October 16, 2017

In attendance: Nina Yousefian, Gary Velek, Christa Velek, Kaeden Kraft, Stephen Wight, Steve Hessel, Tyler Middleton, Scott Capifoni, Denise Winslow, Nancy Nugent, Jonathan Virak, Julia Virak and Teresa Sandstead

Meeting started 6:40 PM

Approval of minutes: minutes were read by Nina Yousefian, motion to approve made by Steve Hessel, seconded by Christa Velek.

Old Business: New athlete/parent contact information will be done by Julia Virak for GWP and BWP. Teresa Sanstead is trying to keep swim updated also. There are 3 lists as swim and dive are combined. It is hoped to be uploaded on the web-site.

Treasurer’s Report: Relinda was not present.

The question arose as to when salaries are due. It was stated that they are due the first week of the month before the payment. Signers have been updated at the bank. Coach Tyler will receive 1,250.00 as head coach, and the assistant coach will receive 1,000.00. This is off season pay in total. It was noted that 0.63% reflects hours put in, assistant coach will get 1,465.00. An athlete’s parents worked the firework stand to pay for her donation and summer camp too. 275.00 will be added to pay for Coach Tyler.

Fundly: Julia Virak stated that it didn’t go as well as hoped for. Only 6/23 girls participated. Denise Winslow was told that parents didn’t participate because they felt it wasn’t going to their sport.

Coaches Rep Reports: Julia Virak stated things are okay. The assistant coach is now head coach and needs an assistant coach. Denise Winslow is hoping the “Stacked” fundraiser will do well and support the cost of the robes for BWP.

Coaches Report: Coach Wight and Coach Kaeden didn’t have anything to say. Coach Tyler reported Wednesday’s game schedule at Newport Harbor High School. Coach Tyler announced his resignation from MHS as BWP and GWP coach.

Funhdraiser Rep: Cynthia Davenport was not present. BWP bathrobe fundraiser will be at Stacked, October 17 and there will be a raffle. Scott Capifoni had ideas for monogrammed jewelry as a fundraiser. Banners and Lampost Pizza still need follow ups as well as Fundly. Lularoe fundraiser will happen November 10, 6:00-9:00 pm at the Summer Lane Pool House Community Room. The host will donate 20% to MABC.

Web-site Chair Report: John Virak stated it is up and running and is waiting and needs the non-profit #.

New Business: none to report.

Teresa Sandstead wanted to make sure the working for the swimsuits was stated correctly. Athletes don’t have to buy suits with the aquatics logo or suits with the same color. Coach Kaeden was hoping to hire a strengthening coach but they didn’t so wants it split with Brehz, 500.00. it is in the budget. Motion was made to approve the 500.00 split, Hessel seconded, all were in favor.

Next booster club meeting was announced for November 13, 2017

Meeting adjourned at 7:38.