
Meeting Report Summary

Chair:Scott Lambert1:00pm-4:00pm ET

  1. Call to Order

Mr.Lambert called the meeting to order at1:15p.m.and welcomed the participants to today’s meeting.

  1. Attendance Check-in, Introductions and Administrative Matters

The following ACTA Industry Segment Representatives and general public were present, either in person or on the telephone.It was noted that quorum was established.

Name / Company/Organization / Representing
Scott Lambert / Curtis-Straus, LLC / ACTA Chair
John Bipes / Mobile Engineering / Other Interested Party Segment
Vir Angelo Lontoc / Panasonic / Manufacturer Segment
Sharon Hoffman / Timco Engineering / Testing Laboratories Segment
Mark Cassarino / ATIS / ACTA Database Manager
Alexandra Blasgen / ATIS / ACTA Secretariat
  1. Agenda Review and Approval (ACTA-17-001)
  1. Participants reviewed the draft meeting agenda.It was approved as posted.
  1. Review and Approval of Meeting Summary from the November 17, 2016,General Council Meeting (ACTA-16-006)
  1. Participants reviewed the Meeting Summary and Action Items from the November 17th meeting.

Action Item Review from November 17, 2016:

  • Mr. Lambert noted he would notify the TCB Council of the ACTA leadership vacancies. (ACTION ITEM).

Status: Open.

  • Mr. Lambert noted he would inform the TCB Council of the Stabilized Maintenance Program. (ACTION ITEM)

Status: Open.

The next meeting of the TCB Council is May 1, 2017. Mr. Lambert noted he will provide an update on ACTA activities and the ACTA leadership vacancies at that meeting.

  1. Secretariat Update
  • Leadership Vacancies
  1. Mr. Cassarino noted that there were a number of open Leadership Positions on the Council. Council Members were encouraged to provide suggestions for possible candidates for these positions.
  2. A participant noted that ACTA leadership positions were once limited to two two-year terms and asked whether the leadership terms were currently being tracked. It was noted the ACTA OP&P states that a member may remain in a leadership position unless there is interest in the position from someone else in the same industry segment.
  3. The ACTA Secretariat will provide an update on the ACTA leadership terms at the General Council meetings (ACTION ITEM).
  1. Liaison Reports:
  • TR-41 Liaison Report
  1. There was no report provided.
  • FCC Report
  1. It was noted that due to a last-minute scheduling conflict, Mr. Burgee was unable to attend.
  2. There were no updates provided from the FCC.
  • ISED Report
  1. It was noted that Industry Canada is now Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED).
  2. There was no report provided.
  1. Questions for the FCC
  1. Participants asked when the FCC expects to make a decision related tothe possibility of registering HAC VoIP equipment in the ACTA database.
  2. Tom Goode (ATIS General Council) will request an update on the HAC VoIP database from the FCC (ACTION ITEM).
  1. Old/New Business
  • HAC Database
  1. The Council was reminded that there was previous discussion with the FCC regarding the possibility of including hearing aid-compatible (HAC) VoIP phones in the ACTA database.
  • 2017 RPC Data Validation Program
  • Stabilized Maintenance Program
  1. Mr. Cassarino noted that the 2017 RPC Data Validation Program began on November 8, 2016. The established fee for RPC Data Validation is $125.00.
  2. The Stabilized Maintenance option allows an RPC code to be validated for the remaining life of the RPC.
  1. Next Meeting
  1. November 16, 2017 – 1-4pm ET (Virtual)
  1. Adjournment
  1. The meeting adjourned at1:38pm ET.

Summary of Action Items

  1. Mr. Lambert noted he would notify the TCB Council of the ACTA leadership vacancies.(ACTION ITEM).
  2. Mr. Lambert noted he would inform the TCB Council of the Stabilized Maintenance Program. (ACTION ITEM).
  3. The ACTA Secretariat will provide an update on the ACTA leadership terms at the General Council meetings (ACTION ITEM).
  4. Tom Goode (ATIS General Council) will request an update on the HAC VoIP database from the FCC (ACTION ITEM).

April 25, 2017