August 31st, 2016
Centennial Room
Meeting Start Time: 6:26pm
- Motion to approve minutes Connor Birzer
- Motion seconded
- Motion is passed
- Elections
- Constanza nominates Zoya for chair
- Zoya accepts the nomination
- Conner Birzer accepts the nomination
Zoya is acclimated as chair
2.2.Marcus Pepperdine nominates Constanza as the Vice Chair
- Constanza accepts the nomination
- Constanza gives a speech, no questions from the floor
- Marcus motions to acclimate
Constanza is acclimated as Vice Chair of Mutlicultural Affairs
2.3 Isabelle nominates Nicole for Secretary
- Marcus moves to close the floor from nominations
- Nicole Riggs gives a short speech
- Motion to acclimate
Nicole Riggs is acclimated as secretary
2.4 Elections for Fee Review
- Stephonn nominates Kannika
- Kannika accepts the nomination
- Matthew nominates himself
- Marcus nominates himself
- McKenzie nominates herself
- Marcus moves to close the floor to nominations
- Kannika withdraws from nominations
- Matthew gives short speech
- Marcus gives short speech
- McKenzie gives short speech
McKenzie and Marcus are elected
2.5 Status of Minority committee elections
- SaidaBonnefield from the provost office introduces the status of minority committee
- Zoya opens the floor to nominations
- Conner nominates Daniel Lee
- Stephonn nominates Kannika
- McKenzie nominates herself
- Marcus moves to close the floor from
- Zoya moves to acclimate
McKenzie, Kannika and Daniel are acclimated
2.6 Student Survey Board Elections
- Stephonn explains the survey board
- Matthew nominates himself
- Matthew moves to close the floor to nominations
- Cosntanza motions to acclimate
Matthew is acclimated to the Student Survey Board
2.7. Student Athletics Board
- Abdoulie nominates himself
- Daniel motions to close the floor, seconded
- Daniel motions to acclimate
Abdoulie is acclimated for Student Athletics Board
2.8. Student Safety Board
- Nicole nominates herself
- Daniel motions to close the floor to nominations
- Daniel motions to acclimate, seconded
Nicole is acclimated for Student Safety Board
2.9. Student Environmental Advisory Board
- McKenzie nominates herself
- Marcus closes the floor
McKenzie is acclimated for Student Environmental Advisory Board
Retention Board
- Costanza nominates herself
- McKenzie nominates herself
- Marcus closes the floor to nominations
- Floor was open for discussion and voice vote was held
Cosntanza was elected for Retention Board
- ECM Bill 2017--016
- McKenzie presents the ECM bill
- Conner closes the floor, seconded
Bill passes unanimou[1]sly
- Bill 2017-015
- Stephonn presents the bill
- Marcus asks for brief preface
- Stephonn grants preface
- Marcus wants to include multicultural Greeks in the bill, he asks to strike the language about membership screening process
- Kannika asks how much funding this would allow
- Cosntanza asks if the bill allows Greeks to request funding
- Stephonn clarifies that Greeks are excluded
- Marcus asks about the language of the bill
- Stephonn clarifies the actual language of the bill, not the same as our bill we have received
- Marcus asks if Stephonn would be opposed to adding Multicultural Greeks
- Zoya receives word that the bill was tabled
- Marcus motions to table the bill
Bill 2017-015 was tabled
- Bill 2017-020
- Abdoulie and Stephonn present the board of advisor bills
- Zoya opens to questions
- Constanza asks to open the language from presidents or “its senators”
- Abdoulie clarifies the language of the bill
- Marcus ask for clarification on the language
- Kevin motions to close the floor from questions
- Voted to call the question, seconded
Amendment Passes Unanimously
- Announcements
- Saida talks about Ad Astra conference
- Saida announces the climate study
- Zoya announces the next meeting, same time same place
7. Marcus motions to adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm [2]
410 Kansas Union University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 (785)-864-3710
410 Kansas Union University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 (785)-864-3710