Holiday Let Fire Risk Assessment
Dated XXXX
1. Executive summary.
2. Significant findings and required actions.
3. Fire risk assessment checklist.
Executive Summary
Fire prevention:
Taking into account the fire prevention measures observed at the time of this risk assessment, it is considered that the hazard from fire (likelihood of fire) at these premises is medium.
In this context, a definition of the term medium is:
Ø normal fire hazards for this type of occupancy, with fire hazards generally subject to proper controls.
Life risk:
Taking into account the nature of the building and the occupants, as well as the fire protection and procedural arrangements observed at the time of this fire risk assessment, it is considered that the consequences for life safety in the event of fire would be “slight harm.”
In this context, a definition of the term “slight harm” is:
Ø outbreak of fire unlikely to result in serious injury or death of any occupant.
Taking into account the findings of the fire risk assessment I find the overall premise to be classed as a tolerable risk. In this context, a definition of the term tolerable is:
No major additional controls required. However, there is a need for improvements that involve minor or limited cost. See Action Plan for details.
These, in my professional opinion, should be addressed within the next 3 months.
Record of Significant Findings
1 . Fire Hazards:
Sources of ignition / Sources of fuel / Sources of Oxygen1.
5. / Toaster sited under kitchen cupboard.
Heat from cooking.
Real flame fire in lounge.
Outdoor gas patio heater. / 1.
2. / Fabrics and textiles.
Fat in deep fat fryer and residues in overhead extraction system. / 1.
2. / Normal circulating air.
Circulating air from air conditioning and kitchen extraction.
2. People at Risk:
Up to 6 persons including on occasion:
Disabled residents (Non–abled bodied, hard of hearing /special needs);
Foreign nationals with language difficulties;
Persons unfamiliar with their surroundings.
3. Evaluate, Remove, Reduce, and Protect from Risk
(3.1) Evaluate the risk of the fire occurring
Ø High risk from heat from toaster (burning toast) could ignite/spread to kitchen cupboards.
Ø High risk from deep fat fryer overheating – (although this appliance has been electrically tested within the past year) and fat residues accumulating in extraction system.
Ø Moderate risk of carelessly discarded smoking material.
Ø Moderate risk of combustible articles being placed too close to real flame fire in lounge.
Ø Moderate risk of patio awning catching fire due to patio heater being placed to near it.
(3.2) Evaluate the risk to people from a fire starting in the premises
Ø It is likely that if a fire started detection would be quick due to fitted smoke alarm activation and/or by residents being in close proximity within confines of property.
Ø Fire in kitchen could take hold quickly due to generated heat from toaster and fat fryer. Fat in fryer would fuel a fire for some considerable time.
Ø The spread of fire is likely to be limited due to well fitting doors throughout the property.
(3.3) Remove and reduce the hazards that may cause a fire
Ø Move toaster to a place in kitchen where overhead clearance exceeds 1 metre and horizontal clearance exceeds 30 centimetres.
Ø I thoroughly recommend removal of the deep fat fryer.
Ø Weekly clean of kitchen extraction system. (Filter changes in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.)
Ø Smoking is one of the major causes of fire in domestic properties - a no smoking policy would eliminate this risk.
Ø Warning sign placed near real flame fire warning of placing combustible items too near to it.
Ø Warning sign on outside patio heater informing ‘This appliance is positioned here for fire safety reasons – DO NOT MOVE’.
(3.4) Remove and reduce the risks to people from a fire
Ø Clear advice of fire hazards/risks and emergency escape routes should be made part of the guests welcome pack (this can be provided if necessary.)
Ø Provision of a fire blanket in the kitchen and a CO2 fire extinguisher in the hallway/porch.
Ø Fit CO2 / carbon monoxide detection.
Ø Annual PAT testing of electrical items. (Evidence of this being done was shown on request.)
Ø Annual gas boiler test. (Evidence of this being done was shown on request.)
Ø Annual check of outside patio heater in accordance with manufacturers instructions
Ø Annual maintenance check of fire extinguisher(s).
Ø Routine checks of doors ensuring they close effectively.
Ø Weekly check of smoke alarm.
Ø Weekly check of fire escape route, (to include no blockages, storage of combustible items, ignition points.)
Risk Assessment checklist
Listed below are the contemporaneous notes of the risk assessment
Property is a two-bedroomed apartment within a purpose-built four apartment block. It is in overall good condition.
Hazard identification
Ignition sources:
Evidence shown of fixed electrical installations checked on 02/03/2007, portable electrical items (PAT tested 02/03/07) found in good repair. Evidence shown of real flame fire and gas boiler (CORGI tested 10/04/07), smoking allowed in premises, however adequate provision of ashtrays. Labelled bin warning of ‘no hot ashes’ and no evidence of any smoking related burns. Toaster inappropriately placed under cupboard, open fat fryer, real flame fire in lounge, gas heater on patio.
Fuel sources:
Furniture (all showing furniture and fittings fire regulations in accordance with 1988 legislation – amended 1989, 1993.) Mattress and bed complies to BS7177. Large quantity of cooking oil in fat fryer, kitchen clean – no combustibles stored near cooker hob or oven, airing cupboard situated away from gas boiler.
Oxygen sources:
Normal air circulating by kitchen extraction and air conditioning system.
People at risk
Who is at risk?
Those letting, especially those with disablement, including hearing impaired and learning difficulties, also foreign nationals with language difficulties. Foreign nationals not understanding emergency escape route signage (although all escape route signs are to European standard in ‘Pictogram’ form.
Why are they at risk?
Any disabled should be accompanied on holiday by able-bodied persons to assist in evacuation.
Protect from risk
Fire detection and warning
Does the existing means of detection ensure a fire is discovered quickly enough for the alarm to be raised in time for all the occupants to escape to a place of safety? If electrical, does it have a battery back-up supply? Can the alarm be heard and understood throughout the building?
Provision of mains circuited smoke alarms in two appropriately placed locations. The property is relatively small and therefore human detection in waking hours would be quick. No carbon monoxide gas detection fitted. Foreign nationals may not understand significance of sounding alarm, hearing impaired may not hear.
Fire extinguishing
Are the right types of extinguishers located close to the fire hazards and can users get to them without exposing themselves to risk?
Are there enough sited throughout the property at appropriate locations?
Are the extinguishers visible or does their position need indicating?
Are fire extinguishers regularly maintained?
Is the street hydrant accessible – i.e. not parked on?
Is there clear access for fire engines?
Do you have the necessary procedures in place to maintain any facilities that have been provided for the safety of people (fire-fighting lifts, dry-risers disabled chair lifts)?
CO2 extinguisher to be fitted in hall way, a fire blanket in the kitchen, maintenance schedule required for extinguisher, fire service access and street hydrant at time of inspection was unobstructed.
Escape routes
Is the building constructed so that if there is a fire, heat and smoke will not spread uncontrolled through the building to the extent that people are unable to use the escape routes? Emergency escape routes are well defined – protected staircase and protected holding area at top of stairs.
Are holes or gaps in the ceilings, walls or floors properly sealed where electrical wires or ventilation ducts pass through them? None seen.
Can all the occupants escape to a place of total safety within a reasonable time? Yes – travel distances well within normal risk guidelines.
Are the existing escape routes adequate for the numbers and type of people who may need to use them e.g. disabled, very young? This property is not let to wheel chair bound persons, all escape routes are of adequate width to allow rapid escape to able bodied persons.
Are the exits in the right place and do the escape routes lead as directly as possible to a place of total safety? Yes – front and rear of ground floor.
Are the escape routes and final exits kept clear at all times? They were at time of assessment.
Do the doors on the escape routes open in the direction of travel? Yes.
Can all final exit doors be opened easily and immediately if there is an emergency? They did at time of assessment.
Will everyone be able to safely use the escape routes from your premises? Yes.
Are the people within the building aware of the importance of maintaining the safety of the escape routes e.g. by ensuring fire doors are not wedged open, and combustible items are not stored within them? This should be reiterated on the welcome information pack.
Are there any particular or unusual issues to consider? None forthcoming.
Emergency lighting
Are emergency escape routes covered by emergency lighting? Yes.
Will there always be sufficient available lighting to safely use the escape routes? Yes.
Do you have back up power supplies for your lighting? Yes - lighting fitted in accordance with BS5266. Individual lights have integral rechargeable batteries.
Where necessary are escape routes and exits, the location of firefighting equipment and emergency telephones indicated by appropriate signs? Emergency exits appropriately signed, telephone in apartment has 999 information appertaining to emergency service call out, fire blanket and CO2 extinguisher require signs when fitted.
Have you provided notices such as those giving information on how to operate security devices on exit doors, those indicating doors enclosing fire hazards that must be kept shut and fire action notices Fire doors have keep shut signs on them.
Are records of electrical, gas and fire extinguisher checks and maintenance being kept? Fire extinguisher checks required in accordance with BS 5306 - electrical and gas all documented.
Is the property conducting fire risk assessment annually or when any significant change occurs? This is the property’s first fire risk assessment.