Workday COA Instructions - Refinement & Mapping


Goals and Objectives


What Can Department Business Offices “Map”?

How to Find Mappings and Request Changes

Finding Mappings

Requesting Changes

Viewing Updates

New PTAEO Combinations

Role of COA Team Representatives (“buddies”)

What’s New?


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Goals and Objectives

Each unit is being asked to review and update the following prior to March 15, 2017:

  1. Ensure that the appropriate workday COA segment values are available for use upon go-live of Workday Financials, and that your unit’s intended segments and usage are consistent with COA segment definitions and Business Use Cases. This specifically focuses on the following segments:
  2. Cost Center
  3. Program
  4. Project
  5. Funding Component – Yale Designated (but you will also see Gift and Grant)
  6. Assignee
  7. Ensure that you are comfortable with the PTAO-to-Workday-COA conversion for your unit’s financial activity.
  8. Ensure that your Workday COA structure and historical data conversion principles receive a consistency approval from central Finance and Business Operations (see “Role of FDM Team Representatives” section for details).


Units have multiple tools available to view segment mapping information and certain financial information. These tools are detailed on the COA website in section “Transition from Oracle PTAEO to Workday COA”. For segment mappings, we recommend that you use the PTAEO to Workday COA Mapping Brio, as it has exportable reports that include columns for requesting changes to mappings from COA.

Other available tools are:

  1. COA Segment Definitions
  2. Business Use Case Guide
  3. List of Oracle Projects (or other segments) where Program/Project conversion is specified by the Controller’s Office
  4. Lists of available Workday COA segment values (some including definitions and/or hierarchy rollup) – see Preview of Workday COA Segment Values section on Workday COA website.
  5. Workday COA Request Forms – currently housed on the COA website – will move to Policy site later

Additional tools and guidance coming in the future from other Workday teams (form of delivery TBD):

  1. Workday model for management of Gifts
  2. Financial Management – how new hierarchies will be used and other topics
  3. Reports and Reporting

What Can Department Business Offices “Map”?

Department Business Offices can map Oracle PTAOs. Expenditure Type conversion is being done centrally as a collaboration between the Workday COA team, Controller’s Office, Workday Financial Management team, the applicable Service Groups, and other Workday workstreams as applicable.

Single Segment

The first type of mapping that department business offices can perform is Oracle Org to Workday Cost Center. This is used by the Workday team to convert data when they only have an Org and do not have a full PTAO or PTAEO. It is also used in the full PTAO conversion and is a straightforward and easy way to have all PTAOs with a specific Org map to the appropriate single Cost Center.

PTAO Combinations

The table below shows by source group the segments that departments can map in a PTAO to Workday COA mapping. PTAO to Workday COA mappings will override all single-segment mappings. This will most likely impact you in the Cost Center space.

If you want to change the “O” only for all PTAOs without exception, use Oracle Org to Workday Cost Center mapping. Use PTAO mappings to handle exceptions.

Related Worktags will override PTAO mappings. To see which segments have “Related Worktags”, use Basic Configuration of COA Segments.

Oracle Source Group / Departments Can Map / Workday Team Will Provide
GENAP/SPPRO / Yale Designated
Cost Center
Assignee / Company
Location (if applicable)
  • W-Awards –Program and Project
FM team will provide guidance soon on what will use YD000002 and YD000003 for “GA Allocation”. Units should not use.
(and sponsored costshare or salary overthe NIH cap – thesewill all have Grantworktag) / Cost Center
Yale Designated (cost
share or over the cap) / Company
Location (if applicable)
Gift (cost share or over the cap)
  • If a Grant has >1 SubK, historical conversion only will all be to one single Grant number. **
  • If Oracle Org ends in #888, program must be PG00033 (Research – Stem Cell)

(not including PTAOfor sponsored costshare or salary overthe NIH cap) / Cost Center
Assignee / Company
Location (if applicable)
  • Endowment Principal – Gift Accounting team will provide a central Program and Project

INVPL/POOLS / Cost Center (maybe)
It is recommended that this be done via a single segment mapping Org-to-Cost-Center / Company
Yale Designated
Cost Center
Location (if applicable)
[It is not expected that Assignee will be used in these non-operating areas.]
SLOAN / Cost Center (maybe)
It is recommended that this be done via a single segment mapping Org-to-Cost-Center
Project* / Company
Yale Designated
Cost Center
Location (if applicable)
[It is not expected that Assignee will be used in these non-operating areas.]
AGENC / Company (BS02 = Yale, BS03 > Yale)
Cost Center
Project* / Yale Designated
Location (if applicable)
[It is not expected that Assignee will be used for agency accounting.]
Exception: Program – should almost always be PG00486 (Administer Agencies) unless otherwise discussed with Controller’s Office
Oracle Capital Project Exception
(also includes ITS projects) / Units may NOT modify Project or Program.
Otherwise, segments units can map are consistent with the Source Group info above. / In addition to the items noted by source group, workday team will also provide for capital projects:
Note Regarding Company / Where Oracle Balancing Segment = 02, Company must be Yale
Where Oracle Balancing Segment = 03, Company must be other than Yale

*Certain Oracle Projects will have its Program/Project conversion specified by the Controller’s Office (sometimes in collaboration with various University Services units) in order to ensure consistent data. These will primarily be areas that have central relevance but get used across the University (such as tracking sales tax collected or tracking facilities activities). The work here is ongoing, and the list is posted. This document will continue to be updated as the central PTAO mapping work is done. Departments will not be responsible for applying new changes to their mappings. The central COA team will make this override for all orgs.

**If an Award has more than one subaward line, the Grants team will set up multiple GK-numbered grants to house them (expect that the other related worktags will be the same). However, since the multiple subawards all contain the same PTAEO, the conversion cannot split between these multiple Grant numbers. Departments do NOT have any action. The Office of Sponsored Projects will be responsible for preparing a journal entry to allocate subaward costs for any Awards that have multiple active Subawards. Please contact Lan Virasak with any questions.

How to Find Mappings and Request Changes

Finding Mappings

As noted above, units have multiple tools available to view segment mapping. For segment mappings, we recommend that you use the PTAEO to Workday COA Mapping Brio. The following two report types contain exportable reports that include columns for requesting changes to mappings from COA.

  • Org to Cost Center – use “Export Org to Cost Center – Excel” button
  • PTAO to Workday COA – use “Export PTAO to Workday COA to Excel” button

Please see details in timetable below. However, some highlights:

  • COA begins accepting mapping and new segment requests – October 2016
  • Prior to 10/17/2016, Gift and Grant data is not current – it is being finalized as we prepare the COA for the SIT tenant build. Please wait until 10/17/2016 to review Gift and Grant PTAEO conversions.
  • Final mapping and segment requests will be due to the COA team by 3/15/2017. After that date, there will be a freeze on all new PTAEO and Workday segments and mappings until July 2017.

Requesting Changes

  1. Complete the summary request form for Workday COA Mapping Requests
  2. Identify changes that you would like to request in one of the three acceptable formats
  3. Org to Cost Center form (see link in Finding Mappings above)
  4. PTAO to Workday COA form (see link in Finding Mappings above)
  5. “From PTAEO to COA Converter” tab on the Workday Mapping Requests form
  6. Submit by email to . (For School of Medicine departments, submit by email to Eric Hsiao at , who will review and submit to COA.)

Viewing Updates

Mapping change requests that are completed in the review process will be uploaded and run through the conversion program each weekend. The results will be visible in the data warehouse tools each Monday. Please see the full timeline schedule, as there are certain periods where we will “hold” on uploading approved mapping changes to support the build of the next Workday testing environment.

New PTAEO Combinations

The Workday technical team will periodically search Oracle for new PTAEO combinations and add them to the conversion program. Once added, they will appear in the results when you use any of the tools discussed in the “Tools” section above. This search for new PTAEO combinations occurs weekly.

Role of COA Team Representatives (“buddies”)

From this point forward, the COA Team Representatives will:

  1. Provide an easy point of contact for questions (this will help to avoid backlog in the COA department and promote collaboration)
  2. Collaborate to ensure a solid understanding of open design and mapping questions. They will have access enabling them to share information about what items were and were not built in the Spring 2016 round and why, and what items remained as open questions.
  3. Schedule “Consistency Review Meetings”
  4. In the last round of unit work, there were a few units that participated in a Controller’s Office review meeting. The units found these meetings to be very valuable.
  5. Each unit that did not have one of these meetings in Spring 2016 must schedule one prior to December 15, 2016.
  6. Your Workday COA Team Rep will work with you to schedule this meeting.
  7. Attendees will include members of the unit’s business office charged with Workday COA refinement, the FDM Buddy, Liz Bilodeau, Kathy Byington, Lucy Lucker and Lisa Merola-Grimm. Team Representatives will also ensure that open accounting and design questions are included in the agenda for this meeting.

The role of the COA Team Reps is different than it was in prior sessions. You will no longer need to submit your requests to Team Reps and work through review with them.

What’s New?

  1. Project is a required segment. Per 7-1-2016 email to Lead Administrators and other BOLT contacts, “for those who have been involved in designing Yale’s new Workday COA, as well as those involved in impacted system remediation, 'Project' was formerly expected to be optional for financial transactions. However, as Business Operations provided feedback, the FDM team in consultation with members of BOLT decided to make the ‘Project’ segment required to help ensure consistency.”
  2. Definitions updated for Program and Project – this was a result of the decision in #1 above. This may change some of your design decisions.
  3. For the School of Medicine, all transactions going to charging instructions under the control of faculty must include a faculty Assignee. Examples include sponsored awards, clinical, discretionary and gift “accounts”.
  4. Definition updated for Assignee in response to reporting requrements associated with expense reporting for staff.
  5. Certain Programs will be required for use across the University. These are noted in the first section “Use Cases: General” of the online document Business Use Case Guide.
  6. Change in use of Related Worktags–In fall 2015 and spring 2016, many units requested and were granted related worktags on projects – ex: Project PJ123456 has a related worktag of Program PG00035.
  • There was an error in spring 2016 that caused the program numbers to be incorrect. As a result, the PTAEO-to-Workday-COA conversion was incorrect.
  • All non-capital projects no longer have programs as related worktags.
  • All of the involved programs and projects continue to exist as standalone COA segments. However, they are no longer “connected” in the system or in the conversion process.


This link is to thetimetable and due dates associated with the Workday COA refinement and mapping. Please note within that document the freeze on Oracle and Workday COA segments as of March 2017. This will require units to frontload their COA segment requests prior to that date or hold until July. This includes things like new faculty accounts, discretionary accounts for visitors, medical contracts, student accounts, study abroad and summer sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are we mapping/converting all PTAO segments or just active ones?

The Workday Financials team will be converting four years of historical information into Workday (FY14 – FY17) and two years of budget data (FY16 – FY17). This includes only the net impact of transactions, not the transactions themselves. We are mapping to the Workday Chart of Accounts all of the PTAO combinations required to support this conversion.

New PTAEO combinations are added to the conversion tools weekly as they are used in Oracle financial systems.

If you are looking for a PTAEO combination and do not see it in the mapping or conversion tools it means:

a)That PTAO/PTAEO was never used in Oracle or YBT, or has not been used during the conversion period.

b)Is new and has not been used yet. When it has been used, it will be brought into the mapping and conversion tools.

Does the PTAEO-to-Workday-COA Conversion determine what segments I use starting July 1, 2017?


In some cases, your historical conversion and the way you use the Workday COA starting July 1, 2017 will be the same.

However, the Conversion is for historical financial information only. Segments are not locked down in Workday (the way we have specific “valid PTAEOs” today. In areas where the University or individual units are changing/transforming their chart of accounts, business offices will need to provide a guide for users that may not be “straight out of” the Conversion Tools.


  • Unit has one Org today for a whole department. It is unable to use PTAO to split by section/specialty.
  • In Workday, it will have three Cost Centers for each section/specialty in the department.
  • The conversion may put all historical transactions for this Org to one Cost Center.
  • Starting July 1, 2017, users be able to select from any of the three Cost Centers to represent the section/specialty.

What are Related Worktags?

See a full discussion of Related Worktags and how they work on the COA site Related Worktags

How does Workday Ledger Account relate to Oracle Expenditure Types?

In general, the level of detail that we have in Oracle Expenditure Types is present in the Workday Spend and Revenue Categories. The level of detail that we have in Oracle ET Minors tend to correspond to the Workday Ledger Accounts. This is not a rule, but tends to be the case. See draft listings of the value sets for each of these Workday COA segments on the COA website.

Why do some of the mapping request forms include columns in the “desired Workday COA” section that departments cannot modify?

These forms will also be used by central units (like the Controller’s office) or Workday project teams. These other users may be able to specify data in these fields. Please use the grid above to determine what segments the departmental business offices can impact.

Can you provide an example of how the Org to Cost Center mapping works vs. the PTAO to Workday COA?


  • Org 592023 currently is mapped to CC0494.
  • If the Department wants to change the mapping of org 592023 to map to Cost Center CC0496 every time it appears, they will request the change on the Org to Cost Center Mapping spreadsheet from the PTAEO to WD COA Mappings BRIO .

Result of the Change:

  • All results (i.e. PTAEO to WD COA Mapping Query) with org 592023 will see a CC change from CC0494 to CC0496
  • A new PTAEO to WD mapping would not see the change.


  • Org 592023 currently is mapped to CC0494.
  • There are 10 PTAEOs that contain this org.
  • When the mapping program runs, all 10 PTAEOs will spit out in results with CC0494.
  • If one PTAEO should go to CC1234, the department requests with the “PTAO to Workday COA” form.
  • After that rule is loaded, when the mapping program runs, 9 PTAEOs will spit out with CC0494. One will have CC1234.
  • If unit decides that 592023 should now map to CC0490, they change the single-segment mapping as noted in example 1 above.
  • When the mapping program runs again, 9 PTAEOs spit out with CC0490. One still has CC1234.

Who are the Workday COA Team Representatives?