTEF process need to be brought up in line with the discussion on Dialogue Structure.
8. Report from DAC Evaluation Task Force – key highlights:
The report submitted by Mr. Finbar O’Brien, Chair of the DAC Development Evaluation Network and by Mr Hans Lundgren, OECD/DAC Secretariat in relation to their visit to Tanzania in November was synthesized. They undertook an exploratory exercise to assess Government and DP thinking on addressing evaluations within this new aid environment in special consultation with the GoT, DPs, Civil Society and research institutions. The report raises some key issues for the DPG which will be brought forward at a later date for a more in depth discussion.
Some of the key observations from the visit include:
- It acknowledges thatthe most important point of evaluations is domestic accountability for results.
- The GoT has made progress in moving forward the process of monitoring harmonization, however, a capacity gap in planning and managing these initiatives could prove to be a great challenge.
- The DPs are highly engaged in review and dialogue processes, and have strong wish to demonstrate results. However there are some concerns about the quality and reliability of data. Expectations from the GoT and DPs are high in being able to demonstrate a contribution to development progress, and a move away from the current ad-hoc evaluations is key.
- The MoF and the MPEE both play key roles, For well-planned and coordinated evaluation efforts, there would need to be clarification on the roles and responsibilities for evaluation.
- At present there is no formalizedmechanism for the GoT and the DPs to discuss and agree on evaluation priorities.
Proposed Way Forward: